
The 75-year-old uncle was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and continued to go to the party without treatment: What, what can I do

author:Lao Li Health said

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"Chen Donghai, what's wrong with you? Why does it look so heavy? As soon as he entered the door, Lao Wang noticed that something was wrong on Chen Donghai's face.

Chen Donghai, 75 years old this year, has always been an optimist, often hangs out in the neighborhood and is quite popular. Hospital, after the results came out, the doctor's face was extremely serious: "Chen Donghai, you have advanced rectal cancer, and it is recommended to start treatment immediately." ”

The 75-year-old uncle was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and continued to go to the party without treatment: What, what can I do

However, Chen Donghai did not show much panic after hearing this, but replied calmly: "Hey, if you can't cure it, God has its own arrangements." I still have so many friends I haven't seen, so I'll have to get done with them first. ”

Chen Donghai did not choose treatment, but immediately went home to continue his life, and the daily visits and meetings seemed to be as usual. This made his family and friends very worried, but Chen Donghai always smiled and said: "At our age, enjoying life is the last word." ”

The 75-year-old uncle was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and continued to go to the party without treatment: What, what can I do

However, behind the scenes, Chen Donghai's handling of this matter was deliberate. The survival rate of rectal cancer patients is closely related to their quality of life. Those with rectal cancer who maintain an active social activity generally have a higher quality of life and may have a longer survival time.

Patients who were socially active and optimistic had a much longer median survival than those who were less socially active.

The 75-year-old uncle was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and continued to go to the party without treatment: What, what can I do

This is not only because of the influence of mentality, but also related to the state of the patient's immune system. Active social activities can improve a person's immune function, thereby inhibiting the deterioration of the condition to a certain extent.

After Chen Donghai learned this information, he was firm in his choice. He doesn't just care about how long he can live, but how he cares about how he lives. He gets together with his friends every day, sharing old anecdotes and occasionally talking about his condition.

The 75-year-old uncle was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and continued to go to the party without treatment: What, what can I do

"This disease, it's not big, it's not small, the key is that I can still sit with everyone happily, that's enough." Chen Donghai always said that.

Chen Donghai's attitude makes him a sight in the neighborhood. Although he is not in the same physical condition as before, he is still able to use his passion, and at some point, he will even explain some things about rectal cancer.

The 75-year-old uncle was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and continued to go to the party without treatment: What, what can I do

"Did you know that rectal cancer actually has a lot to do with our eating habits? Foods high in fiber can greatly reduce the risk of disease, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits are all good things. Chen Donghai's words are simple and popular, but they also make people reflect.

Chen's attitude reflects a lesser-known phenomenon: even in the face of the threat of a major illness, an individual's mindset and social activities may have an even more critical impact on health than certain treatments.

The 75-year-old uncle was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and continued to go to the party without treatment: What, what can I do

Chen Donghai knows that his time is running out, but he is more focused on how to enjoy the rest of his life in his own way. And his choice is not entirely without scientific basis.

A positive mindset and good social interaction have a remarkable effect on improving the quality of life of patients with advanced cancer. A positive attitude towards life can effectively improve the endogenous immunity of cancer patients, thereby delaying the progression of the disease to a certain extent.

The 75-year-old uncle was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and continued to go to the party without treatment: What, what can I do

However, there is a very interesting point here: a positive mindset is not innate, but can be cultivated gradually through daily activities, interactions with people, and even personal self-regulation. This means that even in the face of advanced cancer, patients have the ability to fight the disease by changing their mindset and behavior.

Chen Donghai did just that. Not only does he continue to participate socially, but he also regularly explains to his friends about the medical aspects of rectal cancer and how to improve the quality of life through simple changes in his daily life. He even set an example of changing his eating habits over the years and increasing the proportion of vegetables and whole grains.

The 75-year-old uncle was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and continued to go to the party without treatment: What, what can I do

Chen Donghai's story is not only a story of illness and aging, but also a story of how to find a way out of difficult situations.

He used his own experience to show that even at the end of life, a person's choices can greatly affect his quality of life.

The 75-year-old uncle was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and continued to go to the party without treatment: What, what can I do

This story may make us reflect on what we are really pursuing in the face of life. Chen Donghai chose to live his life on his own terms, and despite his unrelenting illness, his attitude earned respect. To be able to have such an attitude at the end of his life, perhaps, this is his greatest victory.

What do you think about the 75-year-old man who was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 75-year-old uncle was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer, and continued to go to the party without treatment: What, what can I do

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