
Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

author:Michito Kusatake
Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art


This article explores Heidegger's idea of primordial community, its embodiment and significance in the field of art, and focuses on how art can serve as a bridge to true understanding and promote people's deep understanding of themselves and the world. The article first reviews Heidegger's distinction between "society" and "community", emphasizing that the latter is based on the nature of coexistence. It then explores the connection between truth and existence, and how art serves as a place for truth to occur in the primordial community. This paper further analyzes the influence of temporal and historical considerations on the understanding of the original community, and discusses the role of art as a bridge between individuals and groups to establish a deep level of mutual understanding.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

I. Introduction

In the vast world of Western philosophy in the 20th century, Martin Heidegger's thought is like a majestic mountain, which has exerted immeasurable influence on later philosophy, cultural theory, and artistic practice. Heidegger's inquiry into "Sein" not only subverts the foundations of traditional metaphysics, but also provides a new framework for understanding the human state of being.

Among them, his profound distinction between "community" and "society" is particularly crucial. In Heidegger's view, society is a collection of functionalist and instrumental rationality, while community is based on the shared essence of being, which is the soil in which individuals can realize their true existence. This distinction is of great significance for contemporary cultural theory and artistic practice.

At a time when globalization is accelerating and cultural diversity coexists, Heidegger's theory prompts us to reflect on how to find or construct a "primordial community" that can promote deep connections and spiritual resonance between people in a rapidly flowing social structure. This provides profound theoretical resources and inspiration for promoting the symbiosis of cultural diversity, deepening cross-cultural understanding, and stimulating the innovative potential of art.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

2. Heidegger's distinction between community and society

Definition and distinction between society and community

In his philosophical system, Heidegger makes a profound distinction between "society" and "community". In his view, "society" is often understood as an aggregate based on external rules, exchange of interests, and distribution of functions, which emphasizes the interaction of external connections and practicality between individuals. Social relations are centered on efficiency, control, and order, where the individual is seen more as a functional part of the social machine than as a living entity with independent existence value.

"Community", on the other hand, is a more primitive and profound concept. Heidegger argues that true community is based on a shared essence of being, which is not a simple union of functions, but comes from people's common understanding and experience of being (Sein).

In this sense, community transcends purely social structures and points to a deeper, spiritual sense of belonging and interconnectedness. In community, individuals are not isolated beings (Dasein), but are connected to each other through a common in-dérin, based on the most authentic knowledge and experience of the world and the self.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

B. The connection between truth and existence

Heidegger's conception of truth, or Aletheia, is one of the central concepts in his philosophical system. Unlike the traditional notion of truth as a proposition that corresponds to fact, Heidegger sees truth as a dynamic process, a state in which being is revealed. The revelation of truth is particularly important in the primordial community, because it is not only intellectual correctness, but also how existence itself is manifested in human life.

Community, as a field that shares the essence of existence, provides a suitable environment for the revelation of truth. Here, cultural activities such as art and poetry have become important ways to reveal truth, revealing the deep meaning structure behind everyday life through indirect language and symbolism, so that the state of existence of the being can be opened, thus promoting the true understanding of existence.

The relationship between being (Sein) and being (Dasein) is most fully manifested in this process. Through the coexistence of other beings in the community, the existent constantly asks and understands existence, and realizes the deep integration of the self and the world.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

C. Existential Basis

Heidegger's theory of existence (Existenzialanalytik) provides a basic framework for understanding the community as a field of true existential possibility. Existentialism is concerned with the way the Dasein exists in the world, emphasizing that existence is not a static fact, but a dynamic, possibility-filled process.

In this framework, the community is not an add-on to the individual, but a necessary condition for the individual to realize its true existence. The existence of the individual is not isolated, but embedded in a complex web of relationships with others, the world, and history. Community provides a context in which individuals are free to unfold the possibilities of their existence, facing death, taking responsibility, and choosing their own way of life, all of which are key elements for true existence.

Through mutual understanding and interaction in the community, individuals are better able to recognize their own finitude, but also discover the infinity of sharing with others, which in turn leads to a deeper understanding and experience of existence. Therefore, community is not only a physical space of life, but also a spiritual home for beings to realize their existential potential and move towards their true selves.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

3. The core content of the idea of the original community

A. The Quest for Authenticity

In Heidegger's philosophical system, the primordial community is the core soil for the pursuit of individual and collective authenticity (Eigentlichkeit). Authenticity refers not only to an individual's true self-expression or moral sincerity, but to the ability of the Dasein to consciously and responsibly face the fundamental problems of existence in his way of being, including but not limited to death, freedom, choice, and responsibility.

