
It's hot! Want to swim......

author:Xinjiang Fire Fighting

It's been so hot lately

The weather forecast shows

The highest temperature of the week is 35°C

It's hot! Want to swim......

It's hot! I want to go swimming, I want to play in the water!

Then you have to go to a proper place

Outdoor swimming is unsafe

As the temperature increases

People are wading in the water

Many people choose to go wild fishing, splashing, swimming, etc

This leads to danger


Case 1

It's hot! Want to swim......

On April 14, 2024, a man drowned in swimming in the deep pool in the direction of Guling at the Eelxi Bus Station in Jin'an District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province.

Case 2

It's hot! Want to swim......

On July 5, 2023, someone fell into the water in a mountain pond in Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, and after rescue, all 3 people who fell into the water were rescued and sent to the hospital for first aid as soon as possible.

Pond River, Reservoir, Creek and Pond......

These wild water systems appear to be calm on the surface

But there are huge security risks

Do you know the dangers of wild waters?

01 Turbulent Stone Dark Flow

Even if there is no height drop, when the current hits the large rocks and piled stones in the river, the direction of the flow changes, and it is possible to form a powerful undercurrent or even a whirlpool.

02 Be wary of faults at the bottom of the river

The riverbed structure of most small rivers is uneven, and the river water is deep and shallow, so it is easy to accidentally step into the deep water area and drown accidents.

03 Swimming in cool water is prone to cramps

Water temperatures in the wild are hierarchical. In summer, the surface is warmer and some warmer, and the lower the temperature, the lower it gets. When the water temperature is too low and the muscles are stimulated by cold water, they are prone to tonic contractions, resulting in muscle spasms.

04 In case of heavy rain upstream, be careful of rising water downstream

Sometimes, even though the weather is fine downstream, heavy rain in the upper reaches of the river will cause the river to increase rapidly and become a torrent that rushes downstream.

In addition, in addition to the risk of the water body itself

There are still many uncertainties in wild waters

It is easy to cause danger

The shore has been soaked in water for a long time, and it is very slippery or mossy, and it is easy to slip into the water when stepping on it; Reservoirs, rivers, landscape lakes and other waters are soft and soft in silt, and it is difficult to break free once they fall into it; The underwater environment is complex, and there may be aquatic plants such as aquatic plants, which are difficult to get out of once they are entangled; The wild is sparsely populated, and it is difficult to get timely rescue in the event of an accident.

It's hot! Want to swim......

Prevent drowning

There are several conditions to be aware of that are prone to drowning


These conditions can easily lead to drowning


If you don't understand the nature of the water and don't have a correct estimate of your physical strength and swimming ability, you can get into the water and drown.


Even if a person is accustomed to water, if he or she is not fully prepared for activities, if he is suddenly stimulated by cold water after entering the water, or if he swims for too long and loses too much carbon dioxide in his body, his limbs will cramp and convulsion underwater, causing him to lose his autonomy and sink.


Lack of safety awareness, swimming in non-open water, limbs may be entangled in aquatic plants at the bottom of the water and cause sinking, or sink into mud and sand and lose control.


They frolic and fight with each other in the water, and then panic after an accident, resulting in drowning.


People who are in poor health, suffering from heart disease, anemia, epilepsy and other chronic diseases may relapse due to the stimulation of cold water while swimming, resulting in drowning.

Prevent drowning

"Six Prohibitions"

Be sure to keep it in mind


"Six Don'ts" for Drowning Prevention


It is not allowed to swim in the water without permission.


Do not swim with others without permission.


Swimming without an adult is not permitted.


It is not allowed to swim in waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel.


Do not swim in unfamiliar waters.


People who are not familiar with the nature of water are not allowed to go into the water to rescue without authorization.

Please keep these self-help measures in mind!

It can save your life in times of crisis!


Self-rescue measures from drowning

How can a person who can't swim save himself from drowning?

1. Keep your body afloat on the water as much as possible and wait for someone else to help you.

2. If there is something around you that you can grasp, pull, or hold, grab it quickly and use your strength to surface.

3. If you don't have anything to catch, you have to rely on some skill to float on your own.

4. When ventilating, exhale shallowly and inhale deeply.

5. When someone comes to the rescue, be sure to listen to the rescuer's command and do not drag the rescuer.

How can swimmers save themselves in case of emergencies?

Extraction muscle:

1. Leg cramps: swim to the shore or grab nearby floating objects as soon as possible; If you can't continue swimming, take a deep breath and dive underwater, try to straighten your feet, and then push your legs out as hard as you can, until the cramps slowly subside.

2. Finger cramps: Immediately clench your hands into fists, grasp them repeatedly, and then spread them firmly until they no longer cramp. Can float on your back.


Treading water as much as possible and exposing your head to the surface of the water will reduce the need to choke on water again. Tread water regularly for a while to calm yourself down before taking other measures.

Encounter the Whirlpool:

Try to lie flat on the surface of the water and swim quickly in the direction of the whirlpool using the most common swimming style.

Entangled in aquatic weeds, etc.:

1. Don't struggle and kick too hard, otherwise the weeds will become more tightly entangled.

2. If someone is nearby, ask for help as soon as possible, grab something that can be grasped, and let the body surface.

3. If not, the most effective way is to take a deep breath and dive into the water to unravel the aquatic weeds.

Part of the material source: Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China

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