
Instant noodles are not junk food! But these 3 should be kept away, but many people eat them every day

author:Ah San Food

In the busy rhythm of life, instant noodles can always quietly occupy our hearts and stomach bags with its unique charm. In the dead of night, or when you are tired from the journey, a bowl of steaming instant noodles is like the most intimate friend, instantly warming your body and mind. However, the controversy about it has never stopped, with some accusing it of being junk food, full of preservatives, and a health hazard; Some people regard it as an emergency, convenient and delicious. Today, we're going to make a name for instant noodles and uncover those real "eating minefields".

Instant noodles are not junk food! But these 3 should be kept away, but many people eat them every day

First of all, let's clear the way for instant noodles. It is true that instant noodles are favored for their quick and convenient convenience, but at the same time, they are also burdened with "unhealthy" black pots. The truth is that instant noodles, as a food sold through formal channels, fully comply with national food safety standards, and the additives in it are also allowed, so there is no need to worry about safety.

Instant noodles are not junk food! But these 3 should be kept away, but many people eat them every day

Rumors that instant noodles are difficult to digest and even take a week to excrete from the body are complete nonsense. Scientific studies have proven that the digestion process of instant noodles is no different from other foods. As for the waterproof layer on the instant noodle box, it is not a harmful wax as rumored, and it will not harm the body due to the dissolution of hot water. Still, instant noodles are high in fat, low protein, and low in nutrients, making them more suitable for occasional cravings than a daily staple food, and long-term dependence can indeed lead to nutritional imbalances.

Instant noodles are not junk food! But these 3 should be kept away, but many people eat them every day

Since instant noodles are not a flood beast, what foods should we be wary of? Here are three that you may be enjoying every day, unaware that they are quietly eroding your health.

Instant noodles are not junk food! But these 3 should be kept away, but many people eat them every day

1. Sauerkraut and kimchi

Sauerkraut, kimchi, these sour and delicious side dishes can always awaken the taste buds inadvertently. Whether it's bibimbap or stewed meat, it can add a unique flavor. However, as a representative of pickled products, in order to preserve freshness, a large amount of salt is added, and long-term excessive intake will not only increase the burden on the kidneys, but also may affect the normal functioning of the kidneys. Delicious and valuable, healthy and expensive, taste in moderation, don't be greedy!

Instant noodles are not junk food! But these 3 should be kept away, but many people eat them every day

2. Fried chicken thighs

Walking in the streets and alleys, the golden and crispy fried chicken thighs can always seduce the footsteps of every passerby with an irresistible aroma. When you bite into it, your mouth is full of happiness and you seem to forget all your worries. As everyone knows, what is hidden behind this is the double crisis of high calories and high cholesterol. Frequent consumption will not only make your scale numbers skyrocket, but it will also make you more likely to become a potential member of the "Three Highs" club. What's worse is that harmful substances quietly accumulate in the repeated use of thousands of rolling oils, and the damage to the body should not be underestimated.

Instant noodles are not junk food! But these 3 should be kept away, but many people eat them every day

3. Candied snacks

The colorful candied snacks seem to be another sweet incarnation of fruits, sweet and sour, which makes people love it. However, this seemingly healthy snack is actually the hardest hit area of high salt and sugar. During the curing process, a lot of sugar and salt are added, which is not only not conducive to blood sugar control, but also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. The next time you want to reach for one, think about the burden behind this sweetness!

Instant noodles are not junk food! But these 3 should be kept away, but many people eat them every day

While pursuing taste bud enjoyment, we should pay more attention to the nutritional value and health impact of food. Although instant noodles are not flood beasts, they should not be accompanied by them often; And those seemingly harmless snacks may be the "sweet trap" that we need to be wary of. Healthy eating starts with knowing every food around you to make life delicious and beautiful.

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