
Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

author:Li Lu in accordance with the law
Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off
Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off
Sources: All information stated in this article is based on reliable information, and is summarized at the end of this article.

In four days, the inauguration ceremony of Lai Ching-te, the new leader of the Taiwan region, will be held.

Lai Qingde let out his tone and demanded dialogue, but he lacked sincerity. The "Taiwan reunification faction" has already begun to move, and PLA fighters have also taken off.

If he continues to be obsessed, what awaits Lai Qingde will be the reckoning of history.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off
Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

Lai Qingde wants to have a dialogue with the mainland, is this a release of goodwill?

As the inauguration ceremony of Lai Ching-te, the leader of the Taiwan region of the mainland, is getting closer and closer, the DPP's actions are becoming more and more frequent.

Recently, Lai Qingde has repeatedly expressed his hope for cross-strait dialogue on public occasions. However, the precondition is that we hope to conduct cross-strait dialogue in the form of a ruling party versus a ruling party.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

Unleashing such an attitude before taking office, some people think that this is Lai Qingde's goodwill. But in fact, it is very likely that this is just a "political performance" by Lai Qingde in order to put gold on his face.

In response to the signal released by Lai Qingde, Chen Binhua, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said: As long as Taiwan's political parties recognize the one-China principle, there is no obstacle to their exchanges with us.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

In other words, as long as the DPP abandons its "Taiwan independence" stance, cross-strait dialogue and exchanges can proceed normally.

As a matter of fact, the mainland side has made clear the conditions for dialogue with Taiwan's political parties, and it is very easy to do. But on the one hand, Lai Qingde wants to release the so-called goodwill, and on the other hand, he secretly pokes and pokes small actions, which is really insincere.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

Just like Gui Hongcheng, chairman of Taiwan's "Democracy Cultural and Educational Foundation," criticized in an article: Although Lai Ching-te's inaugural speech declared that he wanted to show goodwill for peace and exchanges with the mainland, in fact it was a consistent hypocrisy.

Lai Ching-te's purpose is only to engrave in the hearts of the Taiwan people the impression that he pursues peace, and he does not really want to have relations with the mainland, nor does he really want to give up his "Taiwan independence" stance.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

This can be seen in Lai Qingde's personnel appointments.

In the past few years since Tsai Ing-wen was elected, Taiwan has gradually violated the consensus it has reached with the mainland, leading to increasingly tense cross-strait relations. During the Tsai Ing-wen administration, there were some diehard "Taiwan independence elements" in various departments.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

And now, these people have been appointed by the Lai Qingde authorities as the so-called "secretary general of the National Security Council" and the so-called "defense minister".

Such a confrontational personnel arrangement obviously shows that Lai Qingde's goodwill to the mainland is not from the heart at all, but a "performance."

In fact, Lai Qingde must now be properly subdued.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

Yang Yingchao, an associate professor at Taiwan's Ming Chuan University, bluntly said on the 14th that the content of Lai Qingde's inaugural speech should have been shown to the United States.

As everyone knows, the US election is about to begin, and what the United States needs most is stability in the international situation. Therefore, the United States certainly does not want any incident that will escalate the situation on both sides of the strait.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

It is precisely because of this that Lai Qingde will release the so-called goodwill to stabilize the situation.

However, the eyes of the masses are clear, and they must see whether the Lai Qingde authorities are sincere or not, and they cannot look at what he says, but what he has done. If Lai Qingde really wants to show goodwill to the mainland, then there are many ways to do it, and it should not be just words.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

Compared with Lai Qingde, the "Taiwan reunification faction" has already begun to take action, and this also represents the voice of another part of the people on the island.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

Lai Qingde was asked to scrupulously abide by the one-China principle

Recently, some media reported that Taiwan's "Cross-Strait Peace and Development Forum" and a number of other "reunification groups" have joined forces with all sectors of society on the island to launch a joint action to sign a peace declaration of "cherishing peace and win-win for both sides of the strait." He demanded that Lai Qingde, who is about to take office, abide by the one-China principle.

In addition, it also put forward six demands, including cross-strait peace and social justice.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

Although Lai Qingde was elected with more votes, there are many political factors in this, and the voices on the island that hope for peace and peaceful coexistence between the two sides of the strait are still the majority.

As Lai Qingde did one thing in front of him and another behind his back, his small actions became more and more dangerous, and the "Taiwan reunification faction" also began to take action, hoping to have some influence on Lai Qingde.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

As a matter of fact, with regard to cross-strait reunification, we certainly hope to resolve the issue in a peaceful way, but we will also be prepared for both. Now we have given Lai Qingde the conditions for cross-strait peace, that is, to give up "Taiwan independence" and abide by the one-China principle.

If Lai Qingde is obsessed with it, continues to "seek independence by force," and pins his hopes on bringing in external forces to intervene in reunification, then the PLA will always be ready.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

On May 14, Taiwan's defense department issued a notice saying that from 5 p.m. on the same day, a total of 23 sorties of Su-30 Y-8 and unmanned aerial vehicles and other types of fighters of the People's Liberation Army were found to go to sea.

Fifteen of these sorties crossed the so-called "median line of the strait" and its extensions, and entered the airspace of northern, central and southwestern Taiwan.

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off

It has been learned that this is the second joint combat readiness patrol of the PLA in May. Obviously, with the changes in cross-strait relations, the so-called median line of Taiwan no longer exists, and it is only a matter of time before Taiwan is reunified.

If the Lai Qingde authorities can see the situation clearly and make the right choice as soon as possible, they may be able to find a way out for themselves.

If it really comes to the point where things are irreparable, I'm afraid it won't help.


Lai Qingde expressed his willingness to carry out cross-strait dialogue, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: As long as the DPP abandons its "Taiwan independence" stance, dialogue and exchanges can be carried out

Taiwan media: Lai Qingde's inaugural speech "facing the same exam papers"

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: The "Cherish Peace, Cross-Strait Win-Win" Peace Declaration was signed to reflect the common aspirations of the majority of Taiwan compatriots

Taiwan media keep an eye on: The People's Liberation Army dispatched 23 sorties of military aircraft in 2 hours last night to conduct joint combat readiness patrols around the Taiwan Strait, "for the second time this month"

Taiwan's reunification groups have joined forces with all sectors of society to launch a peace declaration and sign it, Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: express affirmation and appreciation!

Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off
Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off
Lai Qingde asked for dialogue, the mainland made conditions, the "Taiwan reunification faction" took action, and PLA fighters took off