
50,000? Not only Huawei mobile phones are "financial products", but M7 has become a "big fat sheep"

author:Fish feed technology

I didn't expect there to be such an amazing melon, 50,000!

Huawei's products are not only the performance ceiling, mobile phones have become "financial products" because of suppression, and now they have become "big fat sheep" because of an accident! Is this "how hateful" to have this treatment?

50,000? Not only Huawei mobile phones are "financial products", but M7 has become a "big fat sheep"

It seems that "industry paraquat" is playing an effective role, but compared with the sales of other manufacturers, even if 100,000 units have been delivered, it is not particularly good, compared with the volume of 300,000 in a quarter and nearly 8W orders as soon as it was listed, in fact, Huawei's car-making performance is just average, why is it so "rewarded"?

Dry electric? It doesn't look like it.,A rough understanding,According to the public's idea of upgrading the car is to improve the comfort experience and sofa color TV refrigerator,And then go to the advanced is to draw a circle of lines to increase the artistic atmosphere,But just when everyone thinks that Huawei makes cars is just these tricks,Intelligent driving technology suddenly appeared on M5!

50,000? Not only Huawei mobile phones are "financial products", but M7 has become a "big fat sheep"

That's right, it's so unreasonable, even if it was Tesla that was hot in the early days of intelligent driving, but Huawei launched it, and the performance of ADS2.0 is far beyond the technical level of cognition!

From strange to familiar, M7 intelligent driving version became popular all over the Internet overnight, who would have thought that not long ago was still looking at the number of cylinders, how could it suddenly take a mobile phone to remote control the car, it is really a "big toy remote control car"!

And it is this sudden impact of intelligent driving that has led to variables in the electric plans of global car manufacturers - suddenly it will not be, how to take it, because this is not high horsepower, nor large displacement, nor is the body design very trendy, this is a very advanced technology installed in the body!

And the manufacturers who have this kind of chip in the world have counted on two fingers, and the number of manufacturers with this technology is less than ten, and the number of manufacturers with this level of technology is not more than the number of a slap!

Nowadays, the situation that makes all manufacturers secretly nervous is that the owner's view of the car has actually changed, and many Western manufacturers want to cover up this change, but it is difficult to resist this curiosity!

50,000? Not only Huawei mobile phones are "financial products", but M7 has become a "big fat sheep"

Suddenly, I found that shouting hydrogen energy seemed to have become quiet, and it seemed that it didn't work, so it stopped, and then I scolded the M7 rear-end incident, and everyone knew that it wouldn't be repeated.

Therefore, Huawei's real power in making cars is not that the sales volume is very high, but the purpose is very clear, that is, intelligent driving, years of accumulation of self-developed intelligent technology, today finally found a platform that can be thoroughly played!

It is the M9, if you think that it is a black technology concentrated together, it is wrong, because this is a car that has almost achieved the price of 500,000 yuan made in the country!

Behind the drive of the entire domestic car supply chain to the high-end, just like the return of Mate60 to drive the operation of the domestic supply chain, so the car is the same, when there is a core technology that can make the local supply chain around the emergence of products, then it will drive the field of technology mass production, upgrading, R&D investment, technology improvement, talent gathering, etc., this is the real influence of a domestic flagship car, the value behind it is more than 10 million.

Therefore, when I see the "5W one", I don't think it's strange, compared with the rise of this huge industrial chain, this investment is not large, because the rise of this chain will drive the overall improvement of domestic electric vehicles again!

50,000? Not only Huawei mobile phones are "financial products", but M7 has become a "big fat sheep"

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