
Is cucumber a "catalyst" for bowel cancer? Doctor: I don't want bowel cancer to come quickly, and no matter how much I love two things, I must avoid them

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Did you know that cucumbers are actually the catalyst for bowel cancer?" Doctor Zhang Ming said to Wang Qiang in front of him with a serious face.

Wang Qiang is 38 years old and a software engineer. Lately, he has been feeling numb in his legs and feet, especially after sitting for a long time. So, he decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

The results of the examination in the hospital surprised Wang Qiang. He thought it was just a lack of exercise caused by poor blood circulation, but the doctor told him that his body had sent some warning signs that should not be ignored.

Is cucumber a "catalyst" for bowel cancer? Doctor: I don't want bowel cancer to come quickly, and no matter how much I love two things, I must avoid them

"Mr. Wang, your symptoms are not just a problem with blood circulation, we have also found that you have signs of early bowel cancer." Dr. Zhang continued.

Wang Qiang's heart sank, and he never thought that his usually healthy-looking self would be hooked with cancer. He hurriedly asked the doctor, "How is this possible?" I usually eat a healthy diet, is it because I like to eat cucumbers lately? ”

Dr. Zhang nodded and explained, "Yes, cucumbers are indeed a problem. Cucumber itself is a very healthy vegetable, but if eaten incorrectly, it can be a catalyst for bowel cancer. ”

Wang Qiang was confused, how could cucumbers, a food that is considered healthy, be related to bowel cancer?

Seeing his doubts, Dr. Zhang explained in detail: "Cucumbers are rich in water and fiber, which have certain benefits for gut health, but cucumbers are also susceptible to pesticide contamination, especially if they are not washed thoroughly.

Is cucumber a "catalyst" for bowel cancer? Doctor: I don't want bowel cancer to come quickly, and no matter how much I love two things, I must avoid them

Pesticide residues combined with certain components in cucumbers can form a harmful chemical in the gut, which may induce bowel cancer due to long-term accumulation. ”

Wang Qiang nodded, still a little puzzled, "Is there any food that I should pay special attention to?" ”

Dr. Zhang thought for a moment and replied, "Actually, not only cucumbers, but also certain high-fat and high-sugar foods are also high-risk factors for bowel cancer. For example, barbecue and desserts, although these two foods are popular, long-term high intake can increase the risk of bowel cancer. ”

Hearing this, Wang Qiang was a little ashamed, he really likes to eat barbecue, at least two or three times a week.

"Mr. Wang, I suggest that you make some adjustments in your diet, eat less of these high-risk foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and maintain a balanced diet." Dr. Zhang said earnestly.

Is cucumber a "catalyst" for bowel cancer? Doctor: I don't want bowel cancer to come quickly, and no matter how much I love two things, I must avoid them

Wang Qiang nodded, secretly determined to change his eating habits.

Next, Dr. Teo explained in detail how cucumbers and other foods affect gut health.

First of all, cucumber acid in cucumber is a substance that can promote intestinal peristalsis, and moderate intake can help prevent constipation.

However, cucumber acid also has the potential to react with other substances in the gut to form harmful compounds, which, if accumulated in the gut for a long time, may lead to cell mutations that increase the risk of bowel cancer.

Secondly, the skin of cucumbers is prone to pesticide residues, and if they are not adequately cleaned before eating, pesticide residues can enter the body. Although the human body has a certain ability to detoxify, long-term intake of pesticide residues will increase the burden on the liver and intestines, leading to chronic poisoning, which may eventually induce bowel cancer.

Is cucumber a "catalyst" for bowel cancer? Doctor: I don't want bowel cancer to come quickly, and no matter how much I love two things, I must avoid them

In addition, the cold attribute of cucumber itself is not suitable for some people with weak stomach, especially when eating a large number of raw cucumbers, it will cause irritation to the stomach and intestines, which may affect intestinal health in the long run.

In addition to cucumbers, Dr. Zhang also mentioned the issue of barbecue and desserts.

Barbecue is really everyone's favorite, especially at barbecue parties or family dinners, the smell of barbecue is irresistible. However, you need to be careful when you are feasting. When grilled at high temperatures, some less friendly substances are produced, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic amines (HCAs). These things sound awkward, but they are all carcinogens recognized by scientists.

Especially when we grill the meat to a black color, the content of PAHs and HCAs will increase greatly. Many people like the burnt taste and think it's more fragrant and delicious, but in fact, this part is the most dangerous.

Is cucumber a "catalyst" for bowel cancer? Doctor: I don't want bowel cancer to come quickly, and no matter how much I love two things, I must avoid them

Those carcinogens will enter the intestines with food, and if they are eaten for a long time, the intestinal cells will be prone to problems, increasing the risk of bowel cancer.

