
Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)

author:Dongying is a jack of all trades
Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)

Introduction to the advanced research project


Art is the instinctive demand of human beings, whether it is ancient art, or later calligraphy and painting art, it is people's material and spiritual appeal, comprehensively promote the academic upgrading of Chinese traditional culture practitioners, unite all forces to strengthen the service of traditional cultural talents, and hold a special "calligraphy art advanced research short course (Tokyo)". The class aims to promote traditional Chinese culture and allow students to learn traditional calligraphy techniques in a short period of time.

As a research and teaching university, China Academy of Art has always stood at the forefront of the art of the times, with a sense of historical mission and responsibility for the revitalization of national art, adhering to the school motto of "Xingjian, Jujing, Huitong, and Fulfillment", advocating the academic idea of "multiple interactions and differences", creating a talent training environment of "general character, art, science, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign", and focusing on the two core tasks of "building a world-class art discipline characterized by Oriental studies, and creating a new humanistic education system with artistic creation as the core and social aesthetic education as the responsibility". Under the vision of the development of the new era, according to its own characteristics, our institute integrates and optimizes the superior resources of the college, innovates the teaching mode, establishes a standardized management system, consolidates the national advanced training demonstration base, and creates a new landmark for advanced training in the field of art continuing education. The purpose of this enrollment is to meet the requirements of the majority of calligraphy lovers and cultivate more talents in this field.



1 The seal book is in flux
2 Comparison of seal carvings between Japan and China
3 The copying and creation of the Chinese seal
4 Special lectures by experts and scholars


Faculty Profile

(In no particular order)

Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)


Female, born in 1958. Former President of the Chinese Academy of Arts, Honorary President of the Academy, member of the Creation and Degree Committee of the Chinese Academy of Arts, and doctoral supervisor. He is a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Expert Committee of the National Art Fund, and an expert enjoying special government allowances from the State Council. Director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Deputy Director of the Female Calligraphers Committee, and Director of the Xiling Seal Society.

Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)

Chen Dazhong (Academic Host)

His real name is Chen Jianzhong, born in May 1962, from Wuxi, Jiangsu. He studied at the China Academy of Art and received his bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. He is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor at the China Academy of Art. Deputy Director of the Seal Calligraphy Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Director of the Xiling Seal Society, and Librarian of the Zhejiang Provincial Research Museum of Culture and History.

Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)

Zhang Gengyuan

Also known as Zhang Gengen, the number is scattered. Born in 1938, he is a native of Zhangjiagang. Retired from the China Academy of Art, he is currently the director of the Xiao Xingyin Research Office of the Xiling Seal Society, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the president of the China Portrait Printing Research Association, the consultant of the Kaiming Painting Institute of the Central Committee for Promoting Democracy, a librarian of the Zhejiang Research Museum of Culture and History, a distinguished painter of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the vice president of the Zhejiang Kaiming Painting Institute.

Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)


Born in Tongxiang, Zhejiang, he went to Japan in 1992 to study with a doctorate in literature and art.

He has held solo exhibitions in Ginza, Tokyo, Yokohama, Chiba and Tongxiang, Zhejiang. In 2014, he was awarded the "Calligraphy Cultural Meritorious Award" by the Japanese "Art Magazine". In 2019, he was awarded the Calligraphy Contribution Award by the Sankei International Book Club. CCTV's "Chinese World" program has made a special introduction.

It is now:

Chairman of the Japanese Chinese Humanities Federation, President of the All Japan Chinese Printing Society, Honorary Chairman of the All Japan Chinese Calligraphers Association, Judge of the Japan Sankei International Book Fair, Researcher of the Chinese Seal Carving Art Academy, Visiting Professor of the Institute of Calligraphy and Seal Carving of Beijing Language and Culture University, Member of the Xiling Seal Society, Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, President of the Japan Jinou Art Academy.

Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)

Lv Jun

Born in 1964, he is a native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

He is currently a member of the Xiling Seal Society, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the vice president of the All Japan Chinese Calligraphers Association, and the vice president of the All Japan Chinese Printing Society.

Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)

Liu Xiaokang

The word Xicen was born in Yongkang, Zhejiang Province in 1965 and studied under Mr. Zheng Dehan. He is currently a member of the China Association for the Promotion of Democracy, a member of the Xiling Seal Society, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, the deputy secretary-general of the Zhejiang Calligraphers Association, the deputy director and secretary-general of the Seal Script Professional Committee of the Zhejiang Calligraphy Association, the vice president of the Zhejiang Oracle Bone Literature Association, the president of the Pegatron Printing Society, and a researcher of the Ancient Character Calligraphy Creation Research Center of the China Academy of Art.

Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)

Zhou Yiyang

A native of Changxing, Zhejiang, he was admitted to the School of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy of the China Academy of Art in 2014, and was admitted to the graduate school without examination in 2018, and graduated in 2021.

Note: The above teachers are in no particular order, subject to the actual attendance, and according to the actual situation, experts and scholars will be invited to give on-site lectures and teaching guidance.


recruit students


Good moral character, law-abiding.

The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements stipulated by the international hospital.

2 Under the age of 70, enthusiasts who are interested in calligraphy and seal carving and are willing to put it into action.
3 Due to space constraints, only 20 students are enrolled in each class.



1 Start time: May 27, 2024, the specific class time will be notified separately.
2 Teaching point: 荣丰斋, 2-8-4 Kanda Tsukamachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
3 Duration: 5 days (May 27 - May 31, 2024, including May 27 and 28 in the morning, 29, 30 and 31 in the morning and afternoon)
4 Tuition: 4888 yuan, the tuition fee does not include room and board, book publishing, exhibition fees, etc., and the required materials and tools must be prepared by yourself.


How to apply

If you are interested in applying, please prepare a recent work (electronic version) in advance.

And scan the following QR code through WeChat to fill in the detailed and complete advanced research registration form.

1. Registration date: from now until May 20, 2024 (please call after the deadline)

2. Admission time: After the evaluation of the expert group, the admission notice and admission instructions will be issued in early May 2024. (The registration time is subject to the admission notice)


Certificate of Completion

At the end of the study period and passing the assessment, the School of Continuing Education of China Academy of Art will issue a certificate of completion of the [China Academy of Art Calligraphy and Seal Carving Advanced Research Short Course (Tokyo)].



(Payment can be made to the college account by scanning the QR code through WeChat or Alipay)



Admissions Consultation: 0571-86022136 (Teacher Zhou)

Professional Consultation: 15088312217 (Mr. Zhou)

Mailing address: A4-1, Advanced Training Center, School of Continuing Education, China Academy of Art, No. 168 Xiangshan Road, Zhuantang, Xihu District, Hangzhou

Zip code: 310052


Invitation to Japan: Tokyo Insha

Contact: Han Da

Contact number: 08035029449

E-mail: [email protected]


Location: 〒110-0015 Tokyo-to, Taito-ku, Higashi-Ueno 5-10-2 Higashi-Ueno Joint Building 101

Source: Advanced Training Center of China Academy of Art

Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)

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Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)
Admissions: Calligraphy and Seal Carving Art Advanced Graduate School (Tokyo)

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