
Ping An Zhidan|Patrol Special Police Brigade: Strengthen street patrol prevention and control and build a strong line of defense for social security

author:Sunshine News Sunshine Network
Ping An Zhidan|Patrol Special Police Brigade: Strengthen street patrol prevention and control and build a strong line of defense for social security

Sunshine News (Reporter Zheng Wei) In order to ensure the stability of social order in summer and enhance the people's sense of security and satisfaction, the patrol special police brigade of the Zhidan County Public Security Bureau closely combined with the actual situation, actively carried out the summer patrol work, and made every effort to maintain social security and stability in the jurisdiction.

Ping An Zhidan|Patrol Special Police Brigade: Strengthen street patrol prevention and control and build a strong line of defense for social security

Since the beginning of this year, the patrol special police brigade has been based on the functions of patrol work, paying close attention to the four links of "information research and judgment, standardizing patrol defense, handling police in advance, and serving the masses", and further closely linked the coordination and linkage of the command center, street police forces and grassroots units, highlighting key periods, increasing patrol prevention and control efforts, and comprehensively improving the street police rate and fast reaction force, so that the people's sense of security is more "visible, touchable, and felt".

Ping An Zhidan|Patrol Special Police Brigade: Strengthen street patrol prevention and control and build a strong line of defense for social security

Focus on "research" to improve the efficiency of patrol prevention and control. Closely around the "scientific research and judgment, information guidance and patrol, precise combat and prevention, service and actual combat" thinking and objectives, adhere to the weekly work meeting, the county's police situation, case analysis and judgment, and timely report the results of research and judgment, so that the street patrol "fight, prevention, control" has a point, patrol police adhere to the information guidance patrol, strictly implement the patrol system, pay attention to the current, to maximize the ability and level of intelligence information patrol to enhance the initiative, pertinence and effectiveness of patrol work.

Focus on "prevention" and improve the level of dynamic control. Further standardize and improve the 24-hour patrol duty and readiness mechanism, and continuously promote the standardization, informatization, and actual combat of patrol work. Every day, sufficient police force will be arranged to carry out patrol work in the jurisdiction, and armed police will be carried out in key areas, so as to effectively improve the rate of police sightings and deterrence on the streets. Through the combination of normal vehicle patrol and foot patrol, the street control force has been effectively enhanced.

Based on "fast", improve the efficiency of emergency response. Always adhere to the "police dispatch, no police patrol", at any time to deal with all kinds of emergencies, especially the first time to rush to the scene, carry out early disposal work, reinforcements immediately follow up, greatly improve the speed of police dispatch, effectively control the scene, to avoid the escalation of the situation. At the same time, in accordance with the "1, 3, 5" quick response mechanism, one by one to deploy fixed-point patrol forces, and adhere to the point to line, from the line and the surface, in the key parts and areas of the reasonable delineation of patrol lines, mobile and flexible deployment of patrol forces, for other public areas in the city, reasonable delineation of patrol scope and equipped with corresponding forces, so that close cohesion, complementary policies, overall joint control.

Ping An Zhidan|Patrol Special Police Brigade: Strengthen street patrol prevention and control and build a strong line of defense for social security

Serve the "this" and improve the satisfaction rate of the masses. Constantly adapt to the new changes in the current law enforcement environment, improve law enforcement methods, pay attention to the art of law enforcement, so that the law is the basis, the reason is convincing, and the emotion is emotional, and efforts are made to achieve the organic unity of legal and social effects. At the same time, with "intimate policing and smiling service" as the work orientation, while standardizing patrol prevention and control, we have always insisted on providing assistance to the police and giving full play to the functions of rapid police, rapid emergency handling and rapid service.

Since the beginning of this year, our brigade has dispatched more than 30 patrol police officers and 9 vehicles per day to carry out patrol prevention and control work, comprehensively improve the efficiency of active prevention and control, and effectively reduce the incidence rate. As of May, a total of more than 30 people have been rescued and more than 100 consultations have been provided to the public.

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