
Fengtai Kangrun Home Supporting School has been built for many years and has not been put into use, which is anxious for parents in the community

author:Beijing Traffic Broadcasting

Recently, some citizens called the Beijing 12345 citizen service hotline to report that the Kangrun Home Community in Fengtai District has planned primary schools and kindergartens, and the infrastructure such as teaching buildings has been completed when residents move in, but they have not been put into use for many years, which has caused parents in the community. Why have Kangrun homes been put into use for a long time? When will it be put into use?

Fengtai Kangrun Home Supporting School has been built for many years and has not been put into use, which is anxious for parents in the community

Kangrun Home Supporting Primary School/Reporter shooting

In the southeast corner of Kangrun Homestead in Fengtai District, the reporter saw a brand-new red and white four-story building, next to a spacious playground, and a traffic sign on the surrounding road, which read, "In front of the school, do not park." The building is currently closed, with a "No Open Area, No Entry" notice posted on the guardrail in front of the door. On its south side, there is a smaller, two-story building, which is also empty. Residents said that this is the planned construction of the community supporting schools, a primary school, a kindergarten, built for many years, but has not been put into use.

Resident: A primary school and a kindergarten have all been built, but they are not open.

Resident: At least two years, we've been moving here for two years. It's all built, but it's not renovated.

Resident: This school is for this community. Anyway, we haven't been here for years.

Resident: It's going to take four or five years to build it, and it's going to be built together with this residential building.

Kangrun Home is divided into multiple areas, with a total of more than 30 high-rise residential buildings, and the issue of community education facilities has been closely watched by residents. Several parents said that although there are other primary schools and kindergartens near the community, neither the pick-up distance nor the hardware facilities can be compared with the supporting schools in the community.

Resident: Some of them go to the wolf's wall, some go to the wholesale market, and they are not three or four kilometers away.

Resident: The nearest kindergarten is 10 minutes by car ride from here.

Resident: The school facilities are good, but it has been on hold for several years.

Fengtai Kangrun Home Supporting School has been built for many years and has not been put into use, which is anxious for parents in the community

The school is closed/photographed by journalists

The built supporting schools are not put into use, and the children will not be able to enter the kindergarten and go to school at the door of their homes, which will hurt the parents of the community.

Resident: We want it to open too, but I don't believe it, it's not the doorstep.

Resident: Oh, aren't we all worried, it pays more money, and it's convenient for us to pick up our children.

Resident: I don't know if I can catch up yet, at least it's convenient, it's close. Last year, it seemed that this elementary school was going to start, but then there was no movement.

There is also a lot of speculation about the reason why the school has not been put into use for a long time.

Residents: The residents of this community have moved from Xicheng District, and their children are still going to school there, so they can't recruit people.

Resident: It may have been stopped before it was accepted.

Fengtai Kangrun Home Supporting School has been built for many years and has not been put into use, which is anxious for parents in the community

The kindergarten next to the elementary school is also not open / photographed by reporters

Why are the supporting kindergartens and primary schools of Kangrun Home not put into use? When will the children in the community be able to go to kindergarten and school at their doorstep? The reporter wrote to the Fengtai District Education Committee, and the other party replied:

The construction of the primary school and kindergarten started in October 2013 and was completed in October 2017. Due to the fact that there is a certain difference between the original construction drawings and the qualified drawings, the development unit has not been able to complete the completion and acceptance, and the District Education Commission has not been able to accept the property rights and has not been put into use for many years. Until the end of March 2024, under the coordination of the district government, the development unit finally completed the completion and filing of the two supporting educational facilities.

At present, the District Education Commission has asked the development unit to sort out the construction materials as soon as possible, and plans to complete the transfer of property rights by the end of May. Follow-up to speed up the preparation of decoration and transformation, equipment and information equipment allocation plan, apply for financial funds, and strive to support the kindergarten by the end of 2024 to have the conditions for running a school, and the supporting primary school will be put into use in September 2025.

Reporter|Editor: Lu Yao

Editor-in-Chief: Zhu Laisheng