
Gao Runxi and his entourage went deep into the on-site office of key enterprises and held a symposium on promoting the operation of the industrial economy in the city

author:Hulunbuir News

Original title: Gao Runxi and his entourage went deep into the on-site office of key enterprises and held a symposium on promoting the operation of the industrial economy in the city to analyze the current situation, clarify the goals and tasks, and work hard to promote high-quality economic development with confidence and enthusiasm

On May 14, Gao Runxi, Secretary of the Hulunbuir Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor and Yongqian, went deep into key industrial enterprises to carry out on-site office, and held a symposium on promoting the operation of the industrial economy in the city, analyzed the current situation, studied and solved problems, clarified goals and tasks, and deployed and implemented the key work in the next stage.

Gao Runxi and his entourage went deep into the on-site office of key enterprises and held a symposium on promoting the operation of the industrial economy in the city

Gao Runxi and his entourage successively came to Huaneng Yimin Coal and Power Company, Hulunbuir Chihong Mining Co., Ltd. and Guoneng Baori Hiller Energy Co., Ltd. to learn about the production, operation and management, technological transformation, transformation and upgrading of coal and non-ferrous metal enterprises, carefully inquired about the problems and difficulties encountered in the promotion of the project and the development of the enterprise, and asked the relevant departments to carefully sort out and speed up the solution, adhere to the "one enterprise, one policy", "one industry, one policy" and "one place, one policy", strengthen tracking guidance and service guarantee, and help enterprises continue to grow bigger and stronger.

Gao Runxi and his entourage went deep into the on-site office of key enterprises and held a symposium on promoting the operation of the industrial economy in the city
Gao Runxi and his entourage went deep into the on-site office of key enterprises and held a symposium on promoting the operation of the industrial economy in the city

Subsequently, Gao Runxi presided over a symposium on promoting the operation of the city's industrial economy, listened to the city's economic operation in the first quarter, and had an in-depth exchange of views and suggestions with everyone on the next step. Gao Runxi said that the steady growth of the city's industrial economy is inseparable from the joint efforts of various localities, departments and enterprises. The second quarter is a critical period for expanding effective industrial investment, accelerating project construction, and increasing the scale of production capacity.

Gao Runxi and his entourage went deep into the on-site office of key enterprises and held a symposium on promoting the operation of the industrial economy in the city

At the symposium, Gao Runxi said that it is necessary to accelerate the high-end, intelligent and green transformation of the industry, encourage and support industrial enterprises to strengthen scientific and technological innovation, make good use of a new round of large-scale equipment renewal policies, and improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase efficiency through more advanced technology and technology. Enterprises should firmly adhere to the red line of ecological and environmental protection and the bottom line of safe production, focus on higher development goals, fully tap the potential to release production capacity, actively expand effective investment, extend the upstream and downstream industrial chains, and create competitive industrial clusters. All localities and relevant departments should continue to improve the execution and implementation, pay close attention to key indicators and time nodes, pay close attention to economic operation and scheduling, and do a good job in stabilizing growth, so as to ensure the quality and efficiency of the city's industrial economy and high-quality development.

City leaders, Yongqian, Hu Zhaomin, and Zhang Chuanhua attended the forum and put forward specific opinions, and the main responsible comrades of the relevant banner districts, departments, and key enterprises attended the meeting.

Hulunbuir Rong Media Center

Reporter: Fu Rao/Text Li Yongqing/Photo

Editor: Qi Yue

Editor-in-Chief: Jiang Tieying

Supervisor: Diao Yan

Producer: Kang Jian, Chen Jingwen

Director: Zhang Xiaoqi

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