
Dongxiang County: Improve the livestock and poultry breeding industry chain and promote the high-quality development of animal husbandry

author:Dongxiang County Rong Media Center

Original Gansu Radio and Television Station Audiovisual Gansu

In recent years, Fengshan Township, Dongxiang County, with its unique natural resources and favorable policies introduced by the county, is committed to building a complete livestock and poultry breeding industry chain, and the sheep breeding industry is moving towards a new stage of intensification and science. Recently, in Fengshan Township Zhenpeng Breeding Farmers Cooperative, the reporter witnessed the vigorous development of the township's breeding industry, clean and tidy enclosures, the Dongxiang Gong sheep with bright coats are enjoying their "food".

Dongxiang County: Improve the livestock and poultry breeding industry chain and promote the high-quality development of animal husbandry

"Zhenpeng Farm, which was established in June 2022, has received strong support from the county and township governments, and the breeding benefits are obvious. At present, there are more than 1,300 sheep in the farm, and more than 3,200 sheep have been slaughtered in the first four months of this year. Chen Guohai, the person in charge, said, "Thanks to the county's sheep industry chain development policy, we will further expand the scale of breeding, improve efficiency, and provide more employment opportunities to the surrounding people." ”

Dongxiang County: Improve the livestock and poultry breeding industry chain and promote the high-quality development of animal husbandry

Fengshan Township continues to promote the high-quality development of animal husbandry under the leadership of party building, and has built a "four-season industrial development system" with "intensive planting, scientific breeding, and skill-based labor services" as the pillars. Among them, the sheep breeding in Erjia Village is particularly successful, which has driven the diversified development of the local agricultural system, and initially formed a large-scale breeding industry such as Zhenpeng breeding in Erjia Village, Fengshan Township, and Kaisheng Sheep Breeding Base in Erjia Village, and has established long-term partnerships with many enterprises such as Chengdu "Xiyu Memories" and Sinuba Mountain City Catering.

Dongxiang County: Improve the livestock and poultry breeding industry chain and promote the high-quality development of animal husbandry
Dongxiang County: Improve the livestock and poultry breeding industry chain and promote the high-quality development of animal husbandry

In order to promote rural revitalization, the township government encourages and supports the sustainable development of 55 large breeding households and 384 cattle and sheep households, and the rural economy is full of vitality, so far, there are 32,000 sheep in Fengshan Township.

The main person in charge of Fengshan Township said that he will continue to increase the empowerment of science and technology, improve the new quality productivity of agriculture, expand the effect of linking agriculture with agriculture, and promote the high-quality development of the aquaculture industry with the help of ecological breeding products. Through the effective combination of government guidance and market mechanism, Fengshan Township will improve the efficiency of the livestock and poultry breeding industry, improve the level of the agricultural industry chain, and provide more diversified jobs for the masses, effectively achieve agricultural efficiency, increase farmers' income, and promote the overall prosperity of the countryside.

(Correspondent: Ma Lijun)

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