
Accidental fracture before the exam, and the postponement of the exam is only one or two weeks apart, is the rule of the sports high school entrance examination fair?

author:Beijing Traffic Broadcasting

The on-site physical education examination of the Beijing high school entrance examination will be held in April and May. This year is the first on-site physical education exam after the reform of the new high school entrance examination, and candidates and parents are generally very concerned about this exam. However, at this critical time, some candidates unfortunately suffered fractures, resulting in no way to take the physical education on-site exam on time, and they did not have time to take the postponed exam. Is this fair to candidates? Is there room for improvement in the rules of the physical education on-site examination of the high school entrance examination?

Anxious, anxious, and then accepting and appealing, this is the recent journey of Ms. Liu (pseudonym), a parent of a junior high school student in Haidian District. On the eve of the physical education on-site examination of the high school entrance examination, the child accidentally broke his foot when he went down the stairs, and the exam could not be taken as scheduled, and he could not even postpone the exam, and the whole family was in a hurry.

Ms. Liu: At that time, I was thinking about whether I could add a make-up exam for these children through the appeal, and the school and the Haidian District Education Committee also communicated. Because this policy is dead, I think it has a flaw in the system.

According to the information released by the Beijing Education Examination Institute, the full score of the 2024 high school entrance examination physical education test is 50 points, which will be included in the total score of the admission, including 30 points for the on-site examination and 20 points for the process assessment. On-site examinations are scheduled to be held from April to May, and the specific time is determined by each district. Candidates with temporary injuries and illnesses and female students with menstrual periods can apply for on-site examination postponement. Candidates who have not recovered during the deferred examination period can apply to their school for exemption from the examination, go through the relevant review procedures according to the procedures, and score 60% of the total score (30 points), that is, 18 points.

In Haidian District, the two physical education on-site examinations were held in April and May respectively, and there was a gap of one to two weeks between the formal examination and the deferred examination for each project, and Ms. Liu's child could not recover during the entire physical education examination, so she could only apply for exemption from the examination and get 18 points. According to Ms. Liu, the child's usual sports performance is good, but in the end, he can only get a passing score in the exam, which makes the child feel very aggrieved and helpless.

Ms. Liu: You said that the child had an accident, and he lost a fair opportunity for him, and he didn't let people go to the examination room. Like the competition in the high school entrance examination, 1 point is 500 students, and 12 points If you want to make up for it in a cultural class, it is very difficult. At least this kind of candidates who have been injured by accidents should be given a longer period of postponement of the examination, because "100 days of injury to muscles and bones", it is completely possible to advance the physical examination time of the high school entrance examination a little earlier, and postpone the examination after two or three months.
Accidental fracture before the exam, and the postponement of the exam is only one or two weeks apart, is the rule of the sports high school entrance examination fair?

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Accidental injuries before important exams are rare but do happen. At present, in the assessment and evaluation of physical education and health in Beijing compulsory education, which is included in the total score of the high school entrance examination, the on-site examination is for ninth-grade students, and the process assessment involves fourth, sixth and eighth grade students. Beijing News Broadcasting reported in 2023 that a sixth-grade elementary school student suffered a broken arm before the physical test, and the child could not recover during the seven-day probation period, and finally could only get 5.5 points out of 10.

The reporter randomly interviewed several parents and middle school students, and some people believe that the examination should be organized in a unified manner, and the interval between deferred examinations should not be too long to prevent being "exploited". However, some people believe that the examination mechanism should be more flexible and user-friendly, which can extend the interval between deferred examinations or provide candidates with more opportunities to take the exam.

Student: The fractures are caused by his own fault, and there are no outside factors to interfere with them.

Parent: It's really a broken foot, so you have to postpone the exam for a month.

Student: Delay the test and take the test later, better.

Parent: If he really broke his bones, it had to be considered comprehensively according to his sports status in the previous semester, not just that he broke his bones in the end and did not participate.

Student: Choose a stadium, you can go to the exam at this time this year and sign up for it yourself.

A student who has experienced the physical education examination of the high school entrance examination believes that the physical education examination does not have to be "final".

Student: In the first year of junior high school, I have been practicing physical education all year round, so I think it is better to give everyone more opportunities to take the exam than in the mid-term and final exams, and it can also achieve the effect of urging everyone to do physical exercise.

