
Xicaiyuan Street held a social security analysis and judgment meeting and a regular meeting of a team to manage law enforcement

author:The capital of Heian

In order to effectively promote the analysis and information research and judgment of the social security and stability situation in the jurisdiction, and timely grasp the outstanding problems affecting social security and social stability, recently, Xicaiyuan Street held a social security situation analysis and judgment meeting and a regular meeting of a team to manage law enforcement. The meeting was presided over by the deputy secretary of the sub-district party working committee, and the secretary and deputy secretary of the sub-district party working committee, the sub-district comprehensive management office, the judicial office, the police station and the police in the area, the secretaries of the party branches of the villages and communities, and members of the two committees attended the meeting.

Xicaiyuan Street held a social security analysis and judgment meeting and a regular meeting of a team to manage law enforcement

The meeting first analyzed the overall situation of social security in the whole street from January to April this year, and put forward specific and clear requirements for social security and information research and judgment. and arrange and deploy the tasks of comprehensive social governance in the next stage. Focus on strengthening the prevention of key populations, optimize the management and services for the floating population, strengthen public security prevention and publicity work, and actively give full play to the role of the three-level community monitoring network. With the vigorous support of the broad masses of residents, we should do a solid and good job in community public order work, put an end to the occurrence of cases at the source, and maintain the overall situation of social development and stability.

Xicaiyuan Street held a social security analysis and judgment meeting and a regular meeting of a team to manage law enforcement

Then, the deputy secretary of the sub-district party working committee made arrangements, summed up, and emphasized the work. The scope of this investigation is potential conflicts and disputes caused by persons released from prison and reeducation, correctional personnel, mentally ill patients, elderly people living alone, homeless persons, left-behind children, minor children, marriage and love, etc.; historical legacies; spearheads that may cause mass incidents and petitioning incidents. All departments and villages and communities must do the first thing that they can resolve while investigating, seek truth from facts, not allow concealment and omission, register and make records, and establish "risk families" and "key tenants" accounts. The second is to strengthen and improve the linkage mechanism of community police districts, give full play to the advantages and resources of their respective teams, form a joint force, achieve early detection, early prediction, and early resolution, and realize the linkage mechanism of grid plus police grid. The third is to fully consolidate the main responsibility, strengthen the work of mass prevention and control, joint prevention and control, continue to play the role of "one team to manage law enforcement", increase the construction of mass prevention and mass management organizations, and form a "Xicaiyuan Volunteer Police Joint Patrol and Joint Defense Team" based on community police, auxiliary police, patrol and security, property (business committee), grid members, community building chiefs, volunteers, veterans, community veteran party members, enthusiastic residents, and Meituan Express, etc., and give full play to the strength of all parties to participate in co-governance. Fourth, we should quickly promote the implementation of the "Warm Project" and the renovation of old communities, and give full play to the working mechanism of "handling before litigation" in view of the problems that may arise at that time, such as "noise disturbing the people, dust, residents' travel difficulties, and parking difficulties". Establish and improve the online agent system, clarify full-time staff, respond in a timely and standardized manner in strict accordance with the time limit for completion, fully demonstrate the overall pattern of comprehensive social governance work linked from top to bottom, ensure that there are no major mass incidents, no incidents of collective petitioning to the province and Beijing, no major production safety accidents, and no vicious criminal cases, so as to maintain social harmony and stability.

Xicaiyuan Street held a social security analysis and judgment meeting and a regular meeting of a team to manage law enforcement

After that, the director of the street police station, the lawyer of the judicial office, and the gold medal grid staff shared their experience on how to deal with various contradictions and disputes, and how to do a good job in mass work. Finally, Wang Lei, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the sub-district, hoped that all villages and communities would take this analysis meeting as an opportunity to strengthen their contact with the police station and ensure that there is no disruption to social security. At the same time, it is also necessary to focus on improving the public security prevention network, do detailed publicity work, regularly study and solve community security problems, resolutely fight the "tough battle" of comprehensive social management, and contribute to the creation of safe and harmonious streets.

Source: West Caiyuan Sub-district Office

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