According to Heidegger, the primordial community provides an environment in which the individual is not limited by external norms, but is able to reflect deeply on and experience the multiple dimensions of existence through his presence with other beings. This kind of coexistence is not only the sharing of physical space, but more importantly, the mutual understanding and resonance of the spiritual level, which enables individuals to discover and confirm themselves in mutual "existence" and realize the true understanding of the essence of existence. Collective authenticity is embodied in the common pursuit and maintenance of the truth of existence by the whole community, which requires continuous communication, understanding and joint efforts among members to form a way of coexistence that transcends individual boundaries.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

B. The role of language and the arts

Poetry and art play a crucial role in the process of constructing and expressing the original community. Heidegger emphasizes the origin of language, arguing that language is not only a tool for communication, but also a home of being, a place where being can be revealed. Poetry and art creatively reveal the hidden dimensions of existence through the form of non-everyday language, allowing the invisible truth to be revealed.

As an event of truth, a work of art can break through the obscuration of everyday life and lead the viewer or reader into a more authentic realm of existential understanding. With its unique linguistic structure, poetry can touch the essence of existence and stimulate deep emotions and thoughts, while artworks open up new ways of perception through visual, auditory and other sensory experiences, leading people to re-examine and experience the world. In the primordial community, art is not only the enjoyment of beauty, but also the spiritual practice that guides individuals and collectives to return to the source of existence and jointly pursue authenticity.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

C. Temporal and historical considerations

Heidegger's concept of Horizont states that being is always in the flow of time, and that the individual's understanding of existence inevitably has the character of temporality. In the process of forming and understanding the original community, temporality means that members share the inheritance of past memories, present experiences, and expectations for the future, which together constitute the temporal dimension of the community, which affects the sense of identity and value orientation of the community.

Geschichtlichkeit emphasizes the positioning and participation of the being in the historical process, and each era has its own specific "mode of being". The construction of the original community cannot be separated from its historical context, it must face and respond to the challenges and opportunities given by history. Art and poetry serve as witnesses and reflections on history, helping community members to understand their place in the long river of history, while stimulating creative imagination for the future. Temporal and historical considerations allow the pursuit of the original community to go beyond the immediate and superficial commonality, but to seek a more deep-rooted and future-oriented true coexistence in the profound historical consciousness and temporal continuity.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

4. Art as a bridge to authentic understanding

A. The revealing function of art

Heidegger sees art as a special way of being, which not only reflects reality, but also reveals the means of being (Sein). Through its original form and content, works of art break through the appearance of everyday life and go straight to the essence of existence. The revealing function of art is reflected in its ability to open up new dimensions of perception, allowing us to "see" things that we have not seen and hear sounds that we have not heard.

This kind of revelation is not limited to rational cognition, but touches on the emotional, intuitive and even unconscious levels, prompting the audience or listener to go beyond the conventional cognitive mode and enter an intuitive grasp of the authenticity of the self and the world under the guidance of art. The artwork thus becomes a mirror that reflects the diversity and complexity of existence, allowing individuals to realize a deep reflection and comprehension of their own state of existence in the aesthetic experience.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

B. Reconstruction of aesthetic values

In the context of the original community, the aesthetic value of art is no longer just a formal beauty or technical sophistication, but a deep value reconstruction, emphasizing the manifestation of art as the truth of existence. Heidegger argues that a true work of art is capable of revealing the "truth happening" of the world, that is, the open state of being. This reconstruction of aesthetic value requires us to return to the origin of art, that is, the close connection between artistic creation and the essence of existence, emphasizing the truth content contained in the work of art rather than the simple pursuit of form.

In the original community, this value reconstruction of art encourages people to go beyond the traditional aesthetic standards and explore and experience the deeper meaning of the human state of existence behind the artwork, so as to establish an aesthetic consensus based on the truth of existence in the community and promote the sharing and deepening of aesthetic experience.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

C. The intrinsic connection between the individual and the group

Art bridges the gap between individual experience and group sharing, and becomes a medium that fosters a deeper level of mutual understanding. On the one hand, as a product of individual creation, a work of art condenses the artist's unique insight and personal experience into the essence of existence, provides the audience with a channel into the artist's inner world, and promotes the resonance of the individual's inner emotions and thoughts. On the other hand, art exhibitions, performances, and other activities, as public events, place individual works in front of the group, triggering extensive discussion and reflection, and thus art becomes a part of the public discourse, strengthening communication and understanding within the group.

