
The painted ibis, a national first-class protected animal, is the first to appear in the Danjiang Wetland in Xichuan

author:Green Nanyang

A few days ago, the Danjiang Wetland National Nature Reserve in Xichuan County, Henan Province, ushered in a mysterious and heavyweight "guest" - the painted ibis, a national first-class key protected wild animal.

The painted ibis, a national first-class protected animal, is the first to appear in the Danjiang Wetland in Xichuan

On May 10, bird photographers in our city photographed a painted ibis for the first time when observing birds in Henan Danjiang Wetland National Nature Reserve. In the following days, bird photographers rushed to the scene to take records and broke the news to this newspaper to provide relevant pictures.

It is reported that the painted ibis is a genus of the family Ibis, its body is slender, the beak is like a scimitar, and the feathers show a gorgeous color, and will change with the angle of light, so it is named "Painted Ibis", and its feathers are also nicknamed "colorful black".

The painted ibis, a national first-class protected animal, is the first to appear in the Danjiang Wetland in Xichuan

In the photos taken, the reporter saw that the painted ibises and egrets that appeared this time leisurely strolling at the water's edge of Chanba National Wetland Park, with slender legs, dark chestnut feathers, long beaks and bent down, long beaks sometimes inserted into shallow water to feed, sometimes inserted hind wings to sort out feathers, elegant posture and unique feather color, attracted many birdwatchers to come to see the style.

Do you know how precious the painted ibis is? It is known that the painted ibis was once extinct in China, and it was not until 2009 that their traces reappeared in China. Because of its scarce and endangered population, the painted ibis is also known as the "giant panda".

"When I heard that the painted ibis had appeared, I was very excited, so I quickly packed my equipment and drove over. It is very fortunate to be able to photograph the painted ibis, because this bird is rare, and the ecology of the Danjiang River is good, so it can attract them. A bird-shooting enthusiast said.

The painted ibis, a national first-class protected animal, is the first to appear in the Danjiang Wetland in Xichuan

"The appearance of the painted ibis has set a new bird record in Danjiang." Henan Danjiang Wetland National Nature Reserve staff told reporters, the reserve has been found to record 10 species of national first-class key protected wild birds, since last year, Henan Danjiang Wetland National Nature Reserve has found crested ibis, Oriental white stork, painted ibis and other rare species, bird records are frequently refreshed, fully illustrating that the Danjiang wetland ecological environment is getting better and better, more and more suitable for rare animals to inhabit.

Source: Nanyang Evening News

Transferred from: Nanyang release

Editor: Zhang Yuwei Review: Ren Yan

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