
Many places are clear: not safe! Not advocated! This behavior is not a "highly qualified" →

author:Gaomi City Financial Media Center

When taking the subway escalator

Will you consciously "walk left and right"?

On the morning of the 15th


The topic rushed to the hot search

It has aroused widespread public discussion

Netizens suggested that the escalator "go left and stand right"

Chengdu Metro: Not recommended

Recently, some netizens suggested Chengdu Metro

Guide passengers with loudspeaker reminders

"Walk left and stand right" when riding the escalator

Many places are clear: not safe! Not advocated! This behavior is not a "highly qualified" →

Chengdu Metro responded that the height of each step of the escalator is much higher than that of ordinary walking stairs, and walking on the escalator has the risk of "falling and falling", and may also cause a large area of stampede, so it is recommended that everyone stay still when taking the escalator. If passengers do need it urgently, they can opt for a fast-track staircase.

Many places are clear: not safe! Not advocated! This behavior is not a "highly qualified" →

Netizens have mixed reviews on this matter


Some netizens support the practice of "walking left and standing right".

Many places are clear: not safe! Not advocated! This behavior is not a "highly qualified" →

Some netizens believe that this practice is dangerous

Many places are clear: not safe! Not advocated! This behavior is not a "highly qualified" →

Some netizens said that they generally choose to take the stairs

Many places are clear: not safe! Not advocated! This behavior is not a "highly qualified" →

Subway elevators in many places no longer advocate left and right


Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hong Kong

and many other places have canceled the "left and right" initiative

According to media reports


Guangzhou Metro once made a claim

Taking the escalator does not advocate "walking left and standing right"

In April last year

Guangzhou Metro reminds again

"Left-to-right" is neither safe nor efficient

Studies have shown that when people "walk left and stand right", the escalator can transport 81 passengers per minute, and when people stand on both sides at the same time, the escalator can transport 113 passengers per minute.

In the long run, it will also cause the escalator to tilt slightly.

In addition, people walking on elevators are more likely to cause elevator accidents, and data shows that about three-quarters of escalator accidents are caused by people walking around.

In 2019, Shanghai Metro also issued the "latest version of the escalator riding instructions", the biggest change of which is to cancel the previous "left and right" advocacy, and replace it with a new "prohibition of walking and running while taking the escalator".

In addition, according to the operation data of Nanjing Metro Operating Company, the long-term "left and right" damage to the elevator is great, and 95% of the elevator damage is caused by the uneven force of the elevator.

Why is it not suitable to move around when riding an escalator?

First of all, let's answer from a scientific point of view, why is it not suitable to walk and run when riding an escalator?

According to the current national standard (GB16899-2011), the step height of the escalator is generally 21cm, and the highest shall not be greater than 24cm, which is 13cm-18cm higher than the design height required by the stairs in public places; In addition, according to the regulations, the step depth of the escalator should not be less than 38cm, which is also far higher than the minimum national requirement of 22cm for the tread width of ordinary stairs.

Therefore, if people walk on the escalator, it is easy to step on the air or trip, and it is easy to squeeze into other passengers on the escalator during the walk, resulting in accidents.

In addition, the speed of the elevator in the mall is generally 0.5 meters per second, while the elevator speed in the subway is a little faster, about 0.65-0.7 meters per second, which belongs to the "high-speed elevator". If someone is in a hurry to go up and down, it is easy to "bring down a large piece" in the event of a fall or emergency.

Wu Bin, an elevator expert and senior engineer, said that from the design principle of the escalator, it is completely different from the traditional staircase, because the slope of the escalator is a little higher than the height of the staircase of our daily building mechanism structure, which is not suitable for walking.

The "left-to-right" approach is also unreasonable, because it will produce a balance deviation, which will cause the "left" side of the elevator to be relatively lighter, and the right side of the elevator will be a little heavier, which will produce a tilt.

Experts say that when taking the escalator, you only need to stand firm and hold it up, and passengers who are in a hurry, if you want to pass safely and quickly, the best way is to take the stairs.

Source: Guangzhou Daily, CCTV News, Chengdu Metro, Guangzhou Metro, Shanghai Metro

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yanyan First instance: Guo Qiujuan Second instance: Li Xiaoyan Third instance: Shan Wei

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