
Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

author:History Book Lingxuan Pavilion

A person's life is destined to face all kinds of partings, even if they are reluctant to give up, they will eventually have to go to the end of the world. Whether it is family, friendship, or love, we are all growing up after turning around again and again, but those clear eyes will never be forgotten.

Countless poignant and moving parting poems have been sung in history for thousands of years, and they are still tear-jerking to read. The following "History Book Lingxuan Pavilion" will take a look with all readers, how to say "goodbye" with ancient poems, and say a cherish.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

1. Send firewood to serve the emperor - Tang Dynasty: Wang Changling

The flowing water was connected to Wugang, and the king was sent unconsciously. The green mountains are the same as the clouds and rain, and the bright moon was once two townships.

The blue waves are rippling, and the water waves are continuous, like a link, connecting you and I will go to Wugang. At this moment of parting, I sent you away, but the sorrow of parting did not emerge in my heart. Looking at the green mountains in the distance, they are connected together, and they bear the moisture of clouds and rain together, as if symbolizing our friendship, although separated from the two places, they are still closely connected.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

Looking up at the bright moon, it hung quietly in the sky, illuminating the two towns where we were located. Under the bright moon, although you and I are in a different place, it seems that we are still side by side. The artistic conception of this poem is far-reaching and beautiful, and it uses natural elements such as green mountains, clouds and rain, and bright moon to construct an affectionate picture that transcends time and space. Here, parting is not the end, but a new starting point, because friendship and longing will cross thousands of mountains and rivers and connect each other's hearts.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

2, Jiangting Night Moon Farewell - Tang Dynasty: Wang Bo

The smoke cage is blue, and the moon is flying to the south. Lonely away from the pavilion, the night is cold.

Smoke filled the bluestone steps like a light veil, shrouding everything in haze. The moonlight was like water, and it leaped lightly across the sky and drifted away to the southern end of the sky, leaving a silvery trail like a meteor cutting through the night sky.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

In the silent night, the lonely pavilion stands quietly, and the door is closed, as if telling the unknown loneliness and sadness. The rivers and mountains in the distance are even more vast and vast in this cold night, and the mountains and rivers under the moonlight seem to be covered with a layer of frost.

The artistic conception of this poem is deep and quiet, with smoke, flying moon, leaving the pavilion, rivers and mountains, each element is like a silent narrator, depicting a cold and lonely cold night. The reader seems to be able to feel the coldness and loneliness in the cold night, as well as the endless thoughts and emotions hidden in it.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

3, Huaishang and friends farewell - Tang Dynasty: Zheng Gu

Yang Liuchun at the head of the Yangtze River, Yang Huachou killed the people who crossed the river. A few bagpipes leave the pavilion late, Jun to Xiaoxiang and I to Qin.

On the banks of the Yangtze River, the spring breeze is light, the willows are still clinging, and the tender green branches are gently swaying in the breeze, as if telling the story of spring. However, the fluttering poplar flowers are like tears that leave people, raising one after another, making people feel sad and touching the emotions of every person who crosses the river.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

As the sun sets, the shadow of the pavilion is obliquely elongated, and a few bagpipe whimpers are heard in the evening breeze, as if it is an elegy for parting. You and I are about to separate, you go north to Xiaoxiang, and I am going to embark on the road west to Chang'an.

At this moment, we are standing by the river, facing the surging river, and our hearts are full of reluctance and expectation. The mood of this poem is deep and moving, and it presents a picture full of sorrow and farewell by depicting elements such as willows, poplar flowers, bagpipes, and leaving the pavilion. The reader seems to be able to feel the fluttering poplar flowers like flying thoughts, and the sound of bagpipes is like a farewell melody, echoing in the heart for a long time.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

4, Weicheng Song - Tang Dynasty: Wang Wei

Weicheng is light and dusty towards the rain, and the guest house is green and willow-colored. Persuade you to have a glass of wine, and there is no reason to go out of Yangguan in the west.

In the early morning of Weicheng, the drizzle was continuous, like silk, gently washing away the dust on the road, making the whole city look new. The inn looks very fresh under the baptism of the morning rain, and the surrounding willow trees are also dressed in tender green new clothes, verdant and dripping.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

At this moment of parting, you and I raise our glasses to drink, and I advise you to drink another glass of wine, because once you cross the Yangguan to the west, it will be difficult to find a soulmate. This glass of wine is not only a memory of the past, but also a wish for the future.

The picture of this poem is fresh and with a touch of sorrow, the morning rain, the guest house, and the green willow color, forming a picturesque spring scene. And the details of the persuasion pushed the parting emotions to a climax. In the whole poem, the language is concise and the artistic conception is far-reaching, making people feel as if they are in the early morning of the Weicheng city, feeling the gentleness of the drizzle, the verdant willow trees, and the strong parting feelings.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

5, Jiangnan Liu - Song Dynasty: Zhang Xian

After the oblique light, the crescent moon goes up to the West Side. The city is high and leaning on the towers, and I hope that my body can be like the moon pavilion, and I will accompany you for thousands of miles.

The sunset is obliquely shining, the afterglow is like gold, gorgeous but short-lived. As night fell, a new moon quietly rose above Xicheng, bright and gentle, like a shy girl, quietly sprinkling silver light.

On top of the tall building, someone leaned on the railing alone, leaning heavily on the dangerous building, staring at the distant sky. The moonlight was like water, sprinkled on her body, and she couldn't help but have a vision in her heart, hoping that she could be like this new moon, forever slim, no matter how many miles away, she could accompany her beloved to walk the world.

