
In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

author:Gu Ling

(Original debut, rights protection of the whole network, plagiarism must be investigated.) This story is fictional, please do not sit in the opposite seat. )

One day in 1976, a special visitor was welcomed to the Military Museum. The haggard old man stood in front of a dynamo that had gone through vicissitudes, his eyes full of complicated emotions.

Back then, this generator, which weighed nearly 140 kilograms, was carried by this old man on the Red Army's Long March.

From the fierce battle of the Xiangjiang River to the trek of the snow-capped mountains and meadows, every step is imprinted with his sweat and persistence. It not only supplied electricity, but also served as an indispensable tool for transmitting intelligence during the Long March.

Time flies, the world changes, and when the old man wants to caress with his hand, he is stopped by the museum staff.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

Echoes of the Long March

In 1932, in Jiangxi, a young man named Xie Baojin took on the burden of the family early because of his poor family.

He was a burly man of great strength who had found temporary work in a small workshop in the countryside.

At that time, the Red Army was operating in his hometown, and instead of plundering the local population, they helped the villagers with farm work in exchange for food and lodging.

This behavior deeply moved Xie Baojin, and he began to provide help to the Red Army as much as he could.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

In 1934, the Red Army faced the fifth "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang army. In the situation of the last battle, Xie Baojin was favored by Mao Zemin and officially joined this team, thus starting his revolutionary career.

Soon after, Xie Baojin took on the responsibility of keeping the communication open - responsible for the transportation and maintenance of a hand-cranked generator weighing nearly 140 pounds.

This generator was not only cumbersome, but it was the only communication support for the Red Army during the Long March. Its importance was irreplaceable, because at that time communications equipment was extremely scarce, and as soon as the generators were lost, the entire Red Army would be left in a situation of information isolation.

In order to protect this generator, the Red Army specially formed a protection team of 128 people, and Xie Baojin was the core member of this team.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

On the day the Long March began, Mao Zemin ordered that everyone must ensure the safety of the generator. Xie Baojin and his comrades-in-arms began a journey of suffering that lasted for more than a year.

They crossed the Xiangjiang River, climbed over snow-capped mountains, and crossed meadows. Although the base area can be changed, the transmission of intelligence, which is the key to maintaining combat effectiveness, must not be interrupted.

Because the Long March was long and full of dangers, Xie Baojin could only march with this heavy generator on his back. Xie Baojin still has no regrets and moves forward with a heavy load.

In order to ensure the safety and functionality of the generator, the party leadership sent a special team to protect it. Considering the weight of the generator and the difficulty of carrying, the troops also tried to carry it on stretchers and other means to reduce Xie Baojin's burden.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

However, the natural environment along the way and enemy attacks made it difficult to protect the generators. In particular, when the enemy used aircraft to bomb, it not only caused direct damage to the Red Army, but also repeatedly threatened the safety of this important piece of equipment.

On the bank of the Xiangjiang River, Xie Baojin crossed the river with a generator on his back; When climbing snowy mountains and passing through cliffs, Xie Jinbao also carried the generator on his back; Even when crossing the swamp, Xie Baojin crossed the swamp with his legs one foot deep and one foot shallow, carrying the generator on his back.

After an arduous Long March, Xie Baojin and the Red Army finally arrived in Yan'an, and there were only 3 people left in the original team of 128 people.

In Yan'an, Chairman Mao spoke highly of Xie Baojin's contributions. Chairman Mao publicly praised Xie Baojin's outstanding performance in front of tens of thousands of cadres and soldiers, which was not only a great affirmation of him personally, but also inspired all Red Army soldiers to continue to fight for the revolutionary cause.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

Please resign and return to your hometown

Thanks to his performance in the Long March and Chairman Mao's recognition, Xie Baojin was soon promoted to director of the Yan'an Cooperative. In this new position, Xie Baojin did not forget his original intention and responsibility, he actively worked for the people, worked hard to improve the living conditions of the local people, and truly served the people.

His honesty, self-discipline and hard work have won the love of the people and the praise of his superiors many times. The Yan'an Cooperative has achieved remarkable results, and his efforts have not only improved the operational efficiency of the cooperative, but also improved the living standards of local residents.

He was awarded the honorary title of "Model of the Long March", which further affirmed his important contributions to revolution and construction.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

Because of Xie Baojin's outstanding performance in the Long March, and because of his selfless dedication, he has won high recognition from the organization.

In view of his contributions, the organization decided to transfer him to the General Staff in Beijing, where he held important positions in treasury management. This position is not only a recognition of his personal abilities, but also a reward for his long-term loyalty and sacrifice.

However, when Xie Baojin learned the news, his reaction was beyond everyone's expectations. He did not feel honored or satisfied because he had been given a high position, on the contrary, he took the initiative to find the central leadership and resigned the decision.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

Xie Baojin's reason is very simple: "I have no education, so I might as well give this job to a more suitable young person." ”

He believes that his level of education is not high enough for such a high-level job, and he hopes that more opportunities will be left for the younger generation to give them the opportunity to use their talents and contribute.

Xie Baojin also expressed a personal wish that he would like to return to his hometown of Shanxi. Although working in Beijing has provided him with more development opportunities and a bigger stage, he hopes to return to his roots and contribute his strength.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

He believes that in his hometown, he can exert greater value and at the same time take better care of his family and loved ones.

