
Chest pain is not only a heart problem, but also the two diseases should be vigilant, and doctors advise not to confuse them

author:Liu Suzhen ear, nose and throat

1. Sudden chest pain may not be a heart attack

One quiet evening, Mr. Li was enjoying dinner at home when suddenly, a sharp chest pain hit him like lightning, making it almost impossible for him to breathe. Seeing this, the family called 120 in a panic and rushed Mr. Li to the hospital.

Chest pain is not only a heart problem, but also the two diseases should be vigilant, and doctors advise not to confuse them

In the emergency room, the doctor made a preliminary diagnosis of suspected myocardial infarction and immediately carried out emergency treatment. However, after a series of detailed examinations, the doctor found that Mr. Lee's chest pain was not caused by heart disease, but another common but easily overlooked condition – gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, as the name suggests, refers to a set of symptoms caused by the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. In addition to chest pain, patients may also experience symptoms such as heartburn, acid reflux, cough, etc.

Because chest pain is similar to the symptoms of heart disease, many patients are easily confused, leading to misdiagnosis and mistreatment. Therefore, the doctor reminds that when encountering chest pain, do not panic, calmly analyze the possible causes, and seek medical examination in time.

Chest pain is not only a heart problem, but also the two diseases should be vigilant, and doctors advise not to confuse them

2. One of the "culprits" behind chest pain: gastroesophageal reflux disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common digestive disorder characterized by the reflux of stomach acid or food into the esophagus, causing symptoms such as chest pain and heartburn.

The causes of this disease are varied, including poor eating habits, stress, obesity, smoking, etc. Long-term neglect of the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease will not only affect the quality of life of patients, but may also lead to more serious complications, such as esophageal stricture, esophagitis, etc.

To confirm the diagnosis of GERD, doctors usually base a diagnosis based on the person's medical history, symptoms, and physical examination results. In addition, some special examination methods, such as esophageal pH monitoring, endoscopy, etc., can also help to make an accurate diagnosis.

Chest pain is not only a heart problem, but also the two diseases should be vigilant, and doctors advise not to confuse them

In terms of treatment, patients first need to adjust their lifestyle habits and dietary structure, such as avoiding excessive eating, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, and maintaining a happy mood. At the same time, the doctor will also prescribe corresponding medications, such as antacids, prokinetic drugs, etc., to relieve symptoms and promote the repair of the esophageal mucosa.

3. Another cause of chest pain that is easily overlooked: intercostal neuralgia

In addition to gastroesophageal reflux disease, intercostal neuralgia is one of the common causes of chest pain. Intercostal neuralgia is pain caused by irritation or compression of the intercostal nerves, usually in bands along the area of the ribs.

The causes of this disease are varied, including spinal lesions, thoracic degeneration, viral infections, etc. Symptoms of intercostal neuralgia may come on suddenly or gradually worsen, causing great distress to the patient.

The treatment of intercostal neuralgia requires first identifying the cause and treating the cause specifically. For example, if intercostal neuralgia is caused by a spinal lesion, the patient may need physical therapy or surgery.

Chest pain is not only a heart problem, but also the two diseases should be vigilant, and doctors advise not to confuse them

At the same time, the doctor will also prescribe medications such as analgesics, neurotrophic drugs, etc., to relieve pain and promote the recovery of nerve function. During the treatment process, patients also need to maintain a positive attitude and cooperate with the doctor's treatment plan in order to recover as soon as possible.

4. How to seek medical treatment correctly for patients with chest pain to avoid misdiagnosis and mistreatment

In the face of sudden chest pain, how should patients seek medical attention correctly to avoid misdiagnosis and mistreatment? First of all, the patient should stay calm and not panic. When chest pain strikes, you can try to record information such as the nature, location, and duration of the pain so that you can provide it to your doctor when you see a doctor.

Secondly, seek medical attention in a timely manner and do not delay. Chest pain can be a sign of a variety of conditions, and prompt medical attention can help identify the cause as early as possible and prevent the condition from getting worse. When choosing a hospital and doctor, patients should choose a formal medical institution and an experienced professional doctor to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Chest pain is not only a heart problem, but also the two diseases should be vigilant, and doctors advise not to confuse them

During the medical treatment process, the patient should actively cooperate with the doctor's examination and treatment plan. If doctors suspect heart disease is causing chest pain, tests such as an electrocardiogram (ECG) and color ultrasound may be needed. If gastroesophageal reflux disease or intercostal neuralgia is suspected, tests such as gastroscopy, x-rays, etc., may be required.

During the examination, patients should be truthful about their symptoms and medical history and should not conceal or exaggerate their condition. At the same time, during the treatment process, patients should follow the doctor's instructions to take the medication on time, have regular check-ups, and do not stop the drug or change the treatment plan on their own.

5. Daily care and prevention of patients with chest pain

For patients with chest pain, in addition to receiving professional medical treatment, daily care and prevention are equally important. First of all, patients should maintain good living habits and dietary structure, and avoid overwork, mood swings and other adverse factors. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to dietary hygiene and avoid overeating and eating irritating foods.

Chest pain is not only a heart problem, but also the two diseases should be vigilant, and doctors advise not to confuse them

Secondly, patients should carry out appropriate physical exercise to enhance physical fitness and resistance. You can choose low-intensity exercise methods such as walking, jogging, and yoga to avoid strenuous exercise aggravating chest pain symptoms.

In addition, patients should also pay attention to keeping warm and cold, and avoid chest pain caused by respiratory infections such as colds. At the turn of the seasons or when the temperature changes greatly, it is necessary to increase or remove clothing in a timely manner to maintain indoor air circulation. At the same time, it is important to maintain a happy mood and avoid the effects of excessive anxiety and nervousness on chest pain. Family members should also give full care and support to the patients to help them build confidence in overcoming the disease.

Chest pain is not only a heart problem, but also the two diseases should be vigilant, and doctors advise not to confuse them

6. Summary and appeal: Pay attention to the multiple causes behind chest pain

In summary, chest pain is not only a sign of heart disease, but can also be a manifestation of various diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux disease and intercostal neuralgia. Therefore, when facing chest pain, patients should stay calm, seek medical attention in a timely manner, and actively cooperate with the doctor's examination and treatment plan.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to daily care and prevention work to avoid the stimulation of adverse factors to aggravate the condition. Doctors should also strengthen publicity and education to improve the public's awareness and vigilance of the multiple causes behind chest pain, so as to reduce the occurrence of misdiagnosis and mistreatment. Let's focus on the health and well-being of people with chest pain and contribute to their speedy recovery.

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