
After summer, don't buy these 4 kinds of vegetables, they are not nutritious and hurt the body, and the vegetable sellers themselves do not eat them

author:Physician Sister Xiaohong

On a hot summer day, Xiao Zhang walked into the vegetable market to buy some fresh vegetables to cook a good meal for the family. Walking past one stall after another, he noticed that the stall owners were noncommittal about certain vegetables, and some vegetable vendors even secretly told him: "We don't eat these ourselves, so you'd better not buy them." Curious and puzzled, Zhang decided to dig deeper into the reasons behind it.

After summer, don't buy these 4 kinds of vegetables, they are not nutritious and hurt the body, and the vegetable sellers themselves do not eat them

Cabbage: the fate of cold storage and the shadow of pesticides

Cabbage, a frequent guest at the table of Chinese households, is popular in winter for its tender taste and rich nutrition. Summer cabbage is often taken out of cold storage, and after a long period of low temperature storage, its nutrients are greatly reduced, and the taste is far less than that of naturally ripe cabbage.

After summer, don't buy these 4 kinds of vegetables, they are not nutritious and hurt the body, and the vegetable sellers themselves do not eat them

In order to maintain the freshness of cabbage in summer, many growers may use excessive chemical pesticides to prevent pests and extend the shelf life, which not only damages the nutritional value of cabbage, but also leaves pesticide residues that are difficult to wash away, and long-term consumption may affect the health of consumers.

Shanghai Qing: The pesticide concerns behind the deliciousness

Because of its unique fragrance and tender taste, Shanghai green can be seen in a variety of dishes. But in the summer, the biggest problem facing Shanghai green is the frequent occurrence of insect infestations.

After summer, don't buy these 4 kinds of vegetables, they are not nutritious and hurt the body, and the vegetable sellers themselves do not eat them

In order to maintain its appearance and yield, growers have to apply pesticides frequently, resulting in potentially higher levels of pesticide residues in Shanghai green purchased in the summer. If stored in the refrigerator, these leaves can easily turn yellow or even rot due to dehydration, further leading to the loss of nutrients. Such vegetables, although seemingly harmless, actually hide a potential threat to human health.

Leeks: Reduced quality and pesticide residues in summer

Leeks are a common vegetable that is grown in many parts of China. Leeks in summer tend to suffer from a decrease in quality, with coarser and harder leaves, worse texture, and may grow too quickly due to high temperatures, resulting in an increased bitterness.

After summer, don't buy these 4 kinds of vegetables, they are not nutritious and hurt the body, and the vegetable sellers themselves do not eat them

In order to cope with summer pests and diseases, growers may increase the amount of pesticides used, resulting in the possibility of harmful pesticide residues on leeks. Long-term ingestion of foods with pesticide residues may pose a potential threat to human health, and it is recommended to reduce or avoid the purchase of leeks in the summer.

Enoki mushrooms: perishable and preservative concerns

Enoki mushroom is a common mushroom vegetable in summer, and its slender form and unique taste are deeply loved by consumers. Enoki mushrooms are perishable foods that are easy to spoil in high temperatures in summer, accelerating the growth of bacteria. In order to extend the shelf life of enoki mushrooms, some vendors may use preservatives for processing.

After summer, don't buy these 4 kinds of vegetables, they are not nutritious and hurt the body, and the vegetable sellers themselves do not eat them

These preservatives may pose a potential risk to human health, and long-term ingestion may cause health problems. When buying enoki mushrooms in the summer, it is advisable to choose fresh, additive-free products to ensure food safety and nutritional health.

Bean sprouts: growth hormone and health problems

The problems of sprouts in the summer months are mainly focused on the use of growth hormone and hygienic conditions. In order to promote the rapid growth of sprouts, some producers may use hormones that can make sprouts grow rapidly in a very short period of time, but at the same time may cause hidden dangers to human health.

After summer, don't buy these 4 kinds of vegetables, they are not nutritious and hurt the body, and the vegetable sellers themselves do not eat them

Long-term intake of growth hormone may affect the body's endocrine system and may even increase the risk of disease. The production environment of sprouts tends to be high in humidity, which is prone to the growth of bacteria and microorganisms, especially in the hot and humid environment of summer. Consuming stale sprouts can lead to food poisoning if not handled properly.

Potatoes: health risks from improper storage

As one of the common vegetables, the main problem with potatoes in summer is that storage conditions can lead to increased health risks. During long-term storage of potatoes, if the ambient temperature and humidity are not properly controlled, the potatoes will be prompted to sprout and produce a large amount of solanine, which is toxic to the human body.

After summer, don't buy these 4 kinds of vegetables, they are not nutritious and hurt the body, and the vegetable sellers themselves do not eat them

Solanine intake can cause headaches, nausea, and even neurological disorders. When buying potatoes, you should choose fresh, non-sprouted ones, and avoid buying potatoes that have been stored for a long time. Sprouted potatoes should not be eaten, and even if the sprouts are removed, toxic substances may remain in the potato flesh.

Conclusion: Choose the right choice and eat vegetables healthily

When choosing vegetables in summer, in addition to paying attention to nutrition and taste, we should pay more attention to their safety. The six vegetables analyzed above may not be the best food choice for summer for a variety of reasons.

After summer, don't buy these 4 kinds of vegetables, they are not nutritious and hurt the body, and the vegetable sellers themselves do not eat them

Consumers should be vigilant when buying and try to choose vegetables that are fresh, seasonal, and chemical-free. As with all vegetables, proper washing and cooking is also an important part of ensuring food safety. Through scientific and reasonable dietary choices, you can effectively avoid potential health risks and enjoy the fun and health brought by summer food.

Finally, what experiences and insights would you like to share? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!

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