Xie Baojin's selflessness and dedication have once again won the admiration of the leaders and comrades.

In 1952, Xie Baojin was finally able to return to his hometown, although his years in the army were heroic, but he was not familiar with the development of his hometown after not returning home for a long time.

After returning to his hometown, Xie Baojin was heartbroken to see local children wading across rivers to get to school, risking their safety.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

Xie Baojin did not hesitate and decided to pay out of his own pocket to build a bridge for the village. The completion of the bridge not only makes it easier for children to go to school, but also greatly improves the daily travel of the villagers. The villagers were grateful to Xie Baojin for this act, and his good deeds became a good story in the local area.

However, despite the changes he brought to the village, Xie Baojin's own family financial situation was not optimistic. After many years in the army, he did not accumulate much wealth, and the economic foundation of his hometown was weak, so he and his wife faced certain financial pressure.

In order to support their family, they found a job at a local supply and marketing cooperative, which is to collect scrap. Although this job is hard, it can maintain the life of Xie Baojin and his wife.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

Although the work environment is difficult, Xie Baojin has never complained. In his opinion, this is another way for him to continue to contribute to the country.

Some people in society are puzzled and even question how a veteran with such outstanding revolutionary exploits could be assigned to work in such a post. To this, Xie Baojin always responded: "I chose to come here by myself." ”

His choice was incomprehensible even to his own son, and he even blamed Xie Baojin for not using his relationship to get him a job.

In this regard, Xie Baojin said: "There is a big country first, and then there is a small family. If I help you, it will harm the interests of the country and be unfair to others. In Xie Baojin's thinking, the interests of the individual are always subordinated to the needs of the state.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

In 1974, Xie Baojin entered retirement. At the time, he was over seventy years old, but he was still in good spirits. In his career of more than 20 years, Xie Baojin has been rated as a national model worker many times for his unremitting struggle and great contributions.

Xie Baojin is very satisfied with his retirement. When he received his retirement salary of 50 yuan for the first time, he was full of emotion, with tears in his eyes, and he always expressed deep gratitude to the party and the country.

While this amount may be insignificant to many, for Xie Baojin, it symbolizes the country's recognition and reward for his life's work.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

However, the hardships of the revolution took a great toll on Xie Baojin's body. He contracted tuberculosis, coughed a lot, and his condition gradually deteriorated. Despite the many inconveniences caused by the illness in his life, he never made a special request to the state or anyone.

When his condition was so severe that he needed better medical conditions, his comrades-in-arms in Beijing urged him to go to Beijing for treatment when they learned of the situation.

In 1976, Xie Baojin, accompanied by his grandson, came to Beijing for treatment. During his treatment in Beijing, Xie Baojin had the opportunity to visit the National Military Museum.

The modern scene of Beijing was very different from the battlefield he remembered, which struck him as both strange and familiar. The prosperity of the city made him realize that his sacrifice and that of his comrades were not in vain.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

Touching history

Xie Baojin walked into the museum and finally stood in front of the generator. This machine, once a burden he carried, is now quietly displayed in the glass window and has become a witness to history.

Xie Baojin couldn't help but stretch out his hand and wanted to touch the generator again, but was stopped by the staff: "I'm sorry, old man, the museum rules can't touch the exhibits." "

The old man stopped, he looked at the staff, then at the old-fashioned generator, and he slowly withdrew his hand.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

The docent of the museum noticed him. He walked over and prepared to introduce the history of this generator to the old man.

But Xie Jinbao couldn't help crying at the moment and said, "How could I not know? It's the generator I've carried all the way, and I know its history better than anyone else. Now I can't even touch it......"

When the foreman heard Xie Jinbao's cry, he stepped forward to ask, and it was this question that let everyone know the story of Xie Baojin.

Xie Baojin was once again overwhelmed by emotion in the narration, and recalled with tears in his eyes the days when he and his comrades-in-arms used their lives to protect this generator.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way

Since then, Xie Baojin's heroic deeds have begun to be known more widely. He not only became a symbol of the Chinese Red Army, but also regarded as a symbol of the struggle and sacrifice of a generation.

Xie Baojin slowly raised his hand and saluted the generator, which had witnessed countless battles and sacrifices.

In 1984, Xie Baojin died of illness at the age of 86. His life is the embodiment of the indomitable spirit of the Chinese Red Army, and his story and spirit are permanently recorded in the moment in the museum and passed on to future generations.

His passing has made that history even more precious, and this spirit of perseverance and sacrifice will continue to live on.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way


From the Long March of Suffering in 1934 to the Military Museum of the Chinese Revolution in 1976, Xie Baojin's brief reunion with the generator he once carried on his back shows the interweaving of history and personal experience.

Xie Baojin carries not only the hardships of the past, but also the respect for history and expectations for young people.

He did not portray himself as a hero, and from his experience, we see the hardships and greatness of an era.

In 76, the old man visited the Military Museum and wanted to touch the cultural relics but was stopped, crying: This is what I carried all the way


1. Carrying a 68-kilogram generator to Yan'an Xiao Xiong; Xiao Xing, China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News, 2019-08-09, Newspaper Social Science I

2, Xie Baojin and Yang Youhai, who defended the mission with their lives; ZHANG Jingcheng; WANG Yongsheng; Levin; Tian Jiashan New Long March 2016-10-01 Journal

Social Sciences I

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