
China-Africa research is in Yuhua丨This research base will take you to a one-stop "tour" to African countries

author:Yuhua released

Recently, the first-grade children of Yuhua School of the High School Affiliated to Hunan Normal University, dressed in neat school uniforms, with curiosity and desire for the unknown, embarked on a journey of exploration of the Sino-African cultural and economic and trade research and practice base under the guidance of the teachers.

China-Africa research is in Yuhua丨This research base will take you to a one-stop "tour" to African countries

As soon as the children stepped into the research base, they were infected by the enthusiastic atmosphere. Sister Yueyue from Congo greeted every child with a smile on her face, and her kindness and enthusiasm opened the "mysterious key" to the treasure house of exotic cultures for the children.

Under the guidance of docents and teachers, the children shuttled between the 3 comprehensive pavilions and the 34 national pavilions, their eyes wandering through the various exhibits, curiously exploring the mysteries of African culture. After visiting the exhibition hall of the China-Africa Economic and Trade In-depth Cooperation Pilot Zone and the exhibition hall of the dual circulation of global trade circulation, the children had a deeper understanding of the economic and trade relations between Africa and China.

China-Africa research is in Yuhua丨This research base will take you to a one-stop "tour" to African countries

The most exciting part is the activity of experiencing African culture first-hand. The children beat the African drum and feel the passionate rhythm; Everyone danced African dances and appreciated the vitality of African culture in the dance. These activities not only allowed the children to feel the charm of African culture "zero distance", but also sowed the seeds of understanding and respect for multiculturalism in their hearts.

China-Africa research is in Yuhua丨This research base will take you to a one-stop "tour" to African countries

In the "Geography of Africa" experience area, children have an in-depth understanding of Africa's geographical features and natural resources through interactive maps and games, and have a more comprehensive understanding of this mysterious continent. The children were intently exploring the mysteries of Africa's geography, their faces filled with a thirst for knowledge.

China-Africa research is in Yuhua丨This research base will take you to a one-stop "tour" to African countries

In addition, the children also made colorful crowns by themselves and felt the unique charm of traditional African handicrafts. They used their creativity to create their own African-style crowns with colored beads, feathers and other materials, and enjoyed the fun of hand-making.

China-Africa research is in Yuhua丨This research base will take you to a one-stop "tour" to African countries

Finally, in the "Totem of Art" experience area, the children appreciated the totem art of the primitive tribes of Africa, and tried to express their understanding and feelings of African culture on paper with clay. Their works are full of childlike fun and creativity, showing children's unique insights and unlimited imagination on African culture.

The relevant person in charge of the school told Huahua that this China-Africa cultural and economic and trade research trip not only allowed the children to experience the unique charm of African culture, but also stimulated their interest and respect for multiculturalism. I believe that such an experience will leave a deep mark on the children's growth and become a valuable asset for them to explore the world and broaden their horizons.

China-Africa research is in Yuhua丨This research base will take you to a one-stop "tour" to African countries

Source丨District Rong Media Center reporter Chen Jing correspondent Wan Youcheng

Editor-in-charge丨Wu Yiwei Editor丨Fu Yamei

Deputy Editor-in-Chief on Duty丨Happy

Editor-in-Chief丨Xiong Qiyu

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China-Africa research is in Yuhua丨This research base will take you to a one-stop "tour" to African countries

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China-Africa research is in Yuhua丨This research base will take you to a one-stop "tour" to African countries

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China-Africa research is in Yuhua丨This research base will take you to a one-stop "tour" to African countries
China-Africa research is in Yuhua丨This research base will take you to a one-stop "tour" to African countries

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