
The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

author:Canned green oranges
The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

All content in this article is based on official and reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed at the end of the article


Durian is such a thing, those who like to eat can't put it down, and those who don't like to eat can't smell it.

While it's controversial, there's no denying that it's really expensive.

It's just that I didn't expect that one day, the price of durian will also dive, and there will be a price a day, and people who love durian will smile, but durian planting places such as Thailand and Vietnam may be uncomfortable, because mainland consumers may no longer pay for high-priced durian.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

The price of durian is on the jumping machine

Because the cost of planting, transportation, and storage is high, the price of durian has been high, but this year is different, and this year's durian harvest in Southeast Asia has been bumper.

Due to the impact of supply and demand on the price of the product, this year's durian has dropped again and again, and it is simply a jumping machine.

In some places, the price of durian has even been cut in half, and it is reported that in a fruit store in Shanghai, even the high-quality golden pillow durian has been reduced to 25 yuan a catty.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

In the past, it might cost hundreds of yuan to buy a durian, but now, you can get it for dozens of dollars.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

Information source: Take a look at the news - the price of durian has recently "plunged" (2024.5.13)

But if it can be sold at such a price, then the merchant will really burn high incense, because someone in Guangxi revealed that 5 durians were directly won for 100 yuan.

In this regard, many netizens shouted that the era of durian freedom is finally coming, and some people said that they want to go to Guangxi as soon as possible.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

It is reported that in the wholesale market in Guangxi, you can already see many tricycles full of durian, some by the pound, and some at a fixed price, but without exception they are very cheap.

Even Musang King can't avoid the fate of 58 yuan each.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

Information source: Guangming Network - 100 yuan 5? Durian price "diving"!Merchant: one price a day (2024.5.8)

While the price of durian has plunged, it can't help but make people wonder, why is durian, which has been high, suddenly so cheap?

The reason behind the big price drop of durian

The durian price reduction is very sudden, which catches people off guard, but when the people who love the lotus are crazy, have you ever thought about the reason for the durian price reduction, and this will also be related to whether we have really achieved "durian freedom".

The reasons for the price reduction of durian can be said to be many, first of all, May is the season of durian ripening, and durians from Thailand and Vietnam are concentrated on the market.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

In a short period of time, the supply of durian suddenly greatly exceeded the demand, changing the supply and demand relationship, which led to the price reduction of durian.

In addition, Thailand and other producing areas have encountered dry weather, the ripeness of the fruit is different, and it is easy to crack, so it is more necessary to sell as soon as possible.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

But this price reduction is temporary after all, in this case, when the number of durians returns to normal, the price will still rise, so can we still achieve durian freedom?

Then we have to look at the changes we have made in our country for durian.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

In the price reduction of durian, Guangxi has definitely made a great contribution, and we will find that a lot of news about the ultra-low price of durian comes from Guangxi.

This is because Guangxi is located in the southeast of the mainland, which happens to be the land transportation artery through ASEAN countries, and in order to allow more durians to enter the mainland smoothly, Guangxi is also constantly strengthening the construction of ports, improving efficiency and reducing logistics costs.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

In the whole of last year, the total amount of durian imported by Guangxi has reached 8.79 billion, an increase of 185.9% over 2022, and it is enough to see that durian is entering the mainland in large quantities through Guangxi.

As early as April this year, durians from Vietnam, Thailand and other places have begun to queue up for inspection, and then enter the domestic market, in addition to land transportation, there are also sea and air transportation to ensure that this time-sensitive fruit can quickly reach consumers.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

Therefore, even if the time of centralized listing has passed, the price of durian will not rebound greatly, and the day of consumer durian freedom is really not far away.

In addition, in order to ensure a stable durian price, both imported and local cultivation need to be carried out.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

Information source: Global Network - "King of Fruits" is listed in large quantities, and multiple factors lead to lower durian prices (2024.5.13)

Domestic durian

In fact, since the 50s of the last century, the mainland has begun to introduce and plant durian, but due to environmental changes and no mature planting technology, the survival rate of durian has been very low.

But since 2018, Hainan has begun to plant a large number of durians, which has now reached a huge 30,000 mu, and the varieties planted are also diverse, including Golden Pillow, Musang King and so on.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

In 2023, the first batch of domestic durians has been successfully launched and has been warmly welcomed by consumers.

At that time, some netizens said that if the planting can be successful, Guangxi will also be planted in a large area, and durian will become 10 yuan and 3 catties within ten years.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

Now it seems that this netizen's prediction is still very accurate, but this day may not take more than 10 years.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

Information source: Poster News - invest 400 million yuan in three years! The survival rate of domestic durian has been as high as 99%, and the secret is one (2023.8.1)

The plunge in durian prices is undoubtedly a boon for domestic consumers, but for places like Thailand and Vietnam, it may be sad, because from now on, Chinese consumers will no longer pay for high-priced durians.

Many countries are vying for the Chinese market

Chinese people are indeed very fond of durian, with a total of 1.5459 million tons of imports in 2023, worth 6.716 billion US dollars, and there is no country in the world that can compare with us.

And because of China's love for durian, the demand for durian has also soared by 400%, of which ninety percent comes from China.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

It stands to reason that since the mainland likes durian so much, those durian producing areas can be sold at a good price, so why bother about it?

In the short term, they do make a lot of money from China, but nothing is static, and as the world's second largest economy, the Chinese market has always been a must for foreign suppliers in various fields.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

There are also more and more countries exporting durian to China, including Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc., plus the durian grown in China, the output is bound to increase year by year.

Thanks to the completion of the China-Laos railway, it has become more convenient for ASEAN countries to transport fruits to China, for example, it used to take about 12 days for Thai durians to enter China, but now it only takes three days.

The decline in durian prices will become an irreversible trend, and the era of making high profits through durian in Thailand, Vietnam and other countries will also be gone.

The price plummeted by half, and Thailand and Vietnam were full of fear: China no longer pays for high-priced durians!

Information source: Shangguan News - the price of a big "dive"! Is "Durian Freedom" coming? (2024.5.11)

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