
In the context of the sinking of high-quality medical resources, how can grassroots hospitals take advantage of the situation to expand new space for development? |Sichuan-Chongqing health integration research line

author:Cover News

Cover News Reporter Zeng Ye Li Xinggang Photo Report

This year marks the fifth year of the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, and the Sichuan-Chongqing cooperation has entered a new stage of development with cohesion and deep integration. As an important starting point of the "Sichuan-Chongqing game of chess", the integration of health care in Sichuan and Chongqing has achieved phased results in the promotion of several years, and gradually realized the optimal allocation and benign flow of production factors such as resources, talents, technology, and information in the region.

Under such a strategic background, a group of expert teams from "big hospitals" in big cities have been stationed in old revolutionary base areas and remote mountainous areas, and have set up camp in grassroots hospitals, not only to solve the problem of medical treatment for the local people, but also to improve the regional medical level with their respective expertise.

The sinking of high-quality medical resources not only benefits more people, but also brings opportunities to many grassroots hospitals. How can grassroots hospitals make good use of these resources? How to take advantage of the opportunity to expand new space for development? The cover news reporter paid a visit.

Take the long board to make up for the short board

The doctor's stationed assistance has brought about changes in the department

With the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission and the Sichuan Provincial Health Commission jointly issuing the "Work Plan for Cross-Provincial Cross-assistance of Tertiary Hospitals in Sichuan and Chongqing", the "big hospitals" in Sichuan and Chongqing have sent expert teams to each other to help grassroots hospitals across provinces and cities, which has become a new normal in the past two years.

Dr. Liu Wei, who is stationed at the Third People's Hospital of Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, is one of the experts sent by the First Affiliated Hospital of Intensive Medicine.

"Spine surgery is my specialty, and minimally invasive surgery is my strength, and these two are precisely the long-standing shortcomings of the Third People's Hospital of Dazhou City." Liu Wei told reporters that the conditions of grassroots hospitals are limited, so when he first arrived in the state to carry out the assistance work, he "brought his own belongings", carried a lot of minimally invasive surgical auxiliary equipment, and unreservedly taught the new technologies and theories he mastered to his new colleagues in Dazhou.

In the context of the sinking of high-quality medical resources, how can grassroots hospitals take advantage of the situation to expand new space for development? |Sichuan-Chongqing health integration research line

Dr. Liu Wei of the First Affiliated Hospital of Intensive Medicine sat in the outpatient department of the Third People's Hospital of Dazhou City. Photo by Zeng Ye

Clinically, Liu Wei often conducts MDT discussions and difficult and critical case discussions with colleagues, and formulates standardized and individualized diagnosis and treatment plans based on the latest clinical diagnosis and treatment guidelines, departmental consultation consensus and specific conditions of patients. At the same time, it will also combine the experience of studying and working in Chongqing to provide suggestions for the development of hospitals and departments, and carry out assistance work from the aspect of scientific research.

Not only does surgery under the shadowless lamp, but also teaches on the "three-foot podium", and sits in the outpatient department, Liu Wei is busy in the daily work of the hospital's spine surgery.

In the context of the sinking of high-quality medical resources, how can grassroots hospitals take advantage of the situation to expand new space for development? |Sichuan-Chongqing health integration research line

The second batch of doctoral teams from the First Affiliated Hospital of Intensive Medicine were admitted to the Third Hospital of Dazhou City. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

"The average length of stay for inpatients in our department has been shortened, and the cost of surgery and diagnosis and treatment has also been significantly reduced." Liu Wei said that with the continuous application of new technologies, hospitals can use minimally invasive techniques to control all costs of ordinary spine surgery at about 6,000 yuan. "The traditional diagnosis and treatment habits and ways of thinking have changed, the treatment plan is more scientific, the diagnosis and treatment procedures are more standardized, the patient satisfaction is improving, and everyone's business level is also improving, which shows that the help is effective, and I have a sense of achievement."

"The lumbar spine is minimally invasive, technically difficult, and the surgery is risky, which we have never done before. Now, we have to do more than 5 such surgeries a month, sometimes more than 10, and any attending doctor can do it independently. Tan Jian, director of the spine surgery department of the hospital, said that with the help of Dr. Liu Wei and the strong technical team behind him, they have successfully expanded the new business space, and more than 4,000 patients have been discharged in the past year, and the entire department has successfully ranked second among more than 20 similar departments in the city.

High-quality resources are sinking

Grassroots hospitals have psychosomatic sleep wards

Sichuan and Chongqing hospitals have crossed provinces to provide cross-assistance, breaking the shackles of administrative divisions. High-quality medical resources have sunk to the grassroots through benign flow, and have quietly changed the grassroots.

On the afternoon of May 13, the large conference room in the comprehensive building of the Sanli Campus of Dachuan Middle School in Dazhou, Sichuan Province was crowded with students and teachers. Guo Jiamei, a doctor of psychiatry from the First Affiliated Hospital of Intensive Medical Sciences, held a lecture on mental health here. "It was the first time in my life to listen to a Ph.D. lecture on psychology face-to-face, and I was very excited. Many of the methods shared by Dr. Guo can be learned and applied in practice, and they are also very rewarding. A junior high school class teacher at the scene sighed that after listening to the lecture, she was no longer afraid to communicate with the children in the "rebellious period".