The artistic conception in the poem is far-reaching and beautiful, skillfully integrating the sunset, the crescent moon, the tall buildings, the distant scenery and the inner vision, forming a moving picture. The language is concise and full of charm, making people feel as if they are on the top of that tall building, witnessing the affectionate expectation and eternal waiting with the new moon.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

6. Sending Friends——Tang Dynasty: Xue Tao

There is frost at night in the water country, and the moon is cold and the mountains are blue. Who said that thousands of miles from today and night, from the dream is like a long stopper.

In the vast water waves, there are layers of autumn frost condensed on the leaves in the middle of the night, revealing a refreshing chill. The moonlight is like water, pouring between the mountains and rivers, blending with the vast mountains, and together they paint a cold picture.

Who said that the parting began tonight? The dream of parting is as far away and long as the gate, as if it is beyond reach.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

The artistic conception of this poem is deep and cold, and it presents a poignant picture of parting on a cold night by depicting elements such as water country, pampas and leaves, autumn frost, moonlight, and mountain scenery. The language is concise and full of charm, revealing the poet's deep sorrow and endless expectations for the future.

The reader seems to be able to feel the coldness and loneliness in that cold night, and to experience the poet's helplessness and melancholy in the face of parting. The whole poem is full of poetry and beauty, making people feel the bleakness and beauty of parting.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

7, butterfly love flower - Wang Guowei

The frost was thick like snow. The human language is the west wind, and the thin horse neighs and the waning moon. A song of Yang Guan is not thorough. The sound of the car gradually sang together.

Change the color of the grass at the end of the world. Mo is deep, still old. There is nothing to say. The first parting in the world.

The frost was silvery white all over the ground, as thick as freshly snow. The whispers of people were faintly heard in the autumn wind, accompanied by the west wind, as if to tell the desolation of parting. A thin horse, looking up to the sky and neighing in the light of the waning moon, its cry echoed in the night sky like a mournful melody.

The ancient tune of "Yangguan Three Stacks" has not yet been played, and the soulful singing seems to be gradually muffled by the choked sound of wheels. The wheels rolled and kicked up dust, as if weeping, unwilling to carry the weight of parting.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

The grass at the end of the world has changed its color, but on the deep path, there are still traces of last year's ruts, and those memories of the past are as deep as ruts in my heart and cannot be erased.

This floating life is like a dream, and the pain of parting is indescribable. In the world, there is nothing more indulgent than this endless parting feeling. Every turn is a heartbreaking farewell, and every long journey takes away a deep attachment.

The whole poem is like a flowing picture, delicately depicting the scenes and emotions of parting. The reader seems to be able to feel the bleakness of the autumn wind, hear the neighing of the thin horse, see the remaining ruts, and experience the pain of parting.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

8. Sending Friends——Tang Dynasty: Li Bai

This place is a farewell, lonely and thousands of miles away. Floating clouds and wandering children, the sunset is old.

As soon as you say goodbye to this place, you will be like a lonely flying tent, about to start a journey thousands of miles away. Your figure is like a floating cloud in the sky, drifting with the wind, full of wandering and uninhibited. And the afterglow of the sunset reflects the reluctant friendship of my old friend, and also warms your heart in the distance.

The picture in the poem is concise and profound. Lonely canopy, floating clouds, wandering children, sunset, each element is full of deep emotions. The language is beautiful and concise, and the words reveal endless sorrow and farewell. The artistic conception is vast and ethereal, making people feel as if they are in the scene of parting and feel the indescribable emotion.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

9, Nanpubei - Tang Dynasty: Bai Juyi

Nanpu is sad and farewell, and the west wind is winding in autumn. As soon as you see the intestines broken, you can go and don't look back.

On the shore of Nanpu, the autumn breeze is poignant, and the feelings of parting linger in my heart. The west wind, gently curling, with the sorrow and sorrow of autumn, blowing the clothes of the departed, also blew each other's hearts cold. Every time I look back, it is a rupture of the heart and intestines, and the pain is deep into the bone marrow and indescribable.

"It's good to go and don't look back", this is the comfort of leaving people to each other, but it is also a helpless choice. Because every time I turn back, it will make my heart hurt more and parting more difficult.

The artistic conception in the poem is poignant and far-reaching, like an ink painting, outlining the gloom of autumn and the sorrow of parting with elegant brushstrokes. The language is concise and full of charm, and every word is full of deep emotion. Reading makes people feel as if they are on the shore of Nanpu, feeling the desolation of the autumn wind, experiencing the pain of parting, and the aftertaste is endless.

Saying "goodbye" in ancient poetry is an elegance that cannot be translated in any other language

10, two songs of farewell to friends on a spring night - Tang Dynasty: Chen Ziang

The bright moon hides the tall trees, and the long river does not know the sky. You Luoyang Road, what year will this be.

The bright moon quietly hides behind the dense tall trees, leaving only dappled light and shadow dancing on the ground. The Milky Way also seemed to fade into the light of dawn, blending into the vast expanse of the sky.

On the long ancient road leading to Luoyang, the sound of horses' hooves was broken and the voices of people were boiling, but all this was gone with the passage of time. The poet stopped, looking back at his friend who had disappeared into the sky, and his heart swelled with endless melancholy.

"What year will this be?" This poem reveals the poet's confusion and expectation for the future. I don't know when we will see each other again, get together again, and talk about mulberry and hemp. This kind of longing and anxiety about the unknown, like the hidden moon and the long river, is deeply imprinted in the poet's heart and touches the heartstrings of every reader.

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