
Everything you want will always come to you in another way

author:Wine and laughter

"Originally the green lantern did not return to the guest, only because of the turbid wine love red dust." Starlight does not ask passers-by, and the years pay off. "Persistence does not represent victory. Someone asked me, why do I always refuse to let go? But have you thought about it? Are you telling me to give up halfway?

Everything you want will always come to you in another way

Once into the red dust as deep as the sea, there is no turning back arrow when opening the bow. How can affection be affectionate without affection? Without persistence, moving forward is just a change of pit jump. One thing is not done well, and the other things can be done well. Rolling red dust is a life of urging, and another way of living may not be able to live better. When it hurts, it doesn't have to be let go; when it hurts, you know the depth of the wound and the joy of the pain. Relative to the luck of others, it is clear that it is not easy to know yourself, fate will not only tease you once, it will only increase the weight layer by layer on your shoulders, why should you think about it? Like to add it to add it, the heart has a responsibility and does not accept to lose, a thousand pounds is easy to light as a feather.

Everything you want will always come to you in another way

Fate does not follow it, and the years do not grow old by my heart. Hardships and hardships do not dictate my attitude towards the scenery along the way. It is not easy to get a thousand gold, and the prosperity of the future is not a dream. Loneliness is only for you to listen to the voice of the heart, loneliness teaches you to be alone, silence requires you to know how to listen. Black gold is also gold, and everything you want will always come to you in another way.

Everything you want will always come to you in another way

Spend time on your face and reap beauty; spend your energy on making money and harvesting wealth naturally; spend your heart on deceitfulness, which leads to hatred. Life is not long, ugly and live long; grow bad, grow old fast; adhere to the original intention, to always, not to live up to the qing!

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