
Spain bravely refused! Resolutely do not allow weapons ships destined for Israel to enter the port!

author:I thought


The Spanish authorities responded harshly, rejecting a request for an Israeli steamer loaded with weapons to dock at the port. This initiative demonstrates Spain's courage and sense of justice and sets an example for the world.

Spain bravely refused! Resolutely do not allow weapons ships destined for Israel to enter the port!

The Spanish government has made a great decision! They have categorically refused to allow an Israeli weapons ship to dock in our holy harbor. This is a feat of justice and morality, and we should be proud of Spain's courage!

From what we have learned so far, the Israeli steamer is carrying a large number of weapons that could be used in violation of human rights and international law. However, the Spanish government, defying power and not succumbing to the shackles of interests, decisively made the right decision to protect the security of our country and the whole world.

Spain bravely refused! Resolutely do not allow weapons ships destined for Israel to enter the port!

This refusal not only demonstrates Spain's sense of justice, but also sends an important global message: we will not sit idly by! No matter who they are, no matter how much power they have, we will stand up bravely and defend peace and justice.

This initiative by the Spanish government also sets a global example. Let's think about it: what would become of the world if every country could resolutely refuse to allow ships carrying weapons to enter port, as Spain did? This is undoubtedly a safer and more peaceful world, which we have been waiting for for a long time!

Spain bravely refused! Resolutely do not allow weapons ships destined for Israel to enter the port!

We need to thank the Spanish Government for its courage, but we should also stand in solidarity and support for their decision. At this critical juncture, we call on other countries to follow Spain's example and stand up courageously to protect our world from war and violence!

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