
Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctor suggests: Elderly people with high blood sugar, try to eat less of these 4 vegetables

author:Director Xu Health said

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Aunt Li slowly peeled the garlic seedlings while listening to Uncle Zhang complaining next door.

"I went to the hospital yesterday and the doctor told me that there are some vegetables that I can't eat more for an elderly person with high blood sugar. Garlic sprouts, in particular, he said they push blood sugar higher. Uncle Zhang's words made several old friends present show surprised expressions. Aunt Li hurriedly asked: "Then what other vegetables should we eat less besides garlic sprouts?" ”

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctor suggests: Elderly people with high blood sugar, try to eat less of these 4 vegetables

Uncle Zhang touched his beard and said slowly: "The doctor said that like garlic sprouts, as well as pumpkin, carrots, and beets, these are all blood sugar 'killers'." Especially those of us who have to monitor our blood sugar every day should pay more attention. ”

Hearing this, Aunt Li couldn't help frowning. She has always liked to grow small vegetables, and garlic sprouts and pumpkin are her favorites. Now, knowing the effect of these vegetables on blood sugar, I can't help but be a little worried.

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctor suggests: Elderly people with high blood sugar, try to eat less of these 4 vegetables

In order to have a deeper understanding of the situation, Aunt Li deliberately found the doctor the next day, hoping to get a more detailed explanation from a professional point of view. The doctor's name is Sun Hao, and he is an endocrinologist with more than ten years of experience.

When Dr. Sun received Aunt Li, he explained in detail why people with high blood sugar should avoid these vegetables. "Garlic sprouts, for example, contain relatively high levels of sugar and soluble carbohydrates, which are quickly converted into glucose during digestion, causing blood sugar levels to rise rapidly."

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctor suggests: Elderly people with high blood sugar, try to eat less of these 4 vegetables

"Pumpkin and carrots are rich in β-carotene and sugar, and the same problem is the same. As for beets, their sugar content is surprisingly high. Aunt Li listened, nodded, and seemed to be thinking. Doctor, how can you better apply this information in our daily life? ”

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctor suggests: Elderly people with high blood sugar, try to eat less of these 4 vegetables

Dr. Sun smiled and replied, "Aunt Li, the key is balance and moderation. For patients with high blood sugar, appropriately adjusting the diet structure, reducing the intake of these vegetables, and adding some low-sugar, high-fiber foods, such as various legumes, green leafy vegetables, etc., can help control blood sugar. ”

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctor suggests: Elderly people with high blood sugar, try to eat less of these 4 vegetables

This conversation gave Aunt Li a new understanding. She thanked Dr. Sun for his advice and decided to adjust the variety of vegetables in her small vegetable garden at home to include more vegetables that have less effect on blood sugar.

Back at home, Aunt Li shared her learning experience with her neighbors. Although they were a little disappointed that they couldn't eat garlic sprouts and pumpkin anymore, they all understood that it was for health reasons.

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctor suggests: Elderly people with high blood sugar, try to eat less of these 4 vegetables

A few weeks later, on a sunny afternoon, Aunt Li was secretly glad that she had received this valuable health information in time as she watered her newly planted bitter gourd and spinach. She believes that with these subtle life adjustments, she and her friends will improve their blood sugar control.

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctor suggests: Elderly people with high blood sugar, try to eat less of these 4 vegetables

However, just as Aunt Li was about to call it a day and go home, she suddenly thought of a question: "Dr. Sun, although these vegetables you mentioned earlier are not friendly to our blood sugar, are they still good for health in some cases?" ”

After listening to Aunt Li's question, Dr. Sun explained seriously: "It is true that each food has its own unique nutritional value. For example, pumpkin, despite being higher in sugar, is rich in vitamin A and potassium, which are very beneficial for heart health. Therefore, even for patients with high blood sugar, it is still okay to eat in moderation, the key is to control the amount and balance the overall diet. ”

Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctor suggests: Elderly people with high blood sugar, try to eat less of these 4 vegetables

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Are garlic sprouts a blood sugar "killer"? Doctor suggests: Elderly people with high blood sugar, try to eat less of these 4 vegetables

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