In the original community, art is not only a tool for individual self-expression and exploration, but also a platform for the group to experience and share the truth of existence, which deepens the internal connection between members and enhances the cohesion and cultural identity of the community. Through art, the true understanding of the individual can be disseminated and resonated in the group, forming a collective wisdom and emotional resonance that transcends the boundaries of the individual, and promoting the development of the original community towards a higher level of spiritual unity and existential understanding.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

5. The shift from the national dimension to the human dimension

A. Limitations and transcendence of the national community

Heidegger's focus on national community in his early thought reflects the German cultural context in which he lived in a particular historical period, when the issues of national identity and cultural revival were particularly prominent. However, as his philosophical explorations deepened, Heidegger gradually became aware of the limitations of the national community. He began to critique narrow nationalist notions that overemphasized ancestry, geography, and historical heritage, limiting the human understanding and pursuit of a more universal existence.

Heidegger advocates transcending national boundaries and seeking a more universal sense of community rooted in the nature of being. He believes that true community should not be based on a simple aggregation of external factors such as geography, history or culture, but on a common understanding and experience of existence. This transcendence marks a shift in Heidegger's philosophy from nationalism to a more universal concern for humanity.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

The vision of the human community

In Heidegger's later thought, art is entrusted with the mission of constructing a common channel of understanding for all mankind. He no longer confined himself to the function of art within the framework of national culture, but sees it as a universal language that can transcend cultural and national boundaries and touch the very roots of human existence. Heidegger argues that the occurrence of a work of art as a work of truth is capable of revealing a shared experience of being that transcends a specific time and space, and that this experience can be felt by people of all cultural backgrounds.

As a result, art has become a bridge between different peoples and cultures, and has promoted a deep understanding of the common human condition. In this conception, the artwork is not only a display of beauty, but also a profound reflection on the human condition, which stimulates the common emotional resonance and intellectual dialogue of all mankind, and promotes the construction of a global human community based on the truth of existence.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

C. New interpretations in the context of globalization

In today's increasingly globalized world, Heidegger's idea of the original community provides us with a new perspective on cross-cultural communication and understanding. In the context of globalization, cultural differences and conflicts have become the norm, and Heidegger's conception of a community that transcends national boundaries and pursues universal existence provides philosophical inspiration for solving these problems.

First, his ideas encourage us to look for a common human basis that transcends cultural specificities in the global intermingling of cultures, namely a universal concern for existence. Secondly, Heidegger's view of art reminds us that art, as a universal language, can transcend cultural barriers and promote mutual understanding between individuals from different cultural backgrounds at a deep level. In the complex situation of homogeneity and heterogeneity brought about by globalization, Heidegger's idea of original community emphasizes the necessity of seeking commonality in differences, and provides a profound philosophical support for promoting global cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue.

Through art and other forms of cultural expression, people can transcend superficial differences, touch the essence of human existence, explore the possibilities of the future of mankind, and build a more inclusive, understanding and harmonious world community.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

VI. Conclusion

At the heart of Heidegger's idea of the original community is to transcend the functionalist social structure and pursue a way of co-existence based on the essence of being that promotes the true understanding of the individual and the collective. Art plays a key role here, as a place where truth takes place, not only revealing existence, but also reconstructing aesthetic values, emphasizing a return to origin and authenticity, while building bridges between individual experience and group sharing, and promoting a deeper level of mutual understanding. Heidegger believes that a true work of art can penetrate the surface of everyday life, touch the abyss of being, and become a channel for human beings to understand the truth of existence, so as to build a human community that transcends national boundaries and is based on universal human concern.

Heidegger: The Idea of Origin Community and the True Understanding of Art

Author: Lu Xilin


Heidegger, M. Being and Time. Translated by J. Macquarrie & E. Robinson. New York: Harper & Row.

Heidegger, M. The Origin of the Work of Art. In Poetry, Language, Thought. Translated by A. Hofstadter. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.

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