
What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

author:Shenzhen is bright
What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?
What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

"High-quality Development Project of 100 Counties, Thousands of Towns and Villages"

(hereinafter referred to as the "Millions Project")

It is Guangdong that affects the overall situation and benefits the long-term

The "number one project" with deep roots and lush leaves

Upstairs innovates and downstairs starts a business

The scientific research industry goes both ways

Cross-border integration of culture, tourism and cuisine

The collective economy ushered in spring

Deepen cooperation, complement each other's strengths, and cooperate regionally

Getting better......

This scene

Converged into Shenzhen light

Actively promote the vivid animation volume of the "Millions and Thousands Project".

Since the launch of the "Millions and Thousands Project", Guangming District has built an efficient command system from the perspective of "overall planning; work hard to promote high-quality economic and social development; Deepen cooperation and help regional collaborative development break the problem and start the trend", seize opportunities, strive for advanced positions, continue to enhance comprehensive competitiveness, resource carrying capacity, and regional radiation, and promote industrial synergy, innovation synergy, and people's livelihood synergy with cooperative regions, and effectively and orderly promote the work of the "Millions and Millions Project" to achieve a good start.


Guangming District was awarded the 2023 award

Guangdong Province implements the "Millions of Projects"

The assessment results are "excellent".

(Click on the text to see the details↑)

New engine

Industries with special advantages are taking advantage of the situation

Promote the "Millions Project"

Strengthening the county economy is the key

As a comprehensive in the Greater Bay Area

National Science Center Pilot Start-up Zone

Guangming Science City is rich in innovation resources

The industrial foundation is strong and the development momentum is strong

Guangming District adapts measures to local conditions

Do a good job in cultivating industries with special advantages

and the construction of a modern industrial system

Forge a path of high-quality economic development with bright characteristics

In the Shenzhen Engineering Biological Industry Innovation Center, the "upstairs" researchers carry out original innovation research, and the "downstairs" entrepreneurs carry out engineering technology development and pilot transformation of the original innovation. The construction area of more than 12,000 square meters includes supporting facilities such as offices, shared laboratories and conference rooms. Guangming District pioneered the "upstairs and downstairs innovation and entrepreneurship complex" model, setting up a "two-way lane" between scientific research and industry. Since its operation, the Innovation Center has organized 12 batches, more than 300 companies from all over the world have signed up for the selection, attracted 46 companies, 7 have been recognized as national high-tech enterprises, and 15 have graduated.

What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

A large number of innovation carriers

Together, a powerful new engine was built

Promote steady economic growth

In 2023, the GDP of Guangming Region will reach 152.664 billion yuan, an increase of 9.0%; the added value of industry above designated size increased by 9.2%; Investment in fixed assets increased by 15.7 percent. The main indicators of economic development all exceeded expectations and achieved the annual target. Today, the proportion of strategic emerging industries in Guangming District has exceeded 60%. A number of industrial clusters such as new materials, high-end medical devices, intelligent sensors, biomedicine, and synthetic biology have become and can be expected to flourish.

What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

Enterprises are the main body in the economic tide

In order to make the enterprise feel at ease to take root, Guangming is very hard

Gongming Street, Guangming District, grasped the characteristics of the number of enterprises in the industrial park under its jurisdiction and the industrial output value accounting for more than 70% of the total, innovatively implemented the "six pipes of the park chief", and set up 64 park directors + 112 "three-person teams" to sink the service park, and do the six responsibilities of "managing party building, managing space, managing access, managing services, managing investment and managing safety", and solidly carry out enterprise services. In 2023, it will contribute 12.2 billion yuan to the potential output value of the whole region, driving the growth rate of the industrial output value above the designated level in the whole region by 2.9 percentage points.

New paths

The collective economy is thriving

The 800-year-old Huang ancestral hall

Century-old trees, special catering homestays......

