
American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

author:Rain falls on the riverside

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American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

Text/Rain falls on the riverside

Editor/Riverside Rainfall

The content of this article has reliable sources of information, and relevant sources are added at the end of the article


Our Chinese yearning for the moon has been around for a long time, which can be reflected in our traditional mythological stories, such as Chang'e running to the moon and Tiangu eclipse of the moon.

Although the scientific and technological level of the ancients was not enough, they used their strange imagination to give the moon a variety of fantasy colors, and the image of the moon often appeared in our poems, which is unique to us Chinese.

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

When the "Chang'e 6" carried the dream of the Chinese people and soared into the sky, every Chinese felt sincerely proud, but it made some Western countries break the defense, especially the United States.

Some people even openly smeared China on the show, what did they say? Why is China's lunar exploration program so threatening to Western countries?

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

【China's Aerospace Dream】

As early as 2004, China began to carry out lunar exploration projects, and gave a name that Chinese can understand - "Chang'e Project".

The plan is divided into three phases, namely "unmanned lunar exploration", "manned lunar landing" and "establishment of a lunar base".

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

At 17:27 p.m. on May 3, the Chang'e-6 probe was successfully launched on the Long March 5 carrier rocket at the Wenchang Cosmodrome on the mainland.

The mission of Chang'e-6 is to collect soil samples from the far side of the moon and bring them back, knowing that it is much more difficult to collect samples from the far side of the moon than the soil on the front side.

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

However, the mainland has full confidence, and even carried the Pakistani satellite, and successfully separated the satellite on the 8th, and obtained telemetry.

In addition, it is also equipped with ESA's lunar surface negative ion analyzer, France's lunar radon detector, and Italy's laser corner reflector, which shows that China's aerospace technology has an unparalleled status in the world.

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

【Deutsche Welle】

The successful launch of Chang'e-6 has aroused great repercussions in the international community, and the media of various countries have also made corresponding reports, but some media have played the usual trick of openly smearing China and maliciously speculating about China's purpose.

For example, Deutsche Welle, Germany's only foreign radio station, is mainly tasked with presenting Germany's diverse political, economic and cultural life to friends from all over the world through the media, as well as to present Germany's views on major international issues.

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

In a recent episode of Deutsche Welle's program, he first made a detailed report on the mission of Chang'e-6, not to mention that Germany's popular science has done a good job, and it does make people gain a lot of knowledge after watching it.

After broadcasting this, the host connected with an expert from the United States, who is a professor at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, specializing in space security research.

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

Their conversation is intriguing, first speculating that China's lunar exploration program has a military purpose, with the aim of building a military base on the moon that belongs to China.

Later, it also involved China's legitimate rights protection in the South China Sea, which is really a back-and-forth, and it is clear that the US authorities wanted to meddle in China's internal affairs in the first place, and now China is still being splashed with dirty water by them.

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

To sum up what they mean: the moon is jointly owned by mankind, and China cannot take it for itself, but must jointly develop it! No country can take anything in space for its own use, and if China does, it will be a violation of international space law.

But in fact, China's goal has never been to take the moon for itself, but to explore more unknown and mysterious areas, after all, our Chinese dream has always been a "sea of stars".

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

China's aerospace industry has developed too fast along the way, but in the face of criticism from the Western media, China has never changed, sticking to the principle of "peaceful use of space and opposing the space arms race".

Not to mention that as early as 1967, the United Nations signed the "Space Treaty" that came into force permanently, which clearly stipulates that countries shall not appropriate space resources, including the moon, for their own use.

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

[The United States panicked]

Of course, the shameless face of the Americans can be said to be in the same vein, after all, China's success is too much for them to brow, and they have not broken the defense once or twice.

After the first soft landing of Chang'e-4 on the far side of the moon in 2019, Western countries collectively broke their defenses, especially NASA Administrator Nelson, who has repeatedly expressed his views on related matters.

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

He not only said that "the United States and China are in competition over the manned lunar landing program," but also repeatedly framed China, believing that if China was the first to land on the moon, it would claim ownership of the moon.

Even in order to implement the U.S. plan to return to the moon, the "Artemis 1" program was proposed, and it was announced that it would be the first to realize the manned lunar landing program in 2024.

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

But now that 2024 is almost halfway over, I haven't heard the news of the United States landing on the moon at all, and I don't know if they have finally calmed down this time and are ready to give the world a big surprise.

In particular, in a program, the assistant director of the lunar exploration center also revealed a very important information, that is, "no Apollo Basin ...... was found on the surface of the moon", but it gave people unlimited room for association, and it is no wonder that the United States is so flustered.

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon


When China's space technology was still in a weak period, the United States once gave China 1 gram of lunar soil, which greatly filled the gap in our space field, and mainland scientists were only willing to use 0.5 grams for research.

Nowadays, our country has long been unstoppable in the field of aerospace, and more than 1,000 grams of lunar soil have been collected, and scientists have sufficient experimental samples, and they have not disappointed everyone's expectations and released many research results.

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

In addition, clean energy has been extracted from lunar soil, and it can be seen from the many international payloads carried by China's operation, China has never had the idea of "occupying the moon".

The moon will always be a resource shared by all mankind, and China has never valued the interests of one country, but to promote all mankind to jointly open a new era of space, and I hope that we can write a new chapter of human civilization as soon as possible!

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon
American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon

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Information sources:

On May 5, 2024, Brave Universe Y released a video titled "[Deutsche Welle] Reports on the Launch of Chang'e-6, Cheekily Talking Nonsense and Talking About the China Threat".

On May 4, 2024, China Industry Network released a report on the successful launch of the Chang'e-6 probe

On November 11, 2021, the report "Return to the Moon in 2024: NASA Plans to Launch an Unmanned Spacecraft in February Next Year" was released

American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon
American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon
American expert: The moon is an asset of all mankind and should be developed together! China cannot monopolize the moon


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