
Some fruit stores specifically mark the watermelon cutting time, and buy small portions of fruit, so that it is more assured

author:Beijing News Network

When summer came, Mr. Huang, who lives in Qingniangou Road in Dongcheng, happened to find a round label on the watermelon cut and sold in the store in the store, on which the watermelon was cut and sold. This made Mr. Huang feel very novel, and felt that such a clear and eye-catching mark made him feel a lot more relieved to buy. After visiting a number of supermarkets and fruit stores, the reporter found that in fact, the price tag posted on the outside of the fruit cling film has a packaging time, and this packaging time is almost the same as the time when the melon and fruit are cut, but many people usually do not notice.

Some fruit stores specifically mark the watermelon cutting time, and buy small portions of fruit, so that it is more assured

In front of the fruit counter of a Yonghui supermarket, several cut watermelons and cantaloupe are placed on the shelves. The staff is cutting a watermelon in half, wrapping it in plastic wrap, weighing it and printing a price tag and sticking it to the plastic wrap. "When were these melons cut?" From time to time, customers ask such questions. "It's all cut just now, you can look at the price tag, the time on the price tag is the time to cut." The tally clerk responded.

Some fruit stores specifically mark the watermelon cutting time, and buy small portions of fruit, so that it is more assured

"There are few people in the family, and I can't eat a watermelon, so it's just right to buy half of it." A customer looked at the color of the melon, looked at the price, and finally looked at the time, picked out half a watermelon and put it in the shopping cart. The reporter picked up half a watermelon to check the price tag, and found the printing time in the upper right corner of the price tag. "Cutting the watermelon, wrapping it in plastic wrap, weighing it, and printing the price tag, this process takes less than two minutes, so the time to print the price tag is basically the time when the fruit is cut, and many people may not notice." According to the staff of this supermarket, if the cut fruit is not sold at night, it will be sold at a 5-80% discount depending on the length of the cutting time, and will not be left for the next day.

In a Guoduomei store on Qingniangou Road, the newly launched watermelon has attracted many customers to buy. The cut watermelon is half a big and a quarter large, and the wrapped plastic wrap is labeled with a yellow label, which not only has a handwritten cutting time, but also an intimate reminder: the fruit is not resistant to storage, please eat it as soon as possible. "Because customers often ask about the cutting time of the fruit, and the time marked on the price tag, customers often don't pay attention to it, so our store uses handwriting instead, so that it can be more eye-catching." Said the staff.

Some fruit stores specifically mark the watermelon cutting time, and buy small portions of fruit, so that it is more assured

It is understood that the China Chain Store & Franchise Association has issued the "Ready-to-eat Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables Production Service Specification", proposing that the labels of ready-to-eat fresh-cut fruits and vegetables should indicate the cutting date, time and shelf life. In the interview, the reporter found that supermarkets and fruit stores generally mark the time of the cut fruit, but it is difficult to see this kind of marking in the vegetable market. In a vegetable market in Xicheng District, more than a dozen fruit and vegetable stalls have cut watermelons, and there are no price tags outside the plastic wrap. "When was this watermelon cut?" From time to time, customers ask the stall owner. Some stall owners said that they had just cut it, and some stall owners said that it must have been cut today, but customers were often not at ease. "It's said that it was just cut, and I can't see it." A customer said that although the time marked by some merchants may not be credible, the marking is the first step of honest management, and only with the marking can it provide a basis for supervision and management, and consumers can also spend more at ease.

Some fruit stores specifically mark the watermelon cutting time, and buy small portions of fruit, so that it is more assured

Source: Beijing Daily client

Reporter: Huang Pinchao

Process edit: u031

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