
Xiping No. 1 Middle School held a practical activity of "Walking with Love and Moistening the Heart and Inspirational".

author:Xiping County Rong Media Center

In order to further implement the "double reduction" policy and practice the concept of "five educations at the same time", on May 14, Xiping No. 1 Middle School and the county special education school jointly held a comprehensive practice activity of "Walking with Love and Moistening the Heart and Inspiration".

Xiping No. 1 Middle School held a practical activity of "Walking with Love and Moistening the Heart and Inspirational".

At the event, the teachers of the special education school led the teachers and students of No. 1 Middle School into the world of special students, felt their lives, and listened to their voices through inspirational speeches of real people and real stories.

Xiping No. 1 Middle School held a practical activity of "Walking with Love and Moistening the Heart and Inspirational".
Xiping No. 1 Middle School held a practical activity of "Walking with Love and Moistening the Heart and Inspirational".

During the activity, the special needs students demonstrated the practical operations such as making mops, which seemed to be a simple process, but the children had to practice hundreds or thousands of times, so that the special needs children could gain self-confidence through practice. The special children also brought wonderful performances, which were inspirational and touching, and attracted bursts of applause from teachers and students from time to time.

Xiping No. 1 Middle School held a practical activity of "Walking with Love and Moistening the Heart and Inspirational".

At the end of the event, Xiping No. 1 Middle School and the county special education school also jointly unveiled the friendship between the two schools.

Xiping No. 1 Middle School held a practical activity of "Walking with Love and Moistening the Heart and Inspirational".

A middle school student said that they must cherish the current time, chase their dreams, and never give up or give up; Establish a positive, positive, sunny, happy, happy and upward attitude; Learn to be grateful, love life, and have a positive attitude towards life; Take setbacks as growth, turn negativity into positive, turn pressure into motivation, and live up to youth and youth.

Heng Yingzhi, a student of Xiping No. 1 Middle School: After watching today's activities, I was deeply moved, God closed a door for them at the same time, but also opened another window for them, we should learn from their self-improvement, never give up the spirit, in the future study and life, we should work harder, deduce a wonderful life.

(Xiping Financial Media: Zhang Bo)

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