
The well-known actress revealed her unspoken rules, and was once thrown down by the bigwigs in the circle, and escaped by shouting and crying

author:Aru said entertainment
The well-known actress revealed her unspoken rules, and was once thrown down by the bigwigs in the circle, and escaped by shouting and crying

Text丨Aru said entertainment

Editor丨Aru said entertainment


In the entertainment industry, rumors about unspoken rules have always been a widely discussed topic.

The well-known actress revealed her unspoken rules, and was once thrown down by the bigwigs in the circle, and escaped by shouting and crying

The message conveyed by the unspoken rules is deeply disturbing, and it also raises a lot of suspicions about the workings of the entertainment industry.

Recently, a well-known actress bravely stood up and shared a shocking experience, she bluntly said that she had encountered unspoken rules, and she also yelled at the obscenity of her predecessors, and successfully got out of this terrible situation.

This kind of experience is shocking, and it also has a deeper understanding of the existence and bad influence of unspoken rules.

And the pressure and risks that the actress is under have undoubtedly brought great encouragement, courage and strength to other victims.

The well-known actress revealed her unspoken rules, and was once thrown down by the bigwigs in the circle, and escaped by shouting and crying

Bravely revealed: well-known actresses exposed unspoken rules

Unspoken rules have always been a controversial topic, hinting at some bad industry operations in the entertainment industry, and the connotations represented by unspoken rules are often deeply disturbing.

This time, a well-known actress bravely stood up and revealed to the public the unspoken events she had experienced, and her experience was deeply shocking, and at the same time, she was praised and encouraged.

It is reported that during the recording of a variety show, the actress encountered an indecent behavior from a senior in the circle, and the other party even tried to sexually assault her and tried to knock her down.

The well-known actress revealed her unspoken rules, and was once thrown down by the bigwigs in the circle, and escaped by shouting and crying

In the face of such a bad behavior, the actress did not choose to be silent and forbearant, but shouted on the spot, tried her best to break free, and called the police in time to deal with it, and finally succeeded in getting out of this terrible situation.

This kind of experience is very heart-wrenching and deeply indignant, no matter what kind of work environment it is, everyone should be respected and protected, but similar unspoken rule incidents frequently occur in the entertainment industry, bringing great harm and blows to the victims.

And being able to stand up so bravely and share her experience with everyone has undoubtedly brought great encouragement and motivation to other victims, and her actions are so valuable and commendable.

The well-known actress revealed her unspoken rules, and was once thrown down by the bigwigs in the circle, and escaped by shouting and crying

An embarrassing unspoken phenomenon

The experience of the actress has once again made the public deeply reflect on the existence and bad influence of unspoken rules, and has also added more discussion and attention to such topics.

The connotation of the unspoken rule is obvious, it is not only a great harm to the physical and mental health of the victim, but also a serious deviation from social morality and professional ethics.

In the unique environment of the entertainment industry, the phenomenon of unspoken rules may become more prominent and common, and some seniors or powerful people in the circle may use their resources and status to infringe and harm newcomers or ordinary employees, and the victims will often choose to be silent and forbearant for various reasons, which will undoubtedly bring great connivance and encouragement to the perpetrators, so that the bad phenomenon of unspoken rules will continue to breed and spread.

The well-known actress revealed her unspoken rules, and was once thrown down by the bigwigs in the circle, and escaped by shouting and crying

Fortunately, with the progress of society and the continuous expansion of people's concepts, more and more people have begun to have a deep awakening and reflection on the problem of unspoken rules, and they no longer choose to be silent and evasive, but bravely stand up to expose the ugly face of unspoken rules and arouse the public's attention and attention.

Reject unspoken rules and jointly uphold fairness and justice

In the face of such a bad phenomenon as the unspoken rules, we must not choose to be silent and passive, nor can we allow the unspoken rules to continue to act unscrupulously in the dark, bringing harm and pain to more and more people.

The well-known actress revealed her unspoken rules, and was once thrown down by the bigwigs in the circle, and escaped by shouting and crying

On the contrary, we should actively devote ourselves to the work of preventing and stopping unspoken rules with full enthusiasm and responsibility.

For the unspoken rules in the entertainment industry, we should pay more attention and supervision, and not be obscured by the halo of stars, and turn a blind eye to possible abnormal phenomena.

Only when the public's attention and supervision are strong enough will there be no soil and space for all kinds of unspoken events to continue to occur.

We should give understanding, support and help to victims of unspoken rules, and should not attribute the blame to the victims, but should open our hearts, listen to their demands and feedback, and help them come forward and seek fairness and justice.

The well-known actress revealed her unspoken rules, and was once thrown down by the bigwigs in the circle, and escaped by shouting and crying

The most important thing is that we must vigorously advocate the values of positive energy and sunshine justice, so that such values become the mainstream of society, only in this way will the unspoken rules gradually lose the breeding ground, and truly be attacked and resisted by justice and reasonableness, and each of us can become the guardian and disseminator of fairness and justice.

The issue of unspoken rules has always been a topic of great controversy and concern, and in recent years, a series of shocking unspoken rules incidents have also surfaced frequently in the public eye, triggering widespread social repercussions and profound thinking.

Although this phenomenon is heart-wrenching and embarrassing, more importantly, it has given us reflection and enlightenment, making us realize that no matter what kind of environment we are in, we should face it bravely, take positive action, and contribute to a beautiful and just social development with practical efforts and care.

The well-known actress revealed her unspoken rules, and was once thrown down by the bigwigs in the circle, and escaped by shouting and crying

I hope that in the near future, we will be able to hear more voices about justice and see more brave figures, whether it is the exposer of the unspoken rules or every citizen who actively participates in the discussion, they will pass on their voices and condense them into a majestic force to promote social progress, so that the sunshine of fairness and justice will shine in every corner.

The well-known actress revealed her unspoken rules, and was once thrown down by the bigwigs in the circle, and escaped by shouting and crying