
The amazing law of the flock: The best way for siblings to get along with each other is not to party and eat

author:Lady Luck is round

In the hustle and bustle of the world, brothers and sisters are the inseparable family color. We have grown up together since childhood, sharing countless laughter and tears, however, when the river of time brings us to our own stage of life, can we still maintain that initial intimacy and harmony?

The "law of the flock" may not be well known to most people, but it speaks to the true meaning of siblings. Just like every chicken in the flock, it not only needs to be warm and companion to each other, but also needs to maintain a certain amount of independent space. The same is true between brothers and sisters. We crave the warmth of affection, but we also need to respect each other's lives and choices.

The amazing law of the flock: The best way for siblings to get along with each other is not to party and eat

The three points of communication and seven points of tolerance in the "Law of Three Sevens" are a profound interpretation of the relationship between brothers and sisters. In the family, we may be accustomed to going straight to the point, but sometimes we need more patience and tolerance when facing our siblings. Three points of communication allow us to express our thoughts and feelings honestly, while seven points of tolerance allow us to give each other more support and care while understanding each other.

In the relationship between siblings, comparisons and contradictions are often unavoidable. However, true family affection can allow us to see each other's growth and progress in comparison, and learn tolerance and understanding in contradictions. Reduce comparison, let us cherish the emotional bond between each other more; Reduce contradictions, let us grow together in the warmth of family affection.

The amazing law of the flock: The best way for siblings to get along with each other is not to party and eat

On the material side, we have to settle accounts. Between siblings, money may be more sensitive. However, as long as we are honest with each other and settle accounts clearly, we can avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and disputes. At the same time, when interacting, we should also be a little confused and less calculating. Sometimes, being too calculating will only make the family relationship alienated and cold.

In the long river of time, we may not be able to avoid the ups and downs in life, but as long as we always have a deep affection for our brothers and sisters, we can support each other and grow together in the wind and rain. Let us remember the laughter and tears of the past, cherish every moment of the present, and look forward to the future.

When we walk on the road of life and look back on the past, we will find that the family affection between brothers and sisters is our most valuable wealth. It makes us feel warm when we are lonely and strong when we are in difficulty. Therefore, let us cherish this family affection more, manage it with our hearts, and take care of it.

We also need to learn to listen when we get along with siblings. Listening is the bridge of communication and the key to understanding each other. When we listen to our siblings, we find that their inner world is so colorful and full of emotions. Listening allows us to get to know each other better and to deepen our family bond.

The amazing law of the flock: The best way for siblings to get along with each other is not to party and eat

At the same time, we must also learn to be grateful. We are grateful for the companionship and support of our brothers and sisters, and for their help and love on the road of our lives. Let us treat our brothers and sisters with a grateful heart, so that family affection will shine more brightly in gratitude.

On the road of growth, we will meet all kinds of people and things. Sometimes, we have conflicts or arguments with our siblings over trivial matters. However, as long as we always keep in mind the "law of the flock" and the "law of 37", maintain an appropriate distance and tolerance, and reduce comparisons and contradictions, we can grow together and move forward together in the warmth of family affection.

Finally, let us conclude this text with an affectionate sentence: "Brothers and sisters, no matter where we are, no matter what storms we go through, please believe that our hearts are always connected and our emotions are always the same." Let's work together to create a better future! ”

So, what do you think about the way siblings get along with each other? Do you also have your own unique insights and experiences? May we all grow together and move forward together in the warmth of family affection!

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