
A 65-year-old woman loves to eat pickles and bibimbap, and when she went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor wondered: What do you eat at home every day?

author:Director Xu Health said

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"I'm really weird at this meal, but to be honest, I love this bowl of pickle bibimbap." Li Mei, a 65-year-old woman who works at a grocery store, mutters as she mixes pickles from her rice.

She didn't seem interested in other sumptuous delicacies, and the meal was like a spiritual satisfaction for her. However, after dinner that day, Li Mei felt that her stomach was a little uncomfortable, and even her whole body was a little wrong.

A 65-year-old woman loves to eat pickles and bibimbap, and when she went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor wondered: What do you eat at home every day?

The next day, she decided to go to the hospital for a full medical check-up. After a series of tests, Li Mei sat across from Dr. Zhao, an internist. "Aunt Li, what do you usually eat? We see here that your sodium intake is unusually high. ”

"Oh, me, I don't usually have any special tastes except for pickle bibimbap." Li Mei replied innocently. For her, bibimbap is a quick and delicious option, but apparently this simple answer doesn't explain everything.

A 65-year-old woman loves to eat pickles and bibimbap, and when she went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor wondered: What do you eat at home every day?

Dr Zhao said, "According to my data, the average sodium content per 100 grams of pickles is about 1,500 milligrams. If you eat a lot of pickles at each meal, this number can quickly add up. ”

Li Mei never realized the hidden risks behind this seemingly innocuous bowl of pickle bibimbap. "So what should I do?" She asked eagerly. Dr. Zhao advises, "You can try to reduce the portion size of pickles and add some fresh vegetables and fruits to balance your diet. ”

A 65-year-old woman loves to eat pickles and bibimbap, and when she went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor wondered: What do you eat at home every day?

Li Mei nodded, realizing the need to change her eating habits. Dr Chio also mentioned other common health problems, such as osteoporosis and kidney function problems, which are also linked to high sodium intake.

Li Mei was deeply inspired by this conversation. She began to re-evaluate her eating habits and decided to try making some low-sodium dishes from tomorrow onwards. A few months later, Li Mei came to the hospital again for a follow-up. This time the results were much better than before. Dr. Zhao applauded Li Mei for her change and encouraged her to keep it up.

A 65-year-old woman loves to eat pickles and bibimbap, and when she went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor wondered: What do you eat at home every day?

Dr. Zhao then introduced Li Mei to some sources of sodium intake that may be overlooked in daily life, such as some processed foods, canned foods, and fast food, which are hidden high-sodium foods.

"A lot of people may unconsciously consume too much sodium through these foods, often without realizing it. Did you know that an average fast food burger set can contain more sodium than you can consume in a day? ”

A 65-year-old woman loves to eat pickles and bibimbap, and when she went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor wondered: What do you eat at home every day?

"Look here, Aunt Li, this chart can help you understand the sodium content of various foods more intuitively. For example, a serving of deli rotisserie chicken may contain 800 mg of sodium, while a serving of French fries may contain 400 mg of sodium. If both are present at the same time in a meal, then sodium intake is very high. ”

Dr. Zhao further explained that a long-term high-sodium diet can also lead to sodium and water retention, as sodium binds water in the body and leads to fluid accumulation, which not only causes an increase in blood pressure, but also may increase the burden on the heart and increase the risk of heart disease and kidney disease.

A 65-year-old woman loves to eat pickles and bibimbap, and when she went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor wondered: What do you eat at home every day?

In Li Mei's case, Dr Chiu highlighted the importance of home cooking, explaining that by cooking yourself, you can fully control the amount of flavouring and ingredients of your food, which is an effective way to reduce sodium intake.

In the final consultation, Li Mei expressed her gratitude for this study and asked a question: "Dr. Zhao, if I occasionally eat high-sodium food, is there any way to 'detoxify'?" ”

A 65-year-old woman loves to eat pickles and bibimbap, and when she went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor wondered: What do you eat at home every day?

Dr. Zhao replied, "Although there is no direct 'detoxification' method, increasing water intake can help speed up sodium excretion. Potassium helps regulate sodium levels in the body, thereby reducing the negative effects of sodium excess. ”

Dr. Zhao concluded by emphasizing that Li Mei should try to maintain this new eating habit, continuously monitor her health, and visit the hospital for regular check-ups. He reminded Li Mei that a healthy lifestyle takes time and sustained effort to maintain, and in the process, don't be discouraged even if there are occasional deviations, the key is to maintain a good diet for a long time.

A 65-year-old woman loves to eat pickles and bibimbap, and when she went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor wondered: What do you eat at home every day?

Since then, Li Mei has started experimenting with various low-sodium recipes at home, and she has found that not only has she started to enjoy cooking, but her family has also raved about her new dishes. She was very satisfied and encouraged by these changes, and made her realize that changing her eating habits may be difficult at first, but perseverance will bring long-term benefits.

This experience not only changed Mei's perspective on food, but also deepened her awareness and commitment to a healthy lifestyle. She has also become more active in promoting the importance of healthy eating to her friends and family, hoping that they will benefit from it as well.

A 65-year-old woman loves to eat pickles and bibimbap, and when she went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor wondered: What do you eat at home every day?

For Li Mei, it all started with that seemingly ordinary bowl of pickle bibimbap and an ordinary but meaningful doctor's consultation. She deeply understands that health is really a choice, and this choice is made on her plate every day.

What do you think about bibimbap? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

A 65-year-old woman loves to eat pickles and bibimbap, and when she went to the hospital for a physical examination, the doctor wondered: What do you eat at home every day?

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