
Six precise efforts in Huanghekou Town, Kenli District, to promote the high-quality development of women's work

author:Volkswagen Dongying

Located in the northeast of Kenli District, Dongying City, Huanghekou Town covers an area of 1,317 square kilometers, has jurisdiction over 63 administrative villages, has a registered population of 27,000, a permanent population of 9,887, and women and children account for more than 60%. In order to further strengthen the sense of responsibility and mission of the Women's Federation to play an important role in the rural revitalization strategy, the Women's Federation of Huanghekou Town played an organizational role with the theme of "mobilizing rural women to participate in social management and promoting rural revitalization", and continued to make precise efforts in the six aspects of "building a platform, building a position, creating a carrier, strengthening services, building a brand, and establishing a model", leading the majority of women to become the pioneers of industrial development, the builders of beautiful homes, and the advocates of civilized new trends, creating a co-creation of women, resource sharing, and complementary advantages. The integrated and interactive model of women's common prosperity in the Yellow River Estuary. Huanghekou Town has been rated as an outstanding collective for women and children's work in Dongying Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, a pilot unit for provincial food education research and practice base by the Shandong Women's Federation, and an outstanding collective for the construction of beautiful courtyards in Shandong Province.

Make efforts on the platform under construction to unlock the common wealth password. In accordance with the work orientation of "what the party and government urgently need, what women need, and what the women's federation can do", the women's federation + base model is operated, and the cooperation models such as "base + cooperative + farmer" and "base + farmer" are adopted, and the "women's meritorious action" is continuously deepened, and more than 10 "women" brand bases of various types are developed, and flexible employment points at the doorstep are continuously expanded, and the leading demonstration and radiation driving role of the women's entrepreneurship and innovation base are given full play, so as to pass on the industrial development dividend to the surrounding women to the greatest extent and drive the majority of women to unlock the common wealth password. Combined with the province's "cross-village joint construction" pilot and industrial layout, based on the "Yellow River Estuary Yantian Rice Warehouse" to connect with the construction of the rural revitalization centralized promotion area, closely around rice, soybeans, figs and other leading industries, to build a fig industrial park, Yantian rice warehouse industrial park, soybean processing plant women's common wealth demonstration area, and gradually build a "point-to-area" coverage system, send projects to villages, send employment to households, and attract women to actively participate in the development of rice, soybean, fig and other industries. At present, 112 women have been directly driven to achieve employment and increase their income by more than 200 yuan. Relying on the Waner Manor Agricultural Tourism Integration Park Project and the Yulin Village Cultural Tourism Project, women are recruited to actively participate in field picking, rural catering, homestay reception, education and research, etc., and encourage and lead the majority of women to devote themselves to the main battlefield of economic and social development. It has driven more than 100 surplus female laborers in surrounding villages to find employment, achieving an average annual income increase of more than 20,000 yuan.

Make efforts to build a position and improve the quality and efficiency of work. On the one hand, relying on the research hall of the industrial park, we will give full play to the advantages of the industrial park's location, site, talent and resources, and realize the sharing of resources for joint construction of positions. With the theme of gardening, fruit picking, puzzle, and parent-child, the joint assistance department and caring social organizations have set up a team of women volunteers with town cadres, college students, and retired teachers as the main body, so as to move the classroom into the industrial park and turn practical activities into textbooks. Through a series of special activities of "Entering the Industrial Park and Studying for the Future", it provides a solid guarantee for children's health, happiness, and happy learning and growth, so that the core values of socialism can take root in the family. On the other hand, it has reached a research and study co-construction with the educated youth town, carried out party spirit training, outward bound training, revolutionary traditional education and red patriotism education, learned the spirit of "hard work and courage to pioneer" condensed by generations of farmers, felt the glorious years of hard work and selfless dedication of the educated youth, and cultivated students' diligence and dedication, unity and cooperation spirit and independent ability.