Walking in the Guangming Street Jiekou Community

It's like breaking into a "paradise" of slow life

From a backward community that is almost entirely located in the ecological control line

to today's municipal-level characteristic cultural block

The community is full of life


Through the establishment of Jikou Investment and Development Co., Ltd., the Jikou community undertakes the land and funds returned by the municipal government, invests in the land at the price of the land, and introduces social capital to jointly build the 2.2 square kilometers Guangming Yungu project, so as to promote the rapid development of the total scale of the collective economy of the Jikou community village.

What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

On the other hand

Guangming District guides the Jikou community to take the community joint-stock company as the main body of development, make use of its own characteristics and high-quality resources, firmly grasp the charming characteristics such as the "thousand-year-old green field hidden village", and take the opportunity of the creation of the city-level characteristic cultural block of Jikou ancient village, with a cumulative investment of more than 43 million yuan, through the micro-transformation of the tiled houses in the ancient village, to create a number of characteristic homestays and creative workshops; Lease the idle properties along the street of Jikou Ancient Village and carry out overall renovation and upgrading, introduce Guangming local delicacies such as Gongming Xia Village roast pig, Guangming pigeon, Gongming roast goose, Vietnamese snacks, etc., and develop special restaurants such as cooking tea around the stove and private dishes, so as to create a unique and flavorful food street; The food street is used to connect a series of check-in points in the community, such as the Huang Ancestral Hall, the Tea Culture Museum, the Pottery Handicraft Museum, and the Characteristic Cultural B&B, forming a life circle of cross-border integration of "cultural tourism + food".

What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

During the "May Day" and "National Day" Golden Weeks in 2023, there will be 68,939 tourists serving the community in Jikou, a year-on-year increase of 63.7% compared with 42,110 tourists in the same period in 2022.

By actively building a characteristic cultural block of "scientists' rest garden, pastoral cultural experience complex, characteristic cultural and creative town, and ecological agricultural science and technology demonstration base", the Jikou community has formed a benign development trend of the collective economy of "going to the countryside, entering the fields, and promoting cultural tourism".

In addition to the Jikou community

Bright many communities

It has also ushered in the vigorous development of the collective economy

What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

Guided by the "Millions of Projects", Dongkeng Community of Fenghuang Street actively explores a new path for collective economic income increase, and cooperates with the community Co., Ltd. and state-owned enterprises in the district to build the "industrial upstairs" project of Dongkeng Community, activating the new function of "hematopoiesis" in the community, and is expected to contribute 144,000 square meters of high-quality industrial space.

A new look

The city is suitable for business, living and travel

In-depth promotion of the "Millions of Projects"

Guangming District is not only suitable for business but also for living

Guangming District as a "park area" suitable for living and visiting

There are a total of 279 parks in the district

The area of green space in the park is 18,456,800 square meters

The per capita park green space is 16.85 square meters

The coverage rate of the 500-meter service radius of the park is 95%

What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

In addition, there are many Internet celebrity parks such as Hongqiao Park and Honghuashan Park. It can be said that you can walk in the park anytime and anywhere in the light. Camping, bird watching, popular science research...... Guangming District also continues to build "Fine Guangming · "Yuan Life" park brand, each season brings a different new experience to the public.

Public services such as education and medical care have been continuously improved. In 2023, Guangming District will renovate and expand 9 schools and 11 kindergartens, add 16,700 public basic education degrees, carry out a total of 590 "Top Ten Cultural Brands" activities, add 1 new social hospital and 3 community health centers, and build 8,065 affordable housing units.

Guangming District has the political advantage of grassroots party organizations

and organizational advantages into grassroots governance effectiveness

Constantly enrich the connotation of the "Millions of Projects".

There are a total of 37 communities in Guangming District

Due to the large number of "three small" places in urban villages

The infrastructure is inadequate

Reasons such as the shortage of manpower at the grassroots level

Social governance at the grassroots level faces multiple challenges

What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

Matian Street innovates and explores a new model of grassroots social governance under the unified management of "community large grid + red small grid", sinks governance resources and strength to the "last meter" at the grassroots level, and continues to explore the deep integration of civilized city creation, urban management and services, economic services and management and "small grids", and strives to solve problems and make up for shortcomings, and open up a new path of grassroots social governance that can be replicated and promoted.

