
Over 18 acres! For transportation! Land acquisition for these 4 villages in Nansha!!

author:Nansha tribe

Recently, the Nansha Planning and Self-Administration Bureau issued a pre-announcement on land expropriation, planning to expropriate 0.9980 hectares of collective land under the Gangwan Street Lujiao Cooperative Economic Association, 0.2432 hectares of collective land under the Gangwan Street Nanheng Economic Association, 0.0054 hectares of collective land under the Gangwan Street Dalingjie Economic Association, and 0.0111 hectares of collective land under the Hengli Town Xincun Economic Association, a total of 1.2577 hectares of state-owned land.

Over 18 acres! For transportation! Land acquisition for these 4 villages in Nansha!!

The purpose of the land to be acquired

The transportation infrastructure construction needs organized and implemented by the government.

The scope and location of the land to be expropriated

Lujiao Village, Nanheng Village, Dalingjie Village, Gangwan Street, Xincun Village, Hengli Town

Over 18 acres! For transportation! Land acquisition for these 4 villages in Nansha!!
Over 18 acres! For transportation! Land acquisition for these 4 villages in Nansha!!

The land to be expropriated for planned use

Land for transportation

The area of land to be expropriated

1.2577 hectares (18.866 acres, calculated based on 2000 national geodetic coordinates).

From the date of issuance of this pre-announcement, the government will organize relevant land acquisition agencies and surveying units to carry out land acquisition surveys, enter the site of land acquisition, and investigate the ownership, land type, area, and ownership, type, quantity, and structure of land attachments (including houses), and ask all relevant units and individuals to inform each other and cooperate. The results of the survey will be confirmed with stakeholders such as land-expropriated rural collective economic organizations, farmers, and property owners of above-ground attachments.

Compensation standards, resettlement methods and social security for land expropriation

(1) Compensation standards: in accordance with Articles 47 and 48 of the Land Management Law of the People's Republic of China, Article 27 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Land Management Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant provisions. The compensation standard for the formal expropriation of land will be announced separately. Among them, the standard of land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy fee for expropriated land shall be determined by the comprehensive land price of the expropriated agricultural area. Compensation for above-ground attachments (including houses) and seedlings will be determined according to the actual situation confirmed by the survey.

(2) Resettlement methods and social security:

1. Payment of resettlement subsidies in monetary terms;

2. Pay social security and purchase social insurance for land-expropriated farmers;

3. Reserved land for resettlement. The resettlement method of the formal expropriation of the land will be announced separately.

(C) according to the actual measurement, the current situation of the investigation and confirmation of the results of the development of specific land requisition compensation and resettlement program will be announced in accordance with the provisions of the announcement, and fully listen to the land-expropriated rural collective economic organizations, farmers and the property owners of the attachments on the ground and other stakeholders. Land-expropriated farmers' collective economic organizations and rural households have the right to apply for a hearing on the specific compensation standards and resettlement channels of the land to be expropriated.

Announcement time

May 10, 2024 to May 22, 2024.

From the date of issuance of this announcement, in addition to normal agricultural production, no unit or individual shall rush to plant and build within the scope of the proposed land acquisition; Above-ground attachments and seedlings that are rushed, planted, or built on the land to be acquired in violation of regulations shall not be compensated at the time of land acquisition.

Source: Nansha Planning Bureau

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