
The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

author:Li Lu in accordance with the law
The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect
The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

On May 15, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo held a cabinet meeting in Handlova, a small city 150 kilometers away from the capital Bratislava, as planned.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

In order to understand the people's situation, during the intermission of the meeting, Fizo went out to meet the crowd gathered near the venue, but just as Fizo shook hands with his supporters, a 71-year-old man suddenly raised his gun and fired several shots at Fizo, and Fizo fell to the ground in response.

Fortunately, the security personnel immediately controlled the killer, and the killer did not aim at Fizo's vital parts, according to the latest information, after several hours of rescue, Fizo has regained consciousness.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

Judging from the current situation, Fizo's life safety should be fine, but as the head of a government, Fizo's assassination shocked many heads of state!

Fizo was assassinated, and many heads of state made their first voice

For Fizo's assassination, the most empathetic is probably Shinzo Abe, but compared with Shinzo Abe, Fizo is lucky enough.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

On July 8, 2022, in order to cultivate newcomers and help the election of Senator Kei Sato of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, Shinzo Abe specially arranged a speech in Nara, but Shinzo Abe never expected that this would become his last speech.

On the day of the speech, due to the small number of people at the scene, the security personnel did not maintain enough vigilance, but when Shinzo Abe stood on the podium impassionedly, a man suddenly raised a gun and shot, and with two gunshots, Shinzo Abe fell to the ground.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

Although the murderer was controlled on the spot, after several hours of rescue, Shinzo Abe finally died of his injuries.

Since the assassination of Abe, countries around the world have also strengthened security measures for national dignitaries to a certain extent, but I did not expect that in less than 2 years, Fizo was assassinated again, although it did not affect the safety of his life, but his assassination attracted the voice of many heads of state in the world.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

French President Emmanuel Macron was shocked by the news of Fizo's assassination in Slovakia, and then said on social media that he strongly condemned the attack. My heart goes to Fizo, his family and the Slovak people.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

And unusually, after learning of Fizo's assassination, even US President Biden spoke out and made a promise: I am shocked by the news of the attack on Slovak Prime Minister Fizo. We condemn this horrific act of violence. The U.S. Embassy in Slovakia is maintaining close contact with the Slovak Government and stands ready to assist.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

Fizo's assassination coincided with the eve of Russian President Vladimir Putin's departure for China, but upon learning the news, Putin immediately sent his condolences: there was no justification for this terrible crime. I know that Fizo is a brave and strong man, please convey to him my most sincere support and wish him a speedy and full recovery.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

As one of the few clear-headed European dignitaries, Fizo not only praised China as a stabilizing factor in global security, but also planned to visit China next month, if nothing else.

Located in Europe, but close to China and Russia

As a landlocked country located in the middle of Europe with an area of only 49,000 square kilometers, Slovakia's position on international issues has always been very firm, especially as the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Fizo has a clear understanding of the international situation.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

Although it is a member of NATO and the European Union, Slovakia has very close relations with China and Russia, and its predecessor, Czechoslovakia, is one of the socialist countries!

Fizo went on to work after graduating from university, but it wasn't until 2006 that the 42-year-old became Slovakia's prime minister.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

After taking office, Fizo changed the previous administration's idea of moving closer to the United States and the West, not only did he openly oppose the establishment of military bases by the United States in neighboring countries, but even after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Fizo also opposed Ukraine's accession to NATO, and at the same time said that he would not send even a single bullet to Ukraine.

In addition to his friendship with Russia, Fizo also attaches great importance to China, and in 2007, in his first year in power, Fizo insisted on visiting China despite pressure from surrounding countries and domestic opposition.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

On December 11, 2023, three months after being re-elected as prime minister, Fizo also publicly posted on his personal social platform: China deserves respect because it has achieved unprecedented economic achievements and is a stabilizing factor in world security.

Moreover, in April this year, Fizo also revealed that the Slovak delegation planned to visit China in June.

At present, Putin is visiting China in Beijing, and Fizo, who had planned to visit China next month, is lying on a hospital bed.

The Slovak prime minister was assassinated, and he was scheduled to visit China in June this year, and he praised China as worthy of respect

Now, I hope that Fizo can overcome his injuries and recover soon, and the enthusiasm of the Chinese people and the door of China will always be open to him......

Reference: The Prime Minister of Slovakia issued a document praising China: China is worthy of respect and a factor of global security and stability

Prime Minister Sri Lanka, who was shot, is in stable condition after surgery and was scheduled to visit China in June

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