
After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

author:Hot-blooded young Harder

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After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

In 1980, a film "Lushan Love", which instantly became popular all over the land of China, made Guo Kaimin one of the top stars in China overnight! In this influential work, he and the heroine Zhang Yu jointly created the first on-screen kissing scene in the history of Chinese cinema and even in the history of world cinema.

As a fledgling new actor, Guo Kaimin once felt at a loss in the face of such an intimate expression of emotion. In order to improve the tacit understanding between the two leading actors, the director deliberately arranged for them to be alone in order to better cultivate their relationship.

In this intimate environment, Guo Kaimin and Zhang Yu's colleague Zhang Zhihua often accompany them silently. The three were of the same age, and soon became confidants who talked about everything.

Although Zhang Zhihua witnessed the affection between Guo Kaimin and Zhang Yu, there was never any jealousy in her heart. On the contrary, whenever there was a disagreement between the two during the filming of the kiss scene, Zhang Zhihua always stood up as a mediator without hesitation, trying his best to resolve the conflict between the two parties.

After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

Perhaps it was in this unintentional process of getting along that Guo Kaimin's attitude towards Zhang Zhihua gradually underwent subtle changes, from the initial friendship to a deeper emotion.

Outside of the set, the trio's friendship grew stronger.

With the unprecedented success of the film "Lushan Love", Guo Kaimin and Zhang Yu have become household names, which has brought a lot of pressure to Zhang Zhihua.

Sometimes, when the three of them go out to play or shop, passers-by will recognize Guo Kaimin at a glance and say to him unabashedly: "This person is not good, or Zhang Yu is better."

After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

Although Zhang Zhihua knew that the intimacy between the two during the filming was only a plot need, she still felt a trace of sourness in her heart when she heard these remarks.

As a result, they rarely went out together during that time to avoid controversy when they were recognized in public.

Shortly after the brilliant achievements of the film "Lushan Love", Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua entered another important stage of their lives - they entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, and quickly welcomed a lively and lovely child.

According to common sense, this should have been the happiest moment of their lives. However, the tricks of fate are often unpredictable.

After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

At that time, Shanghai Film Studio generously provided Guo Kaimin with a great opportunity to fly to Beijing Film Academy for further study, however, Guo Kaimin only dreamed of being able to study directing theory in depth, but this small wish met with strong opposition from everyone.

In the face of such tremendous pressure, Guo Kaimin could not tell his beloved Zhang Zhihua directly about the desire in his heart. He deeply understands that at this time, his wife is pregnant with their first child, and if he goes to study in distant Beijing, it will be a long separation of two years.

As expected, when Guo Kaimin finally mustered up the courage to confess his heart to his wife, Zhang Zhihua's heart fell into extreme contradictions.

Although she finally chose to support her husband to go to Beijing, in the following pregnancy, Zhang Zhihua had to face one difficulty and challenge after another alone. Pregnant women have greater mood swings in the third trimester, and she often weeps alone until dawn in the middle of the night.

After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

At every prenatal check-up, she always went to the hospital alone, while the other pregnant women were accompanied by their husbands without exception. Zhang Zhihua's heart was full of grievances, and during this long pregnancy, she bore all the bitterness alone.

In the TV series "Wedding March", which they co-star, they often have heated arguments due to differences in concepts. Zhang Zhihua once said angrily to Guo Kaimin: "From now on, we will no longer cooperate, with you without me, with me without you!" In addition to the differences in career paths, Guo Kaimin's decision to transform into a director also sparked fierce conflicts between husband and wife.

In this way, the contradiction was getting bigger and bigger like a snowball, Zhang Zhihua's trust in Guo Kaimin gradually collapsed, and the two finally chose to part ways. After the divorce, Guo Kaimin once fell into a low point in his life, full of confusion and helplessness for the future.

However, in that darkest hour, a ray of hope illuminated his path.

After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

In the process of filming a work, he met You Yong's ex-wife Liu Xiaochun. In the process of getting along with the crew, they found that they have striking similarities with each other, whether it is their enthusiasm for their acting careers, or their understanding and support for director Guo Kaimin's dream.

As a result, Liu Xiaochun has become a powerful source of motivation for Guo Kaimin to regain his motivation in life and regain his strength.