Specifically, PAHs are produced when organic matter is incompletely burned at high temperatures, while HCAs are produced when amino acids, sugars, and proteins in meat react at high temperatures.

Eating these things for a long time is very harmful to the body. First, they directly damage the cells of the intestinal mucosa, leading to genetic mutations in the cells. Secondly, they can also interfere with the self-repair of cells, so that damaged cells cannot repair properly, increasing the chance of cancer.

In addition to grilled meat, high-sugar desserts are also something we should pay attention to. While desserts can bring short-lived pleasure, the health hazards of excessive sugar intake are also obvious. A diet high in sugar can easily lead to obesity, which itself is an important risk factor for bowel cancer.

Fat cells are not only energy stores, but also secrete various harmful substances, such as pro-inflammatory cytokines, which can trigger chronic inflammation, which is one of the important causes of cancer.

In addition, excess sugar can also lead to insulin resistance, which prevents the body from using blood sugar effectively, and blood sugar levels rise, which also increases the risk of bowel cancer.

Is cucumber a "catalyst" for bowel cancer? Doctor: I don't want bowel cancer to come quickly, and no matter how much I love two things, I must avoid them

Studies have shown that high blood sugar and insulin resistance can increase levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF), a powerful cell growth factor that promotes not only the growth of normal cells, but also the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Also, a diet high in sugar can disrupt the balance of the intestinal flora. Intestinal flora is very important for intestinal health, excessive sugar will promote the growth of harmful bacteria, inhibit the reproduction of beneficial bacteria, and break the microecological balance of the intestine.

When the microbiota is out of balance, the barrier function of the intestine will decrease, and harmful substances are more likely to enter the bloodstream, triggering an inflammatory response throughout the body, which is also an important factor in the cause of bowel cancer.

So, although barbecue and high-sugar desserts are delicious, we have to control and not be greedy, especially those parts that are blackened by high temperatures, and try to eat as little as possible. Eat a balanced diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and choose healthy cooking methods, such as steaming, boiling, and stewing, in order to better prevent bowel cancer and other diseases and maintain good health.

Is cucumber a "catalyst" for bowel cancer? Doctor: I don't want bowel cancer to come quickly, and no matter how much I love two things, I must avoid them

Dr. Teo shared another case he had encountered. It was a 40-year-old woman who was very fond of desserts and barbecue. Before she was diagnosed with bowel cancer, she never imagined that these usual eating habits would have such serious consequences. After a series of treatments and dietary adjustments, her condition was gradually brought under control.

Dr. Zhang concluded, "The most important thing to prevent bowel cancer is to have a healthy lifestyle, eat a reasonable diet, exercise moderately, and maintain a good attitude. ”

Wang Qiang looked at Dr. Zhang gratefully and decided to completely change his lifestyle from today. He began to exercise every day, eat more vegetables and fruits, pay special attention to the cleaning of cucumbers, and eat less barbecues and desserts.

After a few months, Wang Qiang felt that his physical condition had improved significantly, and the symptoms of numbness in his legs and feet had disappeared. He went to the hospital again for a check-up and the doctor told him that his health had improved significantly and that the early signs of bowel cancer had disappeared.

Is cucumber a "catalyst" for bowel cancer? Doctor: I don't want bowel cancer to come quickly, and no matter how much I love two things, I must avoid them

Wang Qiang is deeply aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle to prevent diseases. He shared his experience with his friends and family, reminding them to pay attention to their diet and lifestyle habits.

How can I better prevent bowel cancer in my daily life?

To prevent bowel cancer, we must first start with our diet. In your daily diet, you should try to avoid high-fat, high-sugar and processed foods, and increase the intake of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Eating more fiber-rich foods, such as oats, brown rice, beans, etc., can help promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation and bowel cancer.

Second, pay attention to how the food is cooked. Try to avoid high-temperature frying and grilling, and use healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and stewing. Meat, in particular, should not be grilled too blackened to reduce the production of carcinogens.

Is cucumber a "catalyst" for bowel cancer? Doctor: I don't want bowel cancer to come quickly, and no matter how much I love two things, I must avoid them

Again, maintain a moderate amount of exercise. Getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

In addition, regular physical examinations should be carried out, especially for people with a family history of bowel cancer, and colonoscopy should be paid more attention to for early detection and early treatment.

Finally, keep a good mindset. Long-term stress and anxiety can also affect gut health, so learn to regulate your mood and keep your mood happy.

Through these comprehensive measures, bowel cancer can be effectively prevented and good health can be maintained.

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