
"Make farming more and more profitable"


"Do you want to spray foliar fertilizer in this case of wheat?" "When is it shined, how to manage?" On May 7, at the Chunyu Family Farm in Youjie Village, Youhuai Street, Lintong District, Xi'an City, Ma Yuchuan, the person in charge, saw the agricultural technicians "visiting" and hurriedly "seeking scriptures".

"Make farming more and more profitable"

After receiving the wheat seedlings from Ma Yuchuan's hands, the technical staff of the Lintong District Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center carefully checked the development of the leaves and ears of wheat, and according to the growth of wheat, he sent him a "good prescription" and a "hard move".

"You see, after the wheat heading and flowering period, it is about to be filled, and during this period, it is necessary to do a good job in the monitoring and control of diseases and pests in the field and the work of 'one spray and three prevention'." The Sultan said to Ma Yuchuan while carefully checking the moisture, seedlings, and the occurrence of pests and diseases.

"The wheat filling period is the peak period for the occurrence of a variety of diseases and insects, and it is also a key period for increasing the 1000-grain weight of wheat." The Sultan said that due to the heavy rains in the early stage, the soil moisture is now suitable and the wheat is growing well. At this stage, it is more necessary for agricultural technicians to provide accurate technical guidance to wheat farmers and provide technical support for the summer grain harvest.

"Make farming more and more profitable"

"During this period, the main monitoring and control objects were wheat aphid and wheat powdery mildew, rust, scab and leaf blight. The control of wheat diseases and insect pests should be based on the occurrence dynamics of diseases and pests in the field and adopt different control technologies to achieve the effect of 'one spray and multiple prevention'. Listening to the Sultan's "teaching", several surrounding growers also stopped their work and clustered together.

"Now that the wheat is in the grain filling stage, the main task is to prevent damage from pests, diseases and hot dry air. In addition to strict control and timely irrigation, it is also necessary to use drones to spray foliar fertilizer in time to promote grain filling and resist dry and hot wind, so as to ensure high wheat yield. The Sultan said.

"As long as the technical guidance can keep up, the wheat will grow well, and the yield will be stable." Ma Yuchuan determined the timing and amount of fertilization according to the Sultan's suggestion, and a stone fell to the ground in his heart.

Before he was done here, Hao Yongqiang, who was not far away, hurriedly "called" the Sultan to come over and "go around".

Hao Yongqiang is the person in charge of Lintong District Wangyang Agricultural Cooperative, and the area he planted is also a food crop technology integration test demonstration base built in Shaanxi Province, with a core area of more than 400 acres, and undertakes a number of food crop technology integration tests in Shaanxi Province, with a total of 123 wheat varieties and 48 corn varieties, which are jointly built by Lintong District Agricultural Technology Center and Lintong District Wangyang Agricultural Cooperative.

"At present, the wheat seedlings are relatively strong, with thick stalks and long ears, and they are performing well." The green wheat seedlings in the wheat field swayed in the wind, and the two "old acquaintances" of Sultan and Hao Yongqiang got together, completely ignoring the hot weather at noon, and stood in the wheat field to discuss it.

"Agricultural technology experts will come to the field once in two or three days to help us check the moisture and seedling changes in the wheat field, make scientific diagnosis, and classify and implement policy management." Hao Yongqiang introduced that the cooperative adopts water-saving micro-sprinkler belt combined with water and fertilizer integrated fertilizer distribution equipment, which can save 40% of water, reduce chemical fertilizer input by 20%, reduce labor input by 70%, save about 200 yuan of input cost per mu and increase income of about 150 yuan per mu throughout the year.

Under the guidance of the agricultural technology center, Hao Yongqiang used frequency vibration solar insecticidal lamps for green pest prevention and control, carried out green pest prevention and control at the jointing stage, carried out "one spray and three preventions" at the full spike flowering stage, and sprayed foliar fertilizer at the filling stage...... "Now the wheat fields are full of 'science and technology', and spring management has become simple and easy." Hao Yongqiang said that from seed selection, planting to management and protection, agricultural technicians check the whole process, if nothing else, this year is a bumper harvest year.

In early May, more than 50 million acres of wheat in Lintong District entered the grain filling period, which is the key period to determine the grain weight and yield of wheat, and it is also the peak period of the main diseases and pests of wheat. In order to ensure stable wheat production and income, many agricultural technicians like Sudan are active in the field to check the seedling situation, monitor pests and diseases, study and judge the occurrence trend of pests and diseases, guide farmers to carry out timely and reasonable prevention and control, and "take the pulse and prescribe" for wheat management and protection.

"Make farming more and more profitable"

"I have been engaged in agricultural technology extension work for more than 10 years, and I am used to working with soil, and I hope to help the villagers grow good grain and produce more grain, so that farming can become more and more profitable." Out of his love for agriculture, in June 2013, after graduating from the Agricultural College of Shihezi University, Sultan resolutely chose to return to the countryside and run in the fields.

Like many agricultural technicians, Sudan has accelerated the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into practical technologies for farmers in the field through scientific and technological services, and has expanded new channels for the promotion of agricultural science and technology. "The country is vigorously promoting the construction of modern agriculture, and I believe that young people have a lot to do." Sultan said. (Reporter: Wang Sanhe)