
Hundreds of thousands of labor, dozens of AI pieces! Domestic players have proved the power of AIGC video commercialization

author:Shou and Tianqi

Artificial intelligence generated content (AIGC) technology is reshaping the content production chain at an unprecedented speed and depth, opening up a new business blue ocean. In the past 2023, AIGC technology has made breakthroughs in the field of text and image generation, and the Sora model launched by OpenAI earlier this year has revolutionized the field of video creation. Not only can the AI generate coherent videos of up to 60 seconds based on simple prompts, far exceeding the industry average of 4 seconds, but it also marks the beginning of a new era of visual storytelling.

Hundreds of thousands of labor, dozens of AI pieces! Domestic players have proved the power of AIGC video commercialization

The increasing perfection and wide application of AIGC technology is allowing human imagination to leap onto the screen, giving static text a vivid and dynamic vitality. Users only need to enter a simple text description, and AI can generate high-quality images, videos, and other rich multimedia content, greatly improving content production efficiency and creative freedom. This creative paradigm of prompting interaction is reshaping the traditional content production process, giving rise to new business models and application scenarios.

1. Current status of AIGC technology

Hundreds of thousands of labor, dozens of AI pieces! Domestic players have proved the power of AIGC video commercialization

At present, AIGC technology is mainly divided into multiple modalities such as text generation, image generation, audio generation, and video generation. In the field of text generation, large language models represented by OpenAI's GPT series can generate fluent and coherent text, and are widely used in dialogue systems, news writing, advertising creation, and other fields. Researchers are also exploring how to better control the quality and acceptability of the generated text.

In terms of image generation, technologies such as generative adversarial networks (GAN) and diffusion models can generate high-quality photorealistic images, which are widely used in art creation, design, advertising, and other fields. AIGC can also be used for tasks such as image restoration, super-resolution, style transfer, and more. Audio and video generation technologies can be used to create virtual anchors, voice assistants, animations, movie effects, and more.

Hundreds of thousands of labor, dozens of AI pieces! Domestic players have proved the power of AIGC video commercialization

Cross-modal convergence is also a major trend, such as the integrated generation of text, images, and audio, which can drive new use cases and innovations. AIGC technology is making breakthroughs in many fields, leading to changes in content forms and production methods.

2. Commercialization progress of AIGC

As one of the first domestic companies to lay out the AIGC track, Zhipu AI has made good commercialization progress in the past year. The company has carried out 4 technical upgrades, and the open-source version of ChatGLM-6B has been downloaded more than 13 million times worldwide; It has accumulated more than 2,000 ecological partners, realized the large-scale application of more than 1,000 large models, and carried out in-depth co-creation with more than 200 enterprises.

Hundreds of thousands of labor, dozens of AI pieces! Domestic players have proved the power of AIGC video commercialization

Another domestic AIGC company, Mofa Technology's "Youyan" product, has passed the key node of product-market matching (PMF) in less than two months after its launch, successfully serving more than 50 leading enterprise customers, covering multiple industries, and realizing the closed loop of technology and commercialization.

User value is the key to the productization of "Youyan", which has the characteristics of high efficiency, high quality and low cost, low threshold and controllable editing, which can meet the personalized video production needs of enterprise customers. This "cue interactive" paradigm of video creation is reshaping the traditional video production process.

Hundreds of thousands of labor, dozens of AI pieces! Domestic players have proved the power of AIGC video commercialization

In addition to domestic manufacturers, foreign technology giants are also accelerating their layout. Google released Phenaki, a visual AI tool that supports generating 3D scenes based on text descriptions; Meta launched Make-A-Video, which generates high-quality videos from text prompts; Nvidia showcased Gen-2, a new video generation model that enables higher resolution and longer video compositing.

3. AIGC empowers marketing

The marketing field is an important application scenario of AIGC technology. AI drawing can create highly creative artistic designs in an instant according to needs, greatly shortening the design cycle; AI video technology can efficiently complete video recording and editing, and generate personalized video content. AI writing can generate high-quality copywriting in a short period of time to meet different marketing needs.

Hundreds of thousands of labor, dozens of AI pieces! Domestic players have proved the power of AIGC video commercialization

The report predicts that by 2026, AIGC will undertake 42% of traditional marketing tasks, including search engine optimization, content optimization, data, market segmentation and many other links. AI-enabled marketing companies are also wary of the cost, privacy, and compliance risks posed by AIGC, and the explainability and ease of use of technology are key to winning the trust of enterprises.

4. AIGC deepens integration

In addition to marketing, AIGC has also shown obvious advantages in many fields and accelerated integration applications, such as knowledge management, search optimization, map navigation, digital human technology, intelligent dialogue, recommendation systems, business processes, etc., which is expected to improve productivity and give birth to new business formats.

Hundreds of thousands of labor, dozens of AI pieces! Domestic players have proved the power of AIGC video commercialization

AIGC will also promote the transformation of content production mode from professional content production (PGC) to AIGC, releasing more creative space and improving the professional level of content. In this process, factors such as user-friendly interfaces, the convenience of open source for large models, the decline in API prices, and the boom in plug-in services will jointly promote the penetration and innovation of AI technology into various industries and become a new infrastructure.

Breakthroughs in AIGC technology are reshaping the content production chain, giving rise to new business models and application scenarios. Whether it is the layout of domestic and foreign technology companies, or the integration and application of AIGC in marketing, knowledge management and other fields, it indicates that this technology will become an important driving force for future development.

Hundreds of thousands of labor, dozens of AI pieces! Domestic players have proved the power of AIGC video commercialization

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