
15, Zhuangzi Outer Chapter: Horseshoe

author:A collection of traditional Chinese culture

In the northern steppe of the desert, wild horses move in herds. Ah, a symbol of freedom!

In prehistoric times, it was our ancestors who asked for horses, but horses didn't ask for people. Horses and people used to know each other, and they were truly equal.

Fast hooves run snow and step on solid ice, thick hair resists wind and cold. It is the nature of horses to adapt to the vast and inhospitable environment.

When you are thirsty, you seek sweet springs to drink, and when you are hungry, you seek to eat grass. It is the nature of horses to like to survive independently.

Kick the biting jackals and the hunting hunters. It is the nature of horses to love peace.

The horses bid farewell to their hometown, were sold into the city, and were very surprised to see the high-rise buildings. The mare neighed, "Oh my God, there's a man inside!" The stallion snorted: "I hope we don't live here." ”

The acquaintance with humans is the misfortune of horses. Once it is favored by Mr. Bole, the authority of Soma, and passes the inspection, it is the biggest misfortune of the horse. Bole informed the owner of the horse: "Take the animal and train it." "Thus began the course of suffering.

The head coach of the training class is Bole, surnamed Sun, named Yang, also known as Bole, who waits for Qin Mugong, who loves horses, as a horse master.

In fact, Bole is the common name of a group, which is available in any era and in every country, and can be surnamed Zhang Li Wang and Zhao Qiansun. He said to people, "The specialty of a despicable man is to clean up livestock." He said to the horse, "Friend, I know you." I can see at a glance which of you is superior and who is inferior, who is pure and who is miscellaneous, and who is thousands of miles away from tofu. Please trust me and work with me happily. When the showy horses saw him coming, they were very excited and neighed.

The training course can be divided into two phases.

In the first stage, the stray hairs are burned, the mane is cut and the mane is cut, the pedicure is nailed, the fire mark is marked, the head is put on the head, the iron is chewed, the reins are tied, and the back, chest, armpits, abdomen, and buttocks are tied with belts, and then dragged into the stable, locked in the dregs, and put on the trestle, which is very troublesome. Some horses with a stubborn nature, unable to stand a series of loves, or bite or kick, and do not get evil, so they are dragged to the slaughterhouse, slaughtered and sold. At the end of the first stage, two out of ten horses were killed.

In the second stage, the test of hunger endure, a group of starvation deaths, and the test of thirst resistance, and another group of thirst death. Test the ability to run at high speeds and kill a batch. Suddenly accelerated, said to be cultivating explosive power, and another batch of exhaustion. Rectify the style of work and eliminate free and loose elements. Unify the pace and clean the centrifugal departing molecules. These two types are called black sheep, and they are slaughtered on the spot. By the end of the second phase, five or six out of ten horses were already whining.

Only a small number of horses can graduate from the Bole training class, and all of them have obtained graduation certificates and are called good horses. Because of their different coat colors, they are given good names, such as Hua, Liu, Gong, (Ma Yin), (Ma Xin), Qi, Qi, Qi, Li, Li, Li, Li, all of which are very good. Pity these horses, chewing iron in their mouths, crushing the roots of their tongues and teeth, pulling the reins, strangling their mouths, stumbling and hanging all over their bodies, from the neck around their necks to the anus, and their buttocks are whipped up, and their indescribable embarrassment is completely obliterated. Nature's horse, sadly, has been transformed into a human horse!

How can it be that the horses are rectified, and there are seventy-two lines in the world, and there are Mr. Bole in every line. The potter said: "The specialty of the contemptible man is to make clay and fabricate pottery, round and round, square and square." If you don't believe it, please use the compass to measure the measure. The carpenter said: "The specialty of the contemptible man is to remediate the wood, to create wood, the curve of the curve: straight straight, do not believe it, please use the curve plate to compare, the ruler to measure." "What a lot!

The horse master raped Ma Yi, thinking that the horse should thank him for his kindness. It seems that horses like to be groomed, strangled, whipped.

The potter raped Tuyi, and thought that Tu should thank him for his kindness. It seems that the soil likes to be remediated and pinched into square circles.

The carpenter raped Mu Yi, thinking that Mu should thank him for his kindness. It seems that wood likes to be remediated, bent, and straightened.

Who respects the nature of the horse, the nature of the earth, the nature of the wood, appeals for the horse, appeals for the soil, appeals for the wood. I only heard a voice of appreciation, saying that Master Sun Ma has high skills, that Zhang Potter has strong skills, and that Carpenter Li has good skills.

Seventy-two rows, there is the king.

The king raped the people, thinking that the people should thank him for their kindness. It seems that everyone likes to be governed, managed, and enslaved. He will never know what is wrong with him, just like the seventy-two lines of Bole, large and small, who is proud and does not realize when he dies. Of course, I'm talking about bad kings.

That's not how a good king rules, I'm sure.

