
Why is this year's willow flying catkins particularly annoying?

author:Elephant News Client

Elephant News reporter Zhang Heng, Zhao Chaoyang, Li Junfeng

Video: Why is this year's willow flying catkins so annoying?

There are flying flakes every year, and this year is particularly annoying.

Since April this year, the temperature in Zhengzhou has been low, resulting in the superposition of willow flocculents, coupled with drought and little rain, and windy weather, many people feel that willow catkins are particularly annoying. How to spend it better? Elephant News reporters interviewed forestry experts and medical staff.

Why is this year's willow flying catkins particularly annoying?

Flying flotsam makes people with allergies "very annoying" to travel

On May 13, the reporter randomly interviewed a number of pedestrians in Zhengzhou. Some people with allergies said that there is no need to go out much recently, because they are afraid of allergies.

Why is this year's willow flying catkins particularly annoying?

"Poplar catkins have a certain impact on allergic groups, and it is necessary for everyone to wear masks when traveling in the near future." Wang Di, the attending physician of the Medical Aesthetic Center of Zhengdong Branch of Zhengzhou People's Hospital, said that there are many reasons for allergies during the change of seasons, and many people are allergic to the fly floc period, and willow catkins may be one of the triggers.

Wang Di suggested that everyone should do a good job of physical isolation protection when traveling, and if you have skin allergy symptoms, or find that inhaling fly flotsam causes discomfort, you should seek medical attention in time and follow the doctor's advice for further treatment.

Pets are also affected

Several citizens who traveled with pet dogs told reporters that some time ago, the dog had respiratory problems and went to the pet hospital for treatment, "saying that it was because of inhaling willow flying." ”

Why is this year's willow flying catkins particularly annoying?

"Among the pets, dogs are the most likely to inhale catkins, and recently the pet hospital affiliated to the college has almost every day people who come to consult or see a doctor for inhalation of catkins." Wang Xuefei, a lecturer at Henan University of Animal Husbandry and Economics and a doctor of veterinary medicine, told Elephant News reporters.

Why is this year's willow flying catkins particularly annoying?

"The dog's sense of smell is more sensitive, and there may be dust, bacteria, mold and other particulate substances in the cotton wool, and pet dogs will have symptoms such as poor breathing and sneezing after inhalation." Wang Xuefei said that if it is an elderly dog with underlying diseases, these symptoms will induce other diseases for a long time.

"If these symptoms are frequent and long-lasting, it is advisable to take the dog to the veterinarian for examination." Wang Xuefei said that the veterinarian will make a diagnosis based on the symptoms and examination results, and recommend corresponding treatments to help the dog relieve the symptoms.

The replacement area of poplar has exceeded one-third

"This year, willow flying catkins have attracted a lot of attention, which is related to this year's weather." Fan Wei, chief engineer and second-level researcher of Henan Academy of Forestry Sciences, told the elephant news reporter that the poplar poplar flocculation period is in early April, the catkins flocculation period is around mid-April, and the end period is generally in early May. Since April this year, there have been more low temperature weather in Zhengzhou than in previous years, resulting in the delay of the poplar flocculation period, the superposition of poplar catkins, and the end time has also been postponed to about mid-May.

Why is this year's willow flying catkins particularly annoying?

"In addition, there has been a lot of drought and rain recently, and there are many windy weather, and the catkins fall to the ground, and when they encounter the wind, they are mixed with the dust and float, which has a certain impact on the traveling crowd. We have increased the rate of replacement of willow species. Fan Wei said that at present, "willow trees, especially poplars, have reached more than 1/3 of the replacement area." ”

Fan Wei said that poplar seed setting is a natural phenomenon, female tree seeds mature to form filamentous fly floc, rely on the wind to spread seeds, we should also have a correct understanding of this, it is a physiological phenomenon, every year does not exist for a long time. I believe that in the future, through continuous governance, it will be properly resolved.

The "drizzle" is expected to end at the end of the month

In 2018, Zhengzhou started a three-year pilot project on the prevention and control of willow flying.

Why is this year's willow flying catkins particularly annoying?

The forestry department mainly adjusts the tree species structure by selecting poplar and willow varieties, and increases the promotion and application through seedling subsidies. At present, for willow trees that can produce fly flocculents, this flower bud inhibitor is injected in the early stage to control the formation of flower buds. For the flower buds that have been formed, the flower buds can be reduced by reasonable pruning and thinning, which can reduce the formation of fly buds. For the catkins that have been formed on the tree, they can be cleaned in time after spraying water to prevent it from being polluted twice.

The "drizzle" is expected to end at the end of the month, so what should so many citizens do now? According to Henan Traffic Broadcasting, for areas with a high incidence of flying flotsam, citizens can directly find the landscaping department in their jurisdiction to complain, and the jurisdictions will dispatch in time after receiving complaints from citizens, and take high-pressure water gun washing and other ways to alleviate the problem of flying flotsam.

If you do not know the competent authority in your jurisdiction, you can directly call the mayor's hotline 0371-12345 or urban construction hotline 0371-12319, and then the problem will be directly forwarded to the competent authority in your jurisdiction.

In addition, in fine weather, 10 a.m. to 16 p.m. is the peak time for willow flying, and outdoor activities can be avoided as much as possible during this period, choosing in the morning, evening or after rain.

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