
Parents who are reluctant to accept diversion, some magical thinking circuits

author:Flying Xiaoyu

The first point is that boys should start school one year later than girls.

At the beginning, it should be a genius idea that a parent said unintentionally, but I didn't want to resonate with many parents, this brain circuit is indeed very strange, in the lower grades of primary school, the difference of half a year will be particularly obvious, let all boys study together one year older than girls, compete on the same track, is this appropriate?

It is already inconceivable to regard playfulness as cleverness and dislike of learning as late enlightenment, and it is even more self-centered to let others make way for your family's late enlightenment.

Parents who are reluctant to accept diversion, some magical thinking circuits

The second point of view is that compulsory education should be changed to 5+2+2, with five years of primary school, two years of junior high school, and two years of high school.

This degree of brain circuit is no less than that of a boy who goes to school a year later, and he can't learn it for six years of primary school and three years of junior high school, and then he can learn to understand and open his mind in these nine years and add a high school stage of study?

They can't say the idea, such a short learning cycle will not be difficult, otherwise everyone will not be able to learn, two years of junior high school is not divided, let alone stratified, so that such a difficult course in high school, teachers still can't go to the difficulty in order to take care of poor students, on the progress, typical I can't run everyone don't want to run fast mentality.

Parents who are reluctant to accept diversion, some magical thinking circuits

Viewpoint 3: In order to develop science and technology in the future and cultivate cutting-edge talents, it is necessary to popularize high schools.

Not the number of students in college is doubled, the number of top talents in the future development of science and technology will be doubled, not everyone is on 985, all of them are high-achieving students, even if only 10% of the people in the high school entrance examination go to high school, cutting-edge talents will not be shunted in the high school entrance examination.

Viewpoint 4: Mathematics and geometry are not used, should not be learned, and should not be too difficult, what is the significance of mathematics learning?

The significance of most people's mathematics learning is to divert those who think mathematics is difficult, and select more intelligent people for training.

Parents who are reluctant to accept diversion, some magical thinking circuits

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