
Dong Lu: Chinese football player Kwong Zhaolei shines in the Spanish derby, starting the game + two assists!

author:The return of the king WSY

Recently, an internal derby of Chinese football players was held in Barcelona, Spain, where Kwong Zhaolei and Lu Mengyang represented the U16B team of the Ospitalette Sports Center against Wang Xiuhao's Europa U16B team. 邝‬兆镭‬与‬汪‬修‬昊‬均‬首发‬出战‬,比较‬遗憾‬的‬是‬,由于‬球队‬主教练‬的‬“偏见‬”,吕‬孟‬洋‬未‬获得出场‬机会‬。 双方‬场上‬球员‬经过‬90分钟‬的‬激烈‬角逐‬,最终‬,奥斯皮塔莱特体育中心U16B队5-4憾负‬欧罗巴U16B队。 值得一提‬的是,邝‬兆‬镭‬本场‬比赛贡献‬1次‬助攻‬和‬一次‬间接助攻‬,表现‬相当‬出色‬,已经‬成为‬球队‬的‬进攻‬核心‬。

Dong Lu: Chinese football player Kwong Zhaolei shines in the Spanish derby, starting the game + two assists!

In response to this game, Dong Lu, the founder of Chinese football players and a well-known domestic football commentator, posted on his social media platform: "Last night, #中国足球小将 The "Spanish Derby" was staged, and Wang Xiuhao's Europa reversed Kwong Zhaolei's Ospitare 5:4. Xiao Wang started to play the whole game, both offensive and defensive ends, Xiao Kwong started with an assist and an indirect assist, after being replaced in the second half, the team led by 3 goals in a good situation, conceded consecutive goals, collapsed ......"

Dong Lu: Chinese football player Kwong Zhaolei shines in the Spanish derby, starting the game + two assists!

It can be seen from this that whether it is Kuang Zhaolei or Wang Xiuhao, who started the battle, both of them performed quite well. 尤其是邝兆镭,已经成为奥斯皮塔莱特体育中心U16B队进攻‬核心‬。 由于‬邝‬兆‬镭‬脚上‬有‬伤‬,本场‬比赛‬未能‬全部‬发力‬,且‬下半时‬被‬换‬下场‬。 正是‬因为‬邝‬兆镭‬的‬下场‬,让‬球队‬进攻‬大打折扣‬,这才‬被‬反超‬比分‬,进而‬输掉‬比赛‬。

Dong Lu: Chinese football player Kwong Zhaolei shines in the Spanish derby, starting the game + two assists!

Of course, one of the biggest regrets of this game is that Lu Mengyang, who has excellent offensive ability, failed to make his debut, even in the case of the team's weak attack, according to Dong Lu, mainly because the team is going to be relegated, Lu Mengyang has expressed that he will leave the team at the end of the season, and there are still the last two rounds left in the league, the team's head coach does not give Lu Mengyang a chance to play, which is also a helpless thing, I can only look forward to next season, Lu Mengyang's performance in Spain!

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