Perhaps this is the wonderful arrangement of fate, Guo Kaimin immediately and decisively bid farewell to Shanghai, and without hesitation embarked on a journey to seek knowledge and self-improvement, and came to the vibrant Hainan.

What is even more amazing is that in order to spend the rest of his life with his beloved Guo Kaimin, Liu Xiaochun took a brave step, quit his stable job with determination, and followed Guo Kaimin's footsteps to the south.

After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

However, when they finally arrived at their destination, reality was not as smooth as they had hoped. At that time, Hainan Studios had not yet been officially established, and Guo Kaimin had to start his career at Hainan TV.

However, Hainan TV was only able to provide him with a temporary job without an establishment, and did not provide any salary and benefits, and after repeated communication and negotiation with the original unit, the other party reluctantly agreed to keep his salary for him, but only a meager income of 200 yuan per month.

In the two years that Hainan TV has not been working, Guo Kaimin has had a long and difficult time. In fact, he had every chance of returning to the Shanghai Film Studio, but his strong self-esteem made him choose to stick to his post.

During this time, he tried almost every possible job, including hosting a show and so on, but his real desire in his heart was still to become an outstanding director.

After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

However, just as he was dreaming of directing, a disappointing news came - Hainan's plan to build a studio seemed to have come to naught. In the face of such a cruel reality, Guo Kaimin still unswervingly resigned from his job at the TV station and devoted himself to the career of creating his own film and television company.

Liu Xiaochun always stood silently behind her husband, wholeheartedly supporting him in every decision he made. Despite the family's hardships during that time, she never complained about Guo's pursuit.

Instead, she cheers and cheers for her husband behind the scenes in her own unique way.

At the critical moment when Guo Kaimin founded his own film and television company, busy producing programs and recruiting students, his wife Liu Xiaochun turned out to be pregnant! As a father who is about to usher in a new life, Guo Kaimin's mood is undoubtedly extremely excited.

After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

However, at the same time, his heart was filled with endless guilt and self-blame.

When your career is booming, how can you easily leave the table and devote yourself to the warmth of your family? ——Especially for Liu Xiaochun, who is pregnant with his beloved wife, she is eager for his careful care and care.

However, his wife Liu Xiaochun gently comforted: "Don't worry about devoting yourself to your career, I will take good care of our baby and your daily life."

It is precisely because of his wife's selfless support and magnanimity that Guo Kaimin can devote himself to the development and growth of his career without any worries. However, fate played a joke on him at this time, and a sudden bubble economic shock put him in a difficult situation, and he was exhausted physically and mentally exhausted every day.

After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

However, Liu Xiaochun still stood by his side steadfastly, giving him endless encouragement and strength, helping him regain his confidence and move forward bravely. In the days of Guo Yihuan's birth, Liu Xiaochun was busy from early morning to late at night every day.

She wakes up early in the morning to prepare a delicious breakfast for her husband, and then rushes to work hard to support the family's expenses.

When she returned home from her busy work, she had to do housework non-stop, such as laundry, cooking, and tidying up the room, lest the slightest negligence would cause trouble to her husband and children.

Despite the hardships of life, she never complained to her husband, but chose to support him silently in her own way, cheering him on and cheering him.

After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

It is precisely because of Liu Xiaochun's tolerance and understanding that Guo Kaimin can devote himself to the development of his career without worry. Time flies, and the child Guo Yihuan gradually grows into an adult.

Under the influence of his father Guo Kaimin, he developed a strong interest in performing arts, and resolutely decided to embark on the same acting path as his father.

In the face of his son's decision, Guo Kaimin did not hesitate to express his full support and understanding. As an experienced actor and director, Kwok is able to provide professional and in-depth guidance and advice to his son on many occasions.

The father and son are often immersed in lively discussions about the performing arts, and Kwok Kaimin unreservedly pours on the valuable experience he has accumulated over the decades.

After Guo Kaimin and Zhang Zhihua divorced, they turned around and married You Yong's ex-wife, what is their marital status now

With the help of his father's profound experience and outstanding talent, Guo Yihuan's development on the road of acting will be smooth sailing. Guo Kaimin is deeply proud, and he firmly believes that Guo Yihuan will be able to shine in this field and achieve brilliance.

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