
This fruit is on the market in large quantities, and it replenishes both qi and blood, but this kind of person should be cautious when eating!

author:The food life encyclopedia of the baby gecko
This fruit is on the market in large quantities, and it replenishes both qi and blood, but this kind of person should be cautious when eating!

Hello dear friends, I'm a little gecko. It's my habit to use simple words to introduce delicious food. Recently, a fruit is in season, and it is not only a delicious product, but also a good remedy for blood! For friends who are deficient in qi and blood, this is simply a great treasure. However, while it is good, it is not suitable for everyone, and listen to me in detail.

This fruit is on the market in large quantities, and it replenishes both qi and blood, but this kind of person should be cautious when eating!

This fruit is red dates, and now is the season for it to be available in large quantities. Jujube has been a blood tonic recommended by traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Jujube is the fruit of the spleen, spleen disease should be eaten, it is called a cure and medicine, and jujube is a medicine for the spleen menstrual blood." "Modern research has also shown that jujube is rich in iron and vitamin C, which can effectively promote human hematopoietic function.

However, before enjoying the deliciousness and health brought by jujubes, we need to understand that not everyone is suitable for eating jujubes in large quantities. People who are hot and prone to fire, as well as diabetics should be cautious about consumption.

This fruit is on the market in large quantities, and it replenishes both qi and blood, but this kind of person should be cautious when eating!

So, how do you turn this blood tonic into a delicacy on the table? Next, I will share 8 cooking methods of jujubes, so that every friend who loves life and pays attention to health can find jujube delicacies that suit their taste.

1. Red date white fungus soup

Ingredients: 10 red dates, 20 grams of dried white fungus, appropriate amount of rock sugar.

Method: Tear the white fungus into small flowers after soaking, put it in a pot with red dates, add an appropriate amount of water, simmer over low heat until the white fungus is soft and glutinous, and add rock sugar to taste.

2. Red dates and wolfberry tea

Ingredients: 6 red dates, a small handful of wolfberries.

Method: Put red dates and wolfberries into a teacup, brew with hot water, and drink after the water is warm. Nourish the skin, nourish the qi and blood.

3. Red date glutinous rice porridge

Ingredients: 10 red dates, 100 grams of glutinous rice, appropriate amount of water.

Method: Soak the glutinous rice overnight in advance, put it in a pot with red dates, add water and boil it into porridge. This porridge can not only nourish the blood, but also nourish the stomach.

4. Steamed chicken with red dates

Ingredients: 10 red dates, 200 grams of chicken thighs, some ginger slices.

Method: Cut the chicken thigh into pieces, marinate with cooking wine and light soy sauce for 10 minutes, mix with red dates and ginger slices and put it in a steamer, and steam for 20 minutes.

5. Red date and peanut soup

Ingredients: 10 red dates, 50 grams of red-skinned peanuts, appropriate amount of rock sugar.

Method: Put the red dates and peanuts into the pot, add water to boil, then turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour, add rock sugar to taste.

6. Stewed pork ribs with red dates

Ingredients: 10 red dates, 500 grams of pork ribs, ginger slices, green onions.

Method: Blanch the pork ribs and put them in a pot with red dates, ginger slices, and green onions, add water and simmer until the ribs are cooked through, and add salt to taste.

7. Red date longan cake

Ingredients: 50 grams of red dates, 50 grams of longan meat, 200 grams of glutinous rice flour, appropriate amount of sugar.

Method: Chop the red dates and longan meat, mix with glutinous rice flour and sugar, stir evenly, and steam it into a cake.

8. Red date soy milk

Ingredients: 10 red dates, 50 grams of soybeans.

Method: Soak soybeans overnight in advance, and put them into a soymilk machine with red dates to make soy milk. Nourish beauty and moisturize the skin.

In addition to food making, I would also like to share some practical life hacks. When buying jujubes, you can choose the ones with bright colors and full flesh. When storing jujubes, it is best to store them in a cool and ventilated place away from direct sunlight. In addition, although red dates are good, they should not be consumed in excess, and a few per day are enough.

As a good blood tonic product, jujube is not only delicious and delicious, but also has rich nutritional value. Through different cooking methods, we can enjoy the diverse taste and health benefits that jujubes bring. But remember, even if the food is good, eat it in moderation!

"Medicine is not as good as food, and food is not as good as God." In daily life, we might as well try more jujube delicacies, so that health and deliciousness can coexist. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to a reasonable diet and maintain a happy mood, so that you can truly achieve physical and mental health.

Pay attention to the little geckos, and the delicious recipes will not be endless. Let's explore more secrets of food and enjoy the beauty of life together!

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