
Porsche China issued a joint statement with all dealers that they will work together to respond to market changes

Porsche China issued a joint statement with all dealers that they will work together to respond to market changes

2024-05-27 20:05Posted on the official account of Shanghai

(Text/Pan Yuchen Editor/Gao Xin) In response to the previous online rumors that Porsche China and some dealer groups had conflicts on car sales. On May 27, Porsche China issued a joint statement with all authorized dealers. The statement is entitled "Sweeping the Clouds, Gaining Insight and Moving Forward – A Joint Statement between Porsche China and All Authorized Dealers".

According to the statement, the automotive industry is undergoing unprecedented major changes, and Porsche China and dealers are facing a number of complex problems, with opportunities and challenges coexisting. Recently, concerns have been expressed about the cooperative relationship and future development between Porsche and its dealers, and Porsche and all authorized dealers have expressed their understanding and gratitude for their concern.

According to the statement, Porsche China and all authorized dealers have always maintained a long-term and mutually trusting normal dialogue mechanism. In the period of industry change and transformation, automakers should always actively listen to the voices of dealers from the front line, and only by working more closely and supporting each other can manufacturers and dealers better meet the needs of Chinese consumers according to local conditions and achieve sustainable win-win development.

According to the statement, through thorough discussions, Porsche China and all authorized dealers will work together to find effective ways to actively respond to market changes and find new opportunities in challenges. These discussions covered a wide range of levels, including, but not limited to, key areas such as business policy, local customer insights, customer service, and the transition to electrification.

Over the past 75 years, the commitment to building the sports car of its dreams has been the driving force behind the Porsche brand, and it has also brought together a group of like-minded partners, the statement said. Porsche and all dealers value their relationship as business partners, which has been an important cornerstone of their development in China for more than 20 years.

According to the statement, in the face of the wave of industry change, all authorized dealers will work with the brand to sweep away the floating clouds, gain insight into the right view, and stick to the future, so as to achieve rapid development in the new historical stage of the automotive industry.

Porsche China issued a joint statement with all dealers that they will work together to respond to market changes

Before May Day this year, Porsche dealer investors sent a letter to Porsche to ask for subsidies from Porsche China, and about 65% of dealer investors no longer buy cars from Porsche. In response to the demands of dealers, in May this year, Porsche China has successively held meetings with various dealer groups to communicate with each dealer group one by one, and in May, the director of Porsche Global Sales also came to China to listen to the report.

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  • Porsche China issued a joint statement with all dealers that they will work together to respond to market changes

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