
Drowning is the same as killing a child! Actress Di Ying "deformed" her mother's love, and finally sent her son to prison


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Drowning is the same as killing a child! Actress Di Ying "deformed" her mother's love, and finally sent her son to prison

Di Ying, a well-known female artist in Taiwan, suddenly received a shocking news: her proud baby son Sun Anzuo was arrested in a foreign country, and the charge of possessing a large number of firearms and ammunition is under investigation!

Faced with such serious accusations and the impending long sentence, Di Ying fell into a deep breakdown and despair, and all hope was lost. However, dear readers, it may be hard for you to imagine that as a mother, Di Ying cannot accept such a reality, and she firmly believes that the child she has carefully raised will never make such a serious mistake.

However, the cold reality was like a heavy hammer, smashing hard into Di Ying's heart. She began to go all out to fight for her son's forgiveness, asking her husband Sun Peng to work together to find the best defense lawyer for Sun Anzuo.

In order to get her son out of the predicament as soon as possible, Di Ying even did not hesitate to use all her financial and material resources to ask for help as much as she could.

Drowning is the same as killing a child! Actress Di Ying "deformed" her mother's love, and finally sent her son to prison

During the nine-month agony wait, Di Ying was always worried about her son's future. However, after countless expectations and disappointments, Sun Anzuo was finally able to return to his freedom due to lack of evidence and re-enter the prison gates.

When she saw her son return safely, Di Ying seemed to have a new life, and tears burst out of her eyes with excitement. She rushed over and hugged her son tightly, as if she wanted to protect him with her own strength, so that he would never be hurt again.

Di Ying's heart was full of endless emotion and joy, and she felt that all this effort was worth it.

Back in 1996, it was the year when Di Ying and Sun Peng first met. The two got acquainted because of a drama collaboration, and then fell in love, and their relationship quickly warmed up.

Drowning is the same as killing a child! Actress Di Ying "deformed" her mother's love, and finally sent her son to prison

However, surprisingly, this sweet couple did not hold a grand wedding, but chose a low-key way to complete the marriage event. From the beginning, Di Ying was opposed to extravagance and extravagance, which may have been closely linked to her family background.

has just stepped into the warm and sweet marriage hall, Di Ying and her husband Sun Peng's life is like a beautiful picture, full of joy and satisfaction. She was convinced that this was what people call perfect happiness.

However, Di Ying never expected that the desire and expectation as a mother would be so difficult and long.

Years later, the couple decided to bravely pursue their dream of parenting, but Di Ying experienced two failed attempts at artificial insemination, and the flame of hope was ruthlessly extinguished again and again, plunging her into an endless abyss of despair.

Drowning is the same as killing a child! Actress Di Ying "deformed" her mother's love, and finally sent her son to prison

After countless days and nights of hard work, Di Ying finally ushered in her beloved baby, a lively and lovely baby boy, whom they named Sun Anzuo. Since then, Sun Anzuo has become the most precious gift in Di Ying's life, and she has done her best to care for his growth.

However, fate seems to have played a cruel joke, and Sun Anzuo's birth did not bring the long-awaited happiness to Di Ying and Sun Peng's marriage. Soon after the birth of the child, there was a rift in the relationship between the two.

The endless quarrels and violence made Di Ying suffer grievances and pain. In the end, Di Ying and her husband Sun Peng had to choose to separate.

Losing the company of her husband, Di Ying pinned all her love on her son. In an almost controlling and possessive way, she bound Sun Anzuo tightly under her wings.

Drowning is the same as killing a child! Actress Di Ying "deformed" her mother's love, and finally sent her son to prison

Di Ying's excessive doting on his son will undoubtedly leave an indelible pain and shadow on his life.

Looking back on Di Ying's personality traits in her youth, two words are enough to sum it up - pungent and strong. Having been dependent on her mother since childhood, she grew up in an environment lacking father's love and spent her childhood in the opera house where her mother worked.

There, Di Ying is like a little leopard guarding her food, and whenever someone dares to violate or hurt her mother, she will glare at each other angrily, show a fierce face, and sometimes even take drastic actions.

Once, a man who didn't know what to do took possession of her mother's dressing table, and Di Ying did not hesitate to expel him out of the door, without mercy.

Drowning is the same as killing a child! Actress Di Ying "deformed" her mother's love, and finally sent her son to prison

As time passed, Di Ying gradually grew into an adult, and her violent temper became more and more unscrupulous, like a dragon crossing the river. In 1982, Di Ying was fortunate to meet Zhang Huaimin, a popular actor at the time, and since then she has embarked on her own acting path, but her personality has become more flamboyant and domineering.

During the filming of the well-crafted film and television drama "Half a Life, a Lifetime Love", the tense relationship between the heroine Di Ying and the supporting actress Lan Jieying reached an unprecedented climax. At that time, Lan Jieying had to be late for some special reasons, and Di Ying, who was waiting, felt endless anger, she rushed to Lan Jieying's seat mercilessly, and kicked it hard, making the originally orderly dressing room chaotic!

What is shocking is that Di Ying did not have any remorse for this matter, but showed off this past with relish in various variety shows, as if this was the best proof of her arrogance and domineering in her youth.

However, if you just think that breastfeeding a 12-year-old is jaw-dropping enough, then you couldn't be more wrong. Di Ying's doting on her son Sun Anzuo is far more than that, but goes deep into more distorted details.

Drowning is the same as killing a child! Actress Di Ying "deformed" her mother's love, and finally sent her son to prison

When Sun Anzuo turned 15 years old, the physiological changes gradually revealed, in order to avoid inappropriate intimate behavior, Di Ying had to live in a separate room with her son Every night before going to sleep, Di Ying will let Sun Anzuo snuggle tightly in her arms, and even ask Sun Anzuo to touch her chest, only in this way, Sun Anzuo can sleep at ease, this level of intimacy has obviously exceeded the boundaries between mother and son.

According to Di Ying herself, she once kissed her son Sun Anzuo on stage for 3 hours, and won the highest honor of the competition with this amazing act. Such an intimate behavior between such a mother and son undoubtedly stunned the audience.

In addition, Di Ying is also convinced that babies drinking milk powder will pose a potential health threat, so she decided to breastfeed Sun Anzuo until he is 12 years old.

Di Ying's deformed maternal love for Sun Anzuo will undoubtedly bring a devastating blow to Sun Anzuo's psychological growth. Living in such a distorted environment, it is difficult for Sun Anzuo to have a sound mind, which may be the root of his later depravity.

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