
After eating these vegetables and fruits, I advise you not to do this......

author:Tadpole staves

The beginning of summer has passed

The temperature began to rise significantly in various places

Ultraviolet rays are also intensified

Many people are starting to pay attention to sun protection

But except for shading

Pay attention when it comes to diet, too

Some foods are eaten after that

Not only does it make people prone to tanning

It can even trigger dermatitis

Recently, there have been media reports

Aunt Li from Zhejiang loves to eat toon scrambled eggs

After eating it for three days in a row

She asked her sisters to go out

Soak up the sun

It turned out to be in the evening

Feeling tightness, tingling, and itching in the face

The face is red and swollen

It's hard and painful to the touch

This is especially true of the eyelids and lips

Doctors are learning more about the medical history

and improve the relevant inspections

Confirmed diagnosis of phytosolar dermatitis

Why does eating toon cause dermatitis after a few days?

It turns out that toon is a light-sensitive food

Light-sensitive foods

It makes the skin more sensitive to light

It is easy to cause it after eating


People with allergies

This is especially the case when this type of problem arises


Does eating photosensitive food really turn black?

What photosensitive foods do you know?


Common light-sensitive foods

Vegetables: lettuce, fennel, celery, spinach, coriander, rape, mustard greens, marantou, amaranth, toon;

Fruits: citrus, lemon, mango, pineapple, fig;

Seafood: snails, shrimps, crabs, mussels.

Why do light-sensitive foods make people dark?

Light-sensitive foods

Basically, they all contain the same ingredient


The ingredient is a natural photosensitizer

Mainly found in the Rutaceae family (e.g. citrus fruits)

and Umbelliferis (e.g., parsnip, parsley,

celery, carrots) plants

Fresh parsley, grapefruit juice, grapefruit,

lime juice, lime and lemon juice, etc

Both contain high concentrations of furanocoumarins

When people ingest or come into contact with skin

Plants that contain furanocoumarins

can allow furanocoumarin to be absorbed

into the bloodstream, skin

After eating these vegetables and fruits, I advise you not to do this......

(Source: Healthy Hangzhou)

Furanocumarins themselves do not cause damage to the skin

But when the skin comes into contact with furanocoumarin compounds

and after long-wave ultraviolet (UVA) radiation

Photoreceptors can damage cell membranes and cellular DNA

Causes cell death and epidermal damage

Produces a non-immune-mediated inflammatory response

The main manifestations are:

Erythema, blisters, and epidermal necrosis appear on the skin

and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

So it will affect the skin tone


The amount of food eaten by a healthy person with a normal diet

Don't worry too much about the darkening of your skin

Experimental studies have been carried out on this

Volunteer in a short period of time

Eat 300 grams of celery root

It is done 2 hours after eating

UVA exposure for 10 minutes

No skin reactions were observed

Combined with the subsequent experiments, it was calculated

Healthy people need it in a short time

Eat about 2 catties of celery root

will produce phototoxicity

Follow our normal eating habits

It does not cause phototoxic damage

But if your skin is in dermatitis,

Acne, eczema, lupus erythematosus, solar dermatitis, etc

Under special circumstances

Don't eat these photosensitizing foods

Other than that

Compared to eating foods that contain furanocoumarins

After skin contact with such foods

Direct exposure to the sun may turn dark

Problems such as erythema, blisters, etc., may even occur


Photosensitive foods make people darker, and they need to be established under the following necessary conditions:

1. Eat a large amount: According to the experimental data, it is estimated that eating at least 2 catties of photosensitive vegetables will reach the phototoxicity threshold.

2. Exposure: Exposure to ultraviolet (usually sunlight) radiation of 320-380 nanometers.

3. Direct contact, light agility, and fragrant bean element.

These foods are eaten regularly

Increase the body's "sun protection"

There has been a lot of emphasis on sun protection

In fact

And not just to avoid tanning

It also delays skin photoaging and protects eyesight

and an important way to reduce the risk of cancer

During life

There are some foods that contain more antioxidants

Comparable to a natural "sunscreen"

01 Fresh dates

Fresh jujube is the "king of vitamin C" in fruits, and its vitamin C content is almost 10 times that of lemons of equal quality and 60 times that of apples. Vitamin C can accelerate collagen synthesis and prevent melanin precipitation, which is an indispensable nutrient in beauty and skin care.

02 Green tea

Green tea is rich in active substances such as tea polyphenols, caffeine, and theanine, which can help alleviate skin damage, sagging, and roughness caused by ultraviolet radiation, and can reduce the amount of harmful peroxides in the body to a certain extent. However, it is best to drink weak tea, not strong tea, to avoid hurting the kidneys.

03 Fatty marine fish

Salmon, tuna, sardines, etc. are all fatty marine fish, which are rich in Ω-3 fatty acids. This substance can reduce redness and inflammation caused by ultraviolet radiation, and reduce the possibility of skin photoaging, photosensitivity and skin cancer.

04 Nuts

Nuts are rich in vitamin E, which also helps to inhibit the activity of tyrosinase, reduce the formation of melanin, avoid tanning, spots, and delay skin aging. But pay attention to the amount when eating nuts, generally about 10 grams a day is enough.

These foods can also make people "discolored"

In addition to the photosensitive foods mentioned above

Some food

Although it does not cause the skin to darken

However, it is possible to turn the skin yellow or orange

That's foods that contain carotenoids

Carrots, sugar oranges, papayas,

Foods such as mango, pumpkin, endive, etc

Rich in β-carotene

This ingredient can be converted into vitamin A in the body

Good for our eye and skin health

After eating these vegetables and fruits, I advise you not to do this......

But if you binge eat for a short time

Excessive ingestion over a period of time


This will cause excess carotene to enter the body

The body can't metabolize it for a while

It will be deposited in the skin and stain the skin yellow

Hypercarotene is present

Tomato paste, tomato juice, guava,

Watermelon, grapefruit, etc. are rich in lycopene

It is also a type of carotenoid

It has strong antioxidant capacity

But if you take a large amount of it for a long time

Foods rich in lycopene

Lycopendemia may result

It is manifested as an orange stain of the skin, turning yellow and orange

After eating these vegetables and fruits, I advise you not to do this......

Although this type of food is eaten a lot

Can cause discoloration of the skin

But this is only temporary

There is also no health hazard

Just stop eating carotene-rich foods

About a week or so

The skin will slowly change back to its original color

Drinking plenty of water can also speed up metabolism

After eating these vegetables and fruits, I advise you not to do this......

If you want your skin not to darken

The most important thing is to do a good job of sun protection

Ate photosensitive foods

Be sure to pay more attention to sun protection

Wear a hat, sunglasses, an umbrella, and a mask

It's all a good idea

Within 15 to 30 minutes before going out

It is also recommended to wear sunscreen


Reprinted from: Popular Science of People's Daily Online

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