Make efforts on the carrier of innovation and achieve a target. The courtyard is small, but it has a lot to offer. Deepen the creation and promotion of beautiful courtyards, create more than 600 demonstration households at the city and county levels, improve the four-level demonstration mechanism, build a number of beautiful courtyard demonstration households that "push the door to see the greenery and look up to enjoy the scenery", and guide the villagers to rely on the courtyard space to develop the courtyard economy. Promote the beauty of the countryside with the small beauty of the courtyard, promote the improvement of the appearance of the village with the cleanliness of the home, transform the beautiful countryside into a beautiful economy and beautiful industry, and let the farmer's "square inch of land" be built into a "cornucopia" to increase income and get rich. At present, the Yellow River Estuary Town is constantly enriching the connotation of the courtyard economy, expanding other functions of the courtyard, promoting the integrated development of the courtyard economy and the cultural and tourism industry, guiding the development of planting, breeding, processing, operation, and business travel courtyards, guiding farmers to develop handicrafts, agricultural product processing, as well as family hotels, homestay vacations, farm stays and other formats, building a characteristic brand of "Beauty in the Yellow River Estuary", creating a village-level sub-brand of "one village, one product", continuously improving the level of beautiful courtyards, realizing flexible employment at home for villagers, and increasing villagers' income. At the same time, the creation of beautiful courtyards and the improvement of the living environment are organically combined, and more than 300 women volunteers are actively organized to carry out the renovation of the living environment, and the environmental cleaning and cleaning of key areas such as garbage, front and back of houses, village roads, ditches and other key areas in the town work together to improve the appearance of the village. Guide the masses to take the family as the position and the courtyard as the carrier to contribute "her strength" to the construction of a harmonious and beautiful countryside.

Make efforts to strengthen services and achieve a way to get rich. Only by allowing women to have "skills" in employment can there be a "way" to become rich. Create an integrated service model of "employment and employment, information sharing, and service guidance", cover rural women with technical guidance, financial publicity and other services, and guide women to actively participate in the development and operation of industries with special advantages. Highlight skills training and send skills to people. Establish demonstration sites and training bases for women's entrepreneurship and prosperity, implement the "Women's Quality Improvement Plan", further promote the "Women's Leading Goose Refining Action", improve and improve the women's entrepreneurship and innovation service system, and organize the chairperson of the Women's Federation, the backbone of women's rural employment, and the female leader of the rich to participate in the special training of "quality improvement and empowerment", so as to promote women's flexible employment. Set up learning salons, seminars and other exchange and learning platforms, organize and carry out training on the quality improvement of grassroots women's federations, rural tourism, e-commerce live broadcast, hand-knitting, housekeeping services, health and other training, lead and drive more rural women to develop the "home economy", and strive to improve the management ability and endogenous motivation of female creators and practitioners in rural tourism to increase income and get rich, and carry out more than 30 practical skills training courses, serving more than 800 people. Organize women to get rich leaders and soil experts to go deep into the fields to carry out the agricultural technology promotion activities of "women's science and technology to help agriculture". Build a service platform and deliver policies to your home. From the policy, science and technology, employment, finance, law and other aspects of support, the establishment of "women" enterprises docking and common prosperity bridge, alleviate the problem of entrepreneurs financing difficulties, financing costs, and actively support rural women who go out to return to their hometowns, female entrepreneurs in rural grassroots governance, rural civilization construction, new agricultural management and other fields play an important role, to be a love hometown, innovation, the courage to work hard to return to the hometown to start a business, to be a leader in practicing the concept of green life, to promote the construction of a beautiful countryside, to promote a good family, family education, The inheritor and pioneer of family style construction has become an indispensable "new force" on the road of rural revitalization, and there are 4 municipal-level women's "double creation" projects in the town.

Make efforts to build a brand and create the characteristics of the town. With the purpose of serving the masses for a better life, we will focus on women's advantageous industries, create a number of influential, distinctive and competitive brands, carry out women's entrepreneurship and innovation exchange and display activities, and promote the transformation of women's entrepreneurship and innovation achievements. Create a brand of "women love to share". Hand-knitted products, work-making products with the characteristics of the Yellow River Estuary and women's characteristics will be promoted in the "Women Love Sharing" section of the Yellow River Estuary WeChat public account and other online platforms. Develop women's handicrafts, grasp the "skills on the fingertips", integrate women's handicraft products, creative products and industrial parks in the industrial park to hold a series of activities such as exhibitions, sales, and experience production, and adopt the model of "online and offline double coverage, dual channels and simultaneous efforts" to promote the integration of offline experience and online sales of entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial products, and further improve the conversion rate of entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial achievements.

Make efforts to evaluate typical models and stimulate entrepreneurial vitality. In 11 districts and 63 villages in the town, the "three competitions and three competitions for women's common wealth" arena were set up, and the five major list areas of "women's federation organization, rural revitalization, women's entrepreneurship, family education, and beautiful courtyards" were determined, and brand drying, centralized scoring, evaluation and optimization were carried out, so as to form a three-competition and three-competition atmosphere of "project competition, reform competition, women's and children's development and industry competition, service excellence, and women's construction first-class". Carry out the selection of five good civilized families, look for the most beautiful family activities, and select a number of advanced models. At the same time, we will widely publicize the typical and innovative practices of women's contributions, give full play to the exemplary and leading role of creating a post and erecting a flag, and bring up a group of people, so as to unite and lead the majority of women to contribute women's wisdom to promoting the high-quality development of Huanghekou Town and striving to create a model of women. (Wang Junwen)

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