
Why did the 1967 borders become an unbearable consequence for Israel?

author:Wei Wu thinking

As the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to escalate, in April this year, Hamas's senior leaders said in an interview that if Israel is willing to recognize and accept the two-state solution, then Hamas is willing to end the war immediately.

However, in the face of Hamas's compromise, Israel has not reacted and has even continued to launch military strikes in Gaza.

"Hamas must pay for its actions!" The Israeli Prime Minister made a statement to the outside world.

But Israel's voice may seem like a strong hold to outsiders, because Hamas has a weight that Israel cannot bear.

Why did the 1967 borders become an unbearable consequence for Israel?

Before 1967

Back in World War II, Jews poured into Palestine and laid the groundwork for the establishment of the state of Israel.

In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution that decided to divide the territory of Palestine into two parts, one owned by the Israelis, and the smaller part belonged to Palestine, which was originally inhabited by Arabs.

In 1948, the State of Israel was officially established, the only country in the world without clear borders, and its territory and its demarcation with neighboring countries are confusing.

This resolution has sown the seeds of resentment in the hearts of the Palestinian people, and there is a huge and insurmountable divide between Jews and Arabs, not only in terms of religious beliefs and cultural values.

As the leader of the Arab countries, Nasser has also been committed to calling people to revolt against Western oppression and the victory of Zionism.

Under his leadership, Egypt became one of the most powerful countries in the Arab world, which further sparked unease in Israel.

In the decade following the Suez Canal War, relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors began to heat up, and the next round of conflict was imminent.

Why did the 1967 borders become an unbearable consequence for Israel?

In 1956, the Suez Canal was nationalized, supporting neighboring countries in their resistance to French control, thus directly challenging the hegemonic authority of the British and French empires.

Although Britain and France wanted to cooperate with Israel and overthrow the Arab regimes through Israel's hand, the United States stepped in and strengthened the Middle East.

Nasser had tried to encircle Israel by merging Egypt and Syria into the United Arab Republic, but the two countries had their own agendas, and things did not go as smoothly as expected.

In 1964, Nasser convened a conference in Cairo to establish the Joint Arab Command and form the Palestine Liberation Organization to prepare for war.

Arafat began to carry out small-scale attacks in Israel, and the Palestinian question was shown on the global stage.

The United States gradually replaced France as Israel's main supplier of military equipment, while Britain supplied weapons to Jordan and the Soviet Union to Syria and Egypt.

Why did the 1967 borders become an unbearable consequence for Israel?

Obviously, in the context of the struggle for hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union naturally wanted to use all costs to put pressure on the United States through the position of Egypt and Syria.

Prior to this, Israel and the surrounding Arab countries were dissatisfied with the status quo, and the Jews were constantly trying to seize more Palestinian land and strengthen their control over the region, so that the two could not sit at the same table for peace negotiations, and war seemed inevitable.

The Arabs have a strong resentment towards Israel, and are reluctant to even call it by its name, calling it a Jew, or a "Zionist entity".

After being defeated by Israeli forces in two wars, in 1948 and 1956, Arab countries became even more determined to take revenge on Israel.

Israel is equally determined to go to war.

In addition to their fear that their territory is too small to be divided, the idea of taking it for itself has been awaited by Israel, as Jordan controls the Jewish part of the Old City of Jerusalem.

At the same time, the Israelis knew that the Soviet Union had supplied advanced weapons systems to Egypt and Syria, and that Israel needed a victory to establish its own defensive borders and completely defeat the Arab countries in order to achieve peace while guaranteeing its own survival.

"1967 Border"

In the spring of 1967, Israel condemned the Syrian cross-border attack, and tensions between the two countries escalated again, saying that Israel would act if Syria did not stop provocations.

Why did the 1967 borders become an unbearable consequence for Israel?

In April, the verbal threat escalated into hostilities, and the two sides fought in Syrian airspace, with Nasser leading his army across the Suez Canal into a head-on clash with Israel.

The next day, Nasser persuaded Syria and Jordan to attack, but Israel was far stronger than expected.

On 7 June, Israeli forces occupied Nablus without firing a single shot, followed by indiscriminate bombardment of Syria, destroying almost two-thirds of the Syrian air force.

Until June 11, when the two sides reached a ceasefire, more than 20,000 Arabs were killed in the war, and the Golan Heights, the West Bank and the Sinai Peninsula were forcibly occupied by Israel.

Perhaps the Arab armies may seem to be formidable, but the Israelis have long been well prepared, not only in terms of intelligence and tactics, but also especially in terms of Soviet tactics used by the Egyptians, Israel knows that Egypt's air defense is poor, and that the radar coverage is incomplete, which is crucial to Israel's overall battle plan.