A good king can be enlightened. He knew that the people had the eternity of the people. Weaving cloth and dressing, plowing the fields and eating, are the eternity of the people. The king is easy to change, and the people are eternal and unchangeable. All the people have the same ploughing and weaving, and they have the same food and clothing. The same thing is the same virtue. Farming, weaving, food and clothing are the eternal virtues of the people. The good king also knew that the people had the freedom of the people. The people are like wild horses, wild cattle and wild sheep, free to live on the Mobei grassland, each in a herd, everyone is the same, not partial, not friends, once handed over to nature to graze, that is, the heavens. Therefore, the good king let the people have the same morality, let the people let the heavens go, and not make their own opinions, so that the people stopped farming and weaving, and the family was ruined. The king is virtuous, and the people keep it in their hearts. The so-called virtuous world is like this.

Ancient Great Chieftain, a better king than a good king. It was the world of virtue, ruled by inaction, the world was peaceful, and the people and the officials forgot each other. Everyone has a full stomach and a fat body, and they walk with their heads held high and walk with a rattle. No one has to bow their heads to anyone, everyone has a smile in their eyes, looks straight ahead, can't see right and wrong, and doesn't know that you are short and I am long. It's a good time to confuse things and me, and not to distinguish each other. People are happy, and nature is happy. The mountain is not open to traffic and tunnels, and the water is not open to ships and bridges. All things coexist peacefully with people, all lives end up in their hometown, and there is no escape in the world. Mountains and mountains and beasts live together, and trees and birds sing together. The grass is not cut, the wood is not fell, and everywhere is reckless. The tiger and leopard should be friends, or carry forward.

From the ancient world of ignorance to the world of Yao Shun of enlightenment, the supreme virtue shrank and was reduced to virtue, and the chieftain swelled and rose to the rank of king. Good kings and bad kings alternately came to power, and at this time saints appeared. The saint was deaf and intelligent, and he discovered the social crisis, so he was in a hurry. (Three 'shells', such as 'lei') (Upper 'corpse' and lower 'shell') carried out the benevolence like a monument, and rushed to righteousness as if the horse was hurrying. When the people saw him working so hard, not only did they refuse to make fun, but they doubted him: "If people don't make money, who will get up early?" Hee-hee. The sage also felt that the principle of benevolence and righteousness was not very concrete, so he made rituals and music, let the rituals control the behavior of the people, and let the music tame the emotions of the people, thinking that this would help to practice benevolence and righteousness. Little did he know that the result would be an even more serious social crisis. Etiquette leads to deception and becomes a high-level fraud. Music indulges people and becomes low-level entertainment. In the past, every family cultivated and weaved, with one heart and one mind, and everyone was the same. Now it is divided into two, some people are tempered to become hypocrites, and some people are cultivated into real villains. As a result, society is divided and never becomes one. The ideal country collapsed into ruins.

So I said:

If you don't cut down the simple sandalwood, how can there be sandalwood.

If you don't carve sandalwood, how can you have sacrifices.

If there is no sacrifice, how can you worship the gods?

If you don't smash the innocent poof, how can there be white jade.

If you don't cut white jade, how can there be a dynasty version.

If you don't hold the dynasty version, how can you worship the king.

If you don't overthrow the righteousness of the world, who will listen to and advocate benevolence and righteousness.

Don't destroy the common sense of nature, who needs to make rituals and have fun.

Do not indulge in the temptation of multicolor, who goes to see the art pattern.

Do not accept the five tones disturbed, who needs the musical rhythm.

Chop down the simplicity, smash the innocence, the craftsman is a sinner.

Rectify righteousness and morality, destroy nature, and the saint is the culprit.

In the desert grassland, the free wild horses, the simple wild horses, the innocent wild horses, the thirsty self-seeking sweet springs, the hungry self-foraging grass, the happy neck rubbing, the angry turned around and kicked. The lifestyle is simple, and it is enough to learn these four skills. The cunning and ruthlessness of civilized people, the horse does not understand. Horses never dreamed that people could be so bad.

Once rectified, the horse understood. People have policies, and horses have countermeasures. The horses were sent to pull the carts, with a wheel on their backs, a yoke around their necks, and a cumbersome bronze mirror on their foreheads. The horse is lost and alone, looking at everything around him with a sinister gaze. Twist the neck and shrink the neck, and the trick is unyoked. Dragged violently, and the belt broke. Stealing the reins and secretly chewing iron. Ghosts and ghosts are worshipped, like people being thieves. Plain and naïve, completely destroyed. Who forced horses to learn badly? Bole Bole, is it guilty!

In the world of virtue of the ancient chieftain, he ruled by inaction, and every household lived in peace and cultivated. Everyone is free in thought and does not have bad intentions, and acts freely without doing bad things. Laughing while chewing, eating is also dancing. Walk around and get rid of a full stomach. The way of life is simple, and it is enough to learn the skills of farming and weaving. The deceit and greed of future generations, they could not have dreamed of at that time.

The descendants of the saints will carry the benevolence and righteousness, make rituals and make fun, and the world will be messed up. Etiquette deprives freedom of action, benevolence and righteousness hinder freedom of thought, and make every household restless in farming and weaving, but to boast of intelligence and pursue profits. Unconscious ministers, cool officials, profiteers, thieves, hypocrites, and real villains all go into battle together. Simple and innocent, vanished. Who teaches people to learn bad? Saints, saints, take responsibility for making mistakes!

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