
Xiping County Landscaping Center actively carries out the management of willow fly flocculents

author:Xiping County Rong Media Center

Since the spring, in view of the current situation of the large amount of poplar flocculent in the urban area this year, the Xiping County Landscaping Center has actively carried out physical prevention and control on the one hand, and used fog cannons to suppress flocculation in key road sections, on the other hand, it has actively communicated with experts from the Municipal Garden Research Institute, learned from the experience of the prevention and control of poplar floc in surrounding cities, and hired professional and technical personnel to carry out technical guidance on the control of poplar flocculent in our county, and carried out manual intervention in the breeding of willow trees. Flower bud formation in willow was inhibited by injection of fly flocculation inhibitors.

Xiping County Landscaping Center actively carries out the management of willow fly flocculents
Xiping County Landscaping Center actively carries out the management of willow fly flocculents
Xiping County Landscaping Center actively carries out the management of willow fly flocculents

Up to now, nearly 500 female willow trees have been injected, and it is planned to complete the control task of more than 1,200 willow trees in the urban area by the end of May.

Chen Yongqiang, deputy director of Xiping County Landscaping Center: The street trees planted in the urban area of our county, poplar and willow trees in April and May every year in April and May to bring some inconvenience to the residents of the urban area, and even serious times will cause fires, this year we use some drugs, the use of willow tree germination will inhibit the differentiation of willow tree germination, next year will reduce the production of willow tree flocculent, so that the production of willow fly floc is reduced to seventy or eighty percent, so that the street tree brings green shade and also reduces the trouble and impact of fly floc.

(Xiping Financial Media: Zhang Bo)

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