
The biggest ability of a top project manager is just this one word

author:PM circles

The biggest ability of top project managers is just this one word:


It's easy to do things, but it's not easy to do things well.

When to do it? How? Who's going to do it? What was the result? All need to think.


Mentality - rest assured to do

Recently, Huanhuan saw everyone's messages in the comment area of the article, and chatted with some circle friends in private, and found that after everyone became a project manager, they were under great psychological pressure, and they would feel anxious about the project results, and even when the mobile phone rang, they would feel panicked.

If you have a poor mentality, you will indirectly affect the outcome of "doing" things, because you are afraid of making a decision hesitant.

The biggest ability of a top project manager is just this one word

Sometimes it's a little more insensitive, and it's probably a good thing. I don't think dull sensibility is the same as dullness or emotional numbness, but dull power. A kind of endurance in the face of difficulties, is the ability to be cheeky against all voices of the outside world, is a positive attitude towards life, when the project encounters problems, the leader loses his temper, set the right mentality, not excessive internal friction.

Remember that the project manager is not a god, it is normal to make mistakes, and don't attribute the reasons for the failure of the project to your own management problems.


Competence – how to do it

A good project manager has a strong ability to execute, which is not an impulsive decision, but a strong action and long-term persistence, the ability to put strategies and goals into practice, and the ability to overcome difficulties and obstacles to implement the plan.

After taking over a project, they will use the 5W2H analysis method to sort out their ideas, and after understanding the basic situation of the project, they will continue to raise problems, describe problems, solve problems, find problems, and then take action.

  1. What – what to do? What is the purpose? What are the priorities that need to be done?
  2. How – How? How to improve efficiency? How does it work? What is the process? How to avoid risks?
  3. Why? Why? What is the rationale? Is there an alternative?
  4. When – when? How long is it expected to be completed? What is the best time? What is the timing of the intermediate process?
  5. Where? Where to do it? Where to start? What is the scope? Where are the resources?
  6. Who – Who? Who bears the responsibility? Who will do it? Who is responsible? Decision-makers, implementers, managers, supervisors, beneficiaries, consumers, productivity, etc
  7. How much – how much? To what extent? How much? What is the level of quality? Expenses?

Sort out the problems in advance, the thinking will be smoother when doing things, and the better the preparation in the early stage, the more worry-free it will be in the later stage.

Before the start of the project, we are advised to clarify the project change process and responsibility allocation to avoid later disputes.

Keep the project management process in mind, and you'll be handy. The whole process of project management is viewed in blue - the whole process of management


Debriefing – once done

If the report is done well, the salary is indispensable.

Some people scoff at the behavior of writing weekly reports, monthly reports, quarterly report speeches, and year-end summaries, thinking that pure formalism is pure formalism, as long as the daily work is done well, and writing weekly reports is a pure waste of time. As everyone knows, it is through these reports that the leader comes to see the progress and status of your work.

The biggest ability of a top project manager is just this one word

When making a presentation, you can focus on the following points:

  1. Summary of the current project situation:
  2. Did the project go well?
  3. Is the progress on track?
  4. Review and analysis of the work in the current stage:
  5. What are the tasks at the current stage?
  6. Which ones have been accomplished?
  7. What is not done?
  8. What are the reasons for the incompleteness and what can be done?
  9. Work plan for future projects:
  10. What's next for this project?
  11. What are the main things to do?
  12. Budget vs. Actual:
  13. What are the reasons for the deviation between the cost/expense/manpower, etc., and the actual cost/expense/manpower?
  14. Whether the problem in the previous stage was resolved:
  15. Have the issues left over from the previous phase been resolved?
  16. Are there any new risks:
  17. What new risks have emerged during the project?
  18. Is there a countermeasure?
  19. Need support:
  20. whether the problems encountered can be solved within the project team,
  21. Need additional support?

When reporting a problem, you can also proactively seek resources and help to help you solve the problem.

Note: When reporting problems to the leader, give the leader multiple choice questions instead of question and answer questions; Think about the purpose and core points of the conversation with the leader in advance, put the important things first, be concise and to the point, and pay attention to the time; Give a conclusion first, let the leader know your attitude and ideas, and then talk about specific details and ideas.


Review - do it in the future

The difference between good project managers is that they will constantly review and learn, find their own strengths and weaknesses, accumulate experience in the process of each project, look for new breakthroughs, and always pursue better results.

Let the leader, boss, and customer not only rest assured that they will leave things to him, but also may get surprises.

The biggest ability of a top project manager is just this one word

Individual learning to review can accelerate the speed of personal growth, and team learning to review can improve the team's ability to work together, and at the same time allow the team to form an atmosphere of learning from each other and sharing knowledge and skills.

  1. Review the goal
  2. What was the original purpose?
  3. What was the desired outcome?
  4. Evaluate the results
  5. Find out against the original goal
  6. What are the highlights of the project?
  7. What are the shortcomings in the progress of the project?
  8. Causes of analysis
  9. Analyze subjectively and objectively
  10. The key reason for success
  11. The root cause of failure
  12. Summarize the rules
  13. What new measures need to be implemented
  14. What measures to continue
  15. What measures to stop

The realistic sky, sometimes colorful, sometimes witty. In fact, the right to decide the color of your life is in your own hands, but it depends on whether you have the courage to take the first step - to do it.