There are universities and scientific research institutions such as the Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen University in the jurisdiction of Xinqiang Community, Xinhu Street, and the population and structure are facing great changes, bringing new problems to grassroots governance. To this end, the Xinqiang community has recruited teachers and students, scientific researchers, and enterprise talents from Sun Yat-sen University to actively participate in community governance, create an atmosphere of "party building and neighborliness, and integration of school and society", and promote the integration and symbiosis of "university government" and "small community".

What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

A series of explorations have brought good social effects. Xinqiang Community and Dongkeng Community were awarded the typical demonstration villages of the province's "Millions and Thousands of Projects", and the "small grid" model of grassroots governance was awarded the National 2023 Typical Case of Innovative Social Governance. In terms of continuously deepening reform and opening up, Guangming District was selected as one of the first batch of pilot districts and counties for the legalization of petition work in the country, and the top three of the top 100 counties in China's social governance in 2023.

New bridges

The counterpart assistance and cooperation areas have reached a new level

Deepen collaboration and complement each other's strengths

On the land of Nanyue

It stirs up the development of the group and forges ahead together

Fiery passion


Throughout the year, 10 cadres were selected to go to the counterpart assistance areas for temporary posts, 45 teachers were selected to carry out teaching support work in the counterpart assistance areas, and 40 million yuan of special financial funds were arranged for industrial and livelihood projects such as building co-construction parks and building new and repairing schools and hospitals in the urban areas of Shanwei City and Jinping District of Shantou City.

On the other hand

Focusing on industrial cooperation, the "enclave" industrial park and R&D innovation base jointly built with the counterpart assistance areas in the province - Shanwei City Urban District and Jinping District of Shantou City were successfully unveiled and started construction, helping the two places to rank first in the annual assessment of Shantou City and Shanwei City's "Millions of Projects" respectively.

What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

Back on May 26, 2023, the governments of Guangming and Jinping took the lead in signing the "Framework Agreement on Counterpart Assistance and Cooperation" among the seven districts and counties in Shantou in Shenzhen, exploring the creation of an "innovation community" and building a multi-level collaborative relationship with the extensive participation of the government, enterprises and society.

On December 7, 2023, the Shenzhen Guangming-Shanwei Urban Co-construction Industrial Park was unveiled in the Shanwei Urban Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park. The industrial planning of the park is dominated by a new generation of electronic information to build a "1+2+2" industrial system.

Not only that, Guangming District is also building a R&D and innovation base in Yunzhi Science Park in the Guangming Science City area, with a construction area of 2,048.92 square meters, which will be rent-free for three years by the Guangming District Government. In the first phase, 10 Jinping head or key enterprises will be listed to settle in, set up a science and technology R&D and innovation center, and make use of the advantages of scientific research, innovation, talents, policies and other aspects of Guangming Science City to help key enterprises in Jinping District R&D, innovation and incubation in Guangming District, create a frontier position for Jinping enterprises in technological innovation, talent recruitment, cooperation and exchange, and an important platform for expanding the market in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and explore the new economic model of "Science City Enclave".

Across mountains and seas

Power from the City of Sciences

It is to help the economic development of the cooperation area

Injected with "driving force"

What is the secret of being rated excellent in this "number one project"?

progress further

Guangming District will be fully implemented

Provincial Party Committee's "Millions of Projects" work deployment

The "Millions and Millions Project" will be promoted in depth

Work hard with heart and affection

Coordinate development with counterpart assistance areas

Accelerate the construction of a world-class science city and the northern center of Shenzhen

For Guangdong in the process of promoting Chinese-style modernization

Be at the forefront and make a positive contribution

Content source: Nanfang Daily

Editor: Li Ke

Reviewer: Jin Feng, Chen Yuanyuan, Xie Yanli

If you need to reprint, please indicate the above content


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