"In 1967, Zionism won too many victories, and in the next two decades it annexed the West Bank and redecided its destiny." This passage may be the best commentary on the 1967 borders.

On June 11, 1967, Israel's de facto control of the territory had tripled, and more than 1.1 million Palestinians were now under Israeli rule.

The Six-Day War was a humiliating shame for Nasser, as were the Palestinians, who did not even have any initiative in the war, but were inconsequential pawns sacrificed in the great power game.

Why did the 1967 borders become an unbearable consequence for Israel?

This also became a critical moment in the political transformation of the Arab world and the beginning of the redistribution of power in the Middle East, when Israel merged East and West Jerusalem after the war and made it its capital.

This boundary has not been universally recognized by the international community, and Israel has not made any concessions, even saying that it could conditionally accept the 1967 Line of Actual Control between the two sides as a future border between the two countries, but in practice it has not been realized.

And to make matters worse, the conflict between Israel and the surrounding Arab countries is not over.

And all this has also laid the groundwork for Hamas's revenge struggle.

Hamas's revenge

At the end of 1987, Hamas led a new organization, the Islamic Resistance Movement, was born.

"Announcing the birth and not the birth." In its first communiqué issued in mid-December, it said that the group had been secretly formed long ago.

Hamas, who is tougher than any of the organization's leaders, said that "the blood of our martyrs should not be forgotten".

A January 1988 leaflet read: "Every drop of blood becomes a time bomb, a roadside dynamite, tearing the intestines of Jews." Only then will they come to their senses. ”

Hamas has made it clear that Muslim values are an important part of its worldview, that the people have woken up, and that the Muslim people are taking revenge for their dignity and returning to their former glory.

The Hamas-led coalition government reiterated the pre-war border line of 1967 and emphasized the establishment of a Palestinian state, a proposal that Israel did not agree to.

Why did the 1967 borders become an unbearable consequence for Israel?

"Don't give in, even a speck of dust from Palestinian soil." This is the Hamas platform, published in August 1988, and there is no other solution to the Palestinian question than struggle.

Hamas believes that the world is unjust and that it is a waste of time to put forward initiatives, proposals and international conferences, and that the Palestinian people should take their destiny into their own hands and should not leave their destiny at the mercy of others.

Not only Israel, but also the Arabs are trying to regain control of Palestine, and in order to resist Israel's armed violence, Hamas has led the Palestinian people to persist in the resistance struggle, and for several years, the conflict between Palestine and Israel has never stopped.

But even so, Hamas remains the last hope in the hearts of the Palestinian people and a symbol of freedom.

The situation became more and more serious, and the United Nations had to step in and issue a resolution demanding that Israel withdraw from the 1967 borders.

The Israeli government, of course, was reluctant to give up the fat in its hands, so it played with words.

They said that the UN resolution only calls for Israel to withdraw from the territory occupied by the conflict, and does not specify which territory it wants.

As a result, Israel has expressed its refusal to return the territories occupied in the third Middle East war and even intends to continue to expand its territorial sphere.


In recent years, Israel has become more rampant, and the balance in the Middle East has begun to tip in Israel's favor.

Beginning in 2023, a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has erupted, and Israel's retaliation against the Hamas regime has become more fierce than before.

Hamas's insistence and cries for a two-state solution have further annoyed Israel, which is still listed as a terrorist organization under Israeli blockade, despite having taken control of Gaza.

The Jews are devouring the hopes of the Palestinian people, whose settlements have long been shattered and difficult to unite as a powerful force.

Why did the 1967 borders become an unbearable consequence for Israel?

Their struggles often end in failure, leaving behind endless pain and helplessness.

Fortunately, however, the international community has always recognized the 1967 borders and the two-state solution, and even the United States, under tremendous pressure from international public opinion, has not dared to openly support Israel's actions.

The Israeli government had long invested significant resources on the 1967 border, but if the 1967 border and the two-state solution had been realized, Israel's efforts over the years would have been in vain.

More seriously, if the United Nations conference adopts the dismantling of the settlements, the Palestinians in Jordan will be united, which will pose an even greater threat to Israel.

Hamas, as the main force in Palestine, has been insisting on resisting Jewish settlements and opposing the 1967 borders, and his enlist of help from the international community, coupled with the two-state solution, will inevitably become Israel's nightmare.

As far as Israel is concerned, the death of Hamas has always been the constant goal, and Hamas's sudden reconciliation, which seems to have made a step backwards, is actually a retreat, which is very embarrassing for Israel, and under the tremendous pressure of the international community, Israel may need to reconsider.

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