One parent believes that physical exercise and cultural classes are different in nature, and physical education exams should not be counted as grades.

Parents: Do PE exams make much sense? I really didn't realize it, and it was over if I gave it a passing grade. If you want to exercise, you can exercise anything, and if you don't exercise, you won't exercise. For example, if a child runs for his life like this and dies suddenly, who is it? I'd rather my child fail in sports than let him run away with his life. Some children are born with sports seedlings and can run, and some children can't practice even if they die.
Accidental fracture before the exam, and the postponement of the exam is only one or two weeks apart, is the rule of the sports high school entrance examination fair?

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In the face of such unexpected events and the opinions of parents and students, how can the education department interpret the relevant rules? The reporter consulted the Education Commission of Haidian District, Xicheng District and Fengtai District as citizens, and the staff all said that the on-site examination of the high school entrance examination should be carried out in accordance with the unified arrangement of the city, and the rhythm of the examination cannot be changed.

Staff: This is a strict rhythm, this is the next step after this is done, there is a clear time curve for each stage of the work in the city.

Staff: We will organize the college entrance examination in the future, and we will also organize the cultural course examination of the high school entrance examination. The policy is not issued by our district and county, this is the unified time and examination rules set by Beijing.

The staff of the District Education Commission explained the considerations behind the regulations on the postponement and exemption of the on-site physical education examination of the high school entrance examination.

Staff: The cost of eating horses and feeding is too high, and it is impossible to say that you can organize it without limits.

Staff: There are many, many factors involved in organizing an exam, so the postponement of the exam is concentrated in these two days, about a week after the normal exam. Each postponement is only for children with fever and cold, for example, and it should be fine in about a week, and children with menstrual holidays may have passed.

The reporter reported the questions and suggestions to the Beijing Municipal Education Commission through the 12345 citizen service hotline, and the staff responded:

Staff: These injured children are a group that we are very concerned about, and no one wants this to happen at this time. At that time, the 60% score was also given in mind, and if the child did not participate, no points would be given, which may be even more unreasonable, and this score was also formulated after comprehensive consideration. This is certainly the case in this year's policy, of course, if you make this suggestion, we will definitely give timely feedback and conduct an in-depth study.
Accidental fracture before the exam, and the postponement of the exam is only one or two weeks apart, is the rule of the sports high school entrance examination fair?

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Xiong Bingqi, president of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, believes that simply lengthening the interval between deferred examinations and increasing examination opportunities cannot fundamentally solve the problem, as long as there is a unified physical education on-site examination, many contradictions are inevitable.

Xiong Bingqi: In order to maintain the fairness of the examination, there must be corresponding examination rules. As long as it is a formal examination, someone must invest in it, and (lengthening the interval between deferred examinations or increasing the opportunity for examinations) will face the problem of greater examination input costs. Many students and parents also think that so many exams will crowd out my study time. In addition, the admission time for the high school entrance examination is placed in that place, and you said that I want to postpone the examination until July, and the admission has already begun in July. So as long as you take the physical education high school entrance examination in this way, there will be problems.

When the "Beijing Compulsory Education Physical Education and Health Assessment and Evaluation Plan" was released in 2021, the relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission said that the reform plan runs through the whole process of compulsory education, emphasizing qualification and weakening selection; Strengthen the process and encourage participation. Xiong Bingqi, dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, believes that in the future, we should further change the orientation of promoting physical exercise through examinations, and return to pay attention to the construction of physical education classrooms, the process of physical education teaching and the process of students' participation in physical activities, so as to promote the healthy development of students' physical and mental health.

Xiong Bingqi: The purpose of everyone is to encourage students to pay attention to physical education and let them exercise. Some students are born with strong athletic ability, and some students may be weak and sickly, as long as they usually exercise, they can not say that they compete like competitive sports. Therefore, if we want to really pay attention to school physical education, we should focus on taking good physical education classes, so that students pay attention to physical exercise, rather than finally turning physical education into test-oriented sports by means of exams. Even if physical education is included in the high school entrance examination, it has its score value, and it is also a process evaluation, which should pay attention to whether the school is open and fully open physical education classes, and whether students have taken physical education classes and adhered to their usual physical exercises. Such a process assessment is the fundamental change we want to make.

Reporter|Editor: Lu Yao

Editor-in-Chief: Zhu Laisheng

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