Guo Jiamei is one of the experts who helped the Third People's Hospital of Dazhou City across provinces, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of common mental diseases such as mental disorders, schizophrenia, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders caused by organic diseases, and took over the work of the "former" Dr. Qiu Tian in July 2023.

In the context of the sinking of high-quality medical resources, how can grassroots hospitals take advantage of the situation to expand new space for development? |Sichuan-Chongqing health integration research line

Dr. Guo Jiamei gave a lecture on mental health at Dachuan Middle School. Photo by Zeng Ye

Through research, the two doctors found that the mental health status of adolescents in Dazhou City is not optimistic, only a few schools have psychological screening systems, and there is a lack of measures for later diagnosis and treatment, which is very easy to delay the diagnosis and treatment of adolescents' mental illness. To this end, they have deeply cultivated the subspecialty of psychiatry, led the establishment of a psychosomatic medicine ward in the Third People's Hospital of Dazhou City, vigorously improved the environment of the inpatient ward, and continuously improved the ability of medical staff to identify, diagnose and deal with mental illnesses. The development of the "sub-specialty" discipline of psychosomatic sleep ward has also realized from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong.

"In the past, when patients with mental illness came to us, they usually prescribed some medicine, and even dared not accept the more serious ones." Wang Pinggui, deputy director of the psychosomatic sleep ward of the hospital, told reporters that with the relay help of two doctors, their discipline is developing with each passing day, and the management model, service mode and treatment methods have been qualitatively improved. ”

In the past two years, similar vivid practices have blossomed everywhere in Sichuan and Chongqing. The expert team of Sichuan and Chongqing not only taught by word and deed, took the lead in setting an example, but also taught and solved doubts, contributed ideas and efforts, and jointly promoted the improvement of the level of regional primary medical care.

For example, experts from Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital have signed a "mentoring and apprenticeship" agreement with doctors from Yunyang County People's Hospital in Chongqing. In another example, West China Hospital of Sichuan University and Chongqing Tongnan District People's Hospital signed a network alliance hospital cooperation agreement, and the two sides have carried out in-depth cooperation in medical treatment, talent training, discipline construction, etc., to promote the sinking of high-quality medical resources and improve the overall medical and health technical service level of the region.

In the context of the sinking of high-quality medical resources, how can grassroots hospitals take advantage of the situation to expand new space for development? |Sichuan-Chongqing health integration research line

Experts from West China Hospital of Sichuan led a team to conduct joint ward rounds in Tongnan District People's Hospital of Chongqing. (According to Hualong Net)

From blood transfusion to hematopoiesis

Transforming resource utilization is the key

"The doctoral team of the First Affiliated Hospital of Intensive Medical Care helped us, and the service period in the agreement was 5 years. What do we do after they're gone? Li Jianguo, president of the Third People's Hospital of Dazhou City, threw such a question to the department directors in July 2023 when the first batch of doctors finished helping.

Wu Hongyu, a psychotherapist who has been in the hospital for two years from university and majored in applied psychology, also thinks about the same problem. "On campus, we see more and do less. When you really become a doctor, you have to be able to do and treat. Wu Hongyu was particularly lucky, as soon as he joined the work, he successively followed the two doctors to teach "hand in hand". Through the accumulation of more than 300 actual combat cases, he became the youngest psychotherapist in the hospital. Wu Hongyu believes that with the help of doctors, he will definitely be able to grow up before the expiration of the five-year support period.

The cover news reporter noticed that since the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission and the Sichuan Provincial Health Commission jointly issued the "Work Plan for Cross-Provincial Cross-Assistance in Sichuan and Chongqing Tertiary Hospitals", more and more expert teams have been stationed in old revolutionary areas and remote mountainous areas to set up camp in grassroots hospitals, not only to solve the pain of the local people, but also to improve the regional medical level with their respective expertise. Various forms of assistance actions, such as teaching surgery, academic conferences, organized teaching, in-department teaching, and teaching rounds, have quietly promoted the comprehensive level of grassroots hospitals in the two places.

In the context of the sinking of high-quality medical resources, how can grassroots hospitals take advantage of the situation to expand new space for development? |Sichuan-Chongqing health integration research line

Cross-provincial counterpart assistance experts carry out academic teaching activities. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

Since July 2022, the First Affiliated Hospital of Intensive Medicine has assisted the hospital in building a respiratory intensive care unit and a neurosurgery intensive care unit in combination with the actual needs of the Third People's Hospital of Dazhou City, and carried out new technologies and projects such as bronchial balloon dilation, nerve root block surgery, and minimally invasive rotary resection of benign breast tumors under ultrasound positioning, so that the hospital's medical service field has been broadened.

In the context of the sinking of high-quality medical resources, how can grassroots hospitals take advantage of the situation to expand new space for development? |Sichuan-Chongqing health integration research line

Inter-provincial counterpart assistance experts led the team to carry out minimally invasive surgery. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

"Transforming resource utilization is key." Li Jianguo, president of the Third People's Hospital of Dazhou, believes that the doctoral team itself is a high-quality medical resource, and the strong technical team behind them is also a high-quality medical resource. "Counterpart help is blood transfusion, and we must learn to make blood ourselves. It is necessary to integrate resources, so that business, scientific research, and teaching go hand in hand, practice internal skills, and continuously improve service